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the 20th Century Holocaust


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- Part IX -
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IX. Holocaust Related News


O n l i n e


... preserving the past to protect the future ...

Holocaust Remembrance Day:
Remembering the Victims of the Nazi Holocaust

The Holocaust is not merely a story of destruction and loss; it is a story of an apathetic world and a few rare individuals of extraordinary courage. It is a remarkable story of the human spirit and the life that flourished before the Holocaust, struggled during its darkest hours, and ultimately prevailed as survivors rebuilt their lives.

April 11, 2010
May 1, 2011
April 19, 2012
April 7, 2013
April 27, 2014
April 16, 2015

Adopted by the United Nations on October 2005
                                                        Day -Jan. 27
January 27 of Each Year
March of the Living: Jews, Write It Down
The annual March of the Living between
the notorious Auschwitz and Birkenau death camps in Poland.

... preserving the past to protect the future

Romani Extermination Remembrance Day:
Remembering the Romani Victims of the Nazi Holocaust
August 2nd of Each Year

Poland, One Year After the Holocaust, Being Involved
In the Worst Peacetime Pogrom in 20th-century Europe

Burial of
                                                          Jews in

Jews being buried in Kielce, Poland, in 1946 --one year after the Nazi Holocaust ended, as a result of the Kielce massacre committed by ordinary Polish citizens against their own neighbouring Jews that were able to survive the Holocaust.
To squash these revelations, the 2008 Public Prosecutor of Krakow, Poland announced that it will prosecute anyone under a 2006 law prohibiting anyone from asserting that "the Polish nation" was involved in crimes or atrocities committed by Nazis or communists.
Yes, facing the truth is not easy for a nation where the Anti-semitism appeared to be part of its fabric. The Polish poet Czeslaw Milosz once said that Poland's Communist rulers fulfilled the dream of Polish nationalists by creating an ethnically pure state. That was in the end Hitler's ultimate dream --that of creating an ethnically "pure" Europe.

From: Poland to Prosecute Historian?




 September 23, 2005


+Enlarge Image

September 20, 2005:


Call to Ouster

  August 12, 2005

Murdered Jews

[May 9, 2005 ]
Remembering the Unimaginable in Berlin
A Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Polish Dachau Survivors

 May 1, 2005


( <----- Polish former inmates of the camp carry a wreath.)


                                            Yad Vashem

February 13, 2005:

January 28, 2005


December 25, 2004: Extraordinary Photos and Text Commentary Posted

Suggestions for further material to be included in here are welcome.


Appreciating the permission to reprint Holocaust related material from various News Media Organizations
"Forget You Not"™..