Holocaust Survivors and Remembrance Project
preserving the past to protect the future...
(prezervam trecutul sa protectam viitorul...)

The Mamulari Synagogue turned into a Museum since 1978,
Bucharest, Romania
(next to the Center for the Study of the History of Romanian Jewry)

Selected Links
From Romania on the Holocaust:

Romania Facing Its Past:
Romania and the Holocaust

Romania, After Long Denying the Existence of the Holocaust Within its Territories, Admits its Existence.
The Romanian Newspaper "ZIUA" Carries the Headline "There Was Holocaust"
With the Picture of the Romanian-born Elie Wiesel and the Former Romanian President Ion Iliescu.
The Report of the International Commission on the Holocaust in Romania


Rabbi Safran

Former Chief Rabbi of Romania,
Alexander Safran dies at 95

A Biographical sketch:
Chief Rabbi of Romania from 1940 to 1947


A Homage to the 1941 Martyrs of the Yassy (Iasi) Pogrom
by the Romanian Composer Serban Nichifor

HolocaustMusic-Nichifor, Dirijor Walter Hilgers
About the Conductor Walter Hilgers

Two-minute background music arranged by the Romanian Composer Serban Nichifor