Holocaust Survivors and Remembrance Project: "Forget You Not".


I Survived

the 20th Century Holocaust


"Forget You Not"™:
H o l o c a u s t   S u r v i v o r s   a n d   R e m e m b r a n c e   P r o j e c t
- Part V -
T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S
iSurvived.org >
< ForgetYouNot.org >


                                                    combative critical

                                                  combative critical



The combative critical views presented herein are just that --views...

V. The Holocaust Combative Page

Lion of Judah
The Lion of the Biblical Judah (Yehuda)


B a c k g r o u n d


Nazi's Holocaust, as a genocide occurrence, is a complex subject that has been studied and represented from numerous "angles" and covering a vast array of subjects.

The type of issues that most caught our attention questioned whether we have a stand or a point of view to any of the "sensitive" issues related to the Holocaust, and if so, whether we can find a place in our website where they can be aired. Particularly, we have been asked whether the Holocaust views of Jewish people or establishments can be challenged in here or if they are immune of any such scrutiny, taking into consideration that any such criticism may inevitably alienate some Jewish groups, associations, or persons.

In entertaining the questions about our "view" on the "sensitive" issues of the Holocaust, we recognized quickly two things:

  • that we have not one but many views; and
  • that whatever view or views we may have to a particular issue, they are just that --our views for what they are worth, and are perhaps of little or no importance, in the grand scale of things.

In entertaining the question of whether a Jewish person or establishment can be criticized in here, we saw no problem with that, as criticism between us, in here, is very common and much encouraged to the point that is being demanded.

Thus, pondering of how to respond to all this, we decided that the best course of action would be to publish in here important controversial issues (from Jews and non-Jews alike) that were deemed to have merit and legitimacy related to our work through queries and through selected viewpoints regardless of one's ethnical or religious background.

In addition, we recognized that there will be situations indeed when we have to do much more than presenting queries and controversial viewpoints of others, as we will be forced to take our own stand on a particular issue, discovery, or rebuttal related to our work. In such rare situations, specific articles dealing with that type of issues shall be presented in here by the Managing Editor.

As for the Holocaust deniers, the so-called Revisionists, and the likes that are engaged not to revise History but to deny its existence, we have nothing to consider or debate herein as they are well outside of our sphere of interest. For them, not to be ignored, we have made a "Free Speech" page carrying this motto: "Don't bother me with facts as I see what I want to see ..."


And speaking of Holocaust deniers, the current president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (that denies the existence of the Holocaust) has sponsored a Holocaust cartoon contest. [sic!] In response to that, we have created our own webpage on that masquerade, entitled


"A Contest of Brotherly Love, Iranian Governmental Style."




Thank you for coming here.



Protestant Church at

Current Focus on Dachau and its Protestant Church of Reconciliation:
A Grotesque Display of Religion on the German Soil
or Is it Something Else?




  • How History should judge the Judenrat?
On Judenrat and the Nazi Holocaust


The memory of the collaboration between the Judenrat and the Nazis has tortured me for years.
How do I dare to call it collaboration when the Judenrat had presumably no choice?
I dare because I saw what happened and I experience it. I dare because I want to understand how the Nazis corrupted the Judenrat, left the Jewish population leaderless, and expedited the Final Solution.


Edwin Langberg, Holocaust Survivor, Princeton Univ. Ph.D, and the Author of the 2003 book "Sara's Blessing

<> On the Complex Issue of the Judenrat Component of the Holocaust



From The Simon Wiesenthal Center:

JUDENRAT: The Jewish councils appointed or elected to carry out Nazi orders in the Jewish communities of occupied Europe.

It is hard to judge their actions due to the abnormal circumstances. Some believe they betrayed the Jews by obeying orders, and others think they were trying to gain time and save as many people as possible.


Judenrat Leaders

The Germans imposed Jewish councils (Judenrate) on the Jewish communities of occupied Europe. In addition to administering welfare and social institutions, Judenrat leaders were compelled to enforce German orders, including assisting in deportations to death camps. Their responses ranged from full compliance to suicide.

Summary Background on Jewish Councils (called Judenrate)



Aerial view of
Aerial reconnaissance photograph of Auschwitz showing Auschwitz II (Birkenau)
taken by the U.S. Air Force between April 4, 1944 and January 15, 1945.
The photos were discovered in the Defense Intelligence Archives by two CIA photo analysts in 1978.




RE - In Focus: Oxford University
Dr. Andrew Wilkie's Lab: Israeli Jews Need Not Apply
SUBJECT: Israelis and the high moral ground of the Holocaust
  • Should political views be injected into the flow of science?



  • 1. What, if any, mechanism and criteria is currently in place for rescinding a "Righteous Among the Nations" title and, how many annulments, if any, have been issued?,

  • 2. Can one become a "Righteous" if that respective person (irrespective of the person's deeds), later in life, has been transformed into a hater of Jews and/or a Holocaust denier?, and finally,

  • 3. Has the time not come for the Yad Vashem's "Righteous" program to be amended so that the "Righteous" title be solely based on a person's deeds regarding of that person's race, creed, or religion?



The Gallery of Personages:
Eric Saul
 Harry Bingham IV 
Solly Ganor
K. K. Brattman
 Dr. Stephen Feinstein 
Dr. Lance Hill
Dr. Gunnar Steve Paulsson
Dr. Robert Satloff
Rabbi Abraham Cooper
Dennis Prager
Jonathan Tilove
 Chiune Sugihara 

The Gallery of Places:
The National Holocaust Monument of Romania in Bucharest
Adas Israel Congregation of Washington DC, USA.

. . .

NOTE: Unwilling or unable to deal with the issues raised by our posted critical studies, some that were affected herein joined forces not in debating the issues at hand, but to follow the old adage: if you cannot attack the message, attack the messenger! All the "responses" received from the affected individuals were nothing but 'sour grapes'. The odd Feinstein-Ganor-Saul triangle formed or Hill or Tilove or Saul's most recent individual attacks on the messenger --are all examples of that desperate and pathetic 'sour grapes' approach. By all means, let them enjoy their 'sour grapes' if this is the only thing that they are capable of producing...

Sour Grapes






The Eric Saul Case of Deceit and his "Visas for Life: The Righteous Diplomats" Project:
An Issue of Credibility and Accountability

Visas for Life
I. Opening Statement

II. Hiram Bingham IV as a "Righteous Diplomat"

III. On the issue of Credibility

IV. Eric Saul's Project and Our Rebuttal

V. Damages Created by Mr. Saul's Bogus Holocaust Project

VI. On the Issue of Accountability

VII. Concluding Statement




Response to Eric Saul


Go away
                                                          Eric Saul
Eric Saul

A Desperate Attack by Eric Saul,
the (Great) Holocaust Research Impostor
(with Zero Academic Credentials)
on Kalman Brattman and iSurvived.org


On Eric Saul's ISRAH
Institute for the Study of Rescue and Altruism in the Holocaust



                                                          Bingham IV         
The Hiram "Harry" Bingham IV Case: Unlocking Uncle Harry's Secrets


I. Opening Statement

II. Hiram Bingham IV in Marseille, France

III. Unlocking Uncle Harry's 1st Secret:
          He Was No Hero of the Holocaust and Rescuer of Jews

IV. Unlocking Uncle Harry's 2nd Secret:
           He Was No Angel

V. Unlocking Uncle Harry's 3rd Secret:
           Transformed Into a Hater of Jews and a Holocaust Denier

VI. Concluding Statement

VII. The Final Outcome of This Complex Case:
A Good Man with a Heart of Gold but No Hero of the Holocaust







Solly Ganor
The Other Solly Ganor:
The Solly Ganor Case of Credibility and Deceit:
.Solly Ganor, the Lithuanian Holocaust Survivor,
Seeking Fame and Glory out of the Ashes of the Holocaust
With a Little Help From His American Found Friend and Coach, Eric Saul

I.  Opening Statement

II. Who Is Solly Ganor?  

III. Open Questions on Solly Ganor

IV. Questioning Mr. Ganor's Grandiose Praises
Purportedly his "Light One Candle" Book Had Received  

V.  On Solly Ganor's Plug
on Eric Saul's "Visas for Life" Exhibit in Jerusalem  

VI.  Concluding Remarks
(With Postscript)

Solly Ganor's Blatant Deceit in the PBS Documentary on Sugihara

Standing Corrected in the Solly Ganor Case


To the Editor

Mr. Brattman:
"Polish mothers should
spell your name to their children,
to imprint in them a fear of a Zionist monster."

From: "Dr." Piotr Bein,
"specialist" in de-bunking propaganda


Editor's Remarks on Poland's Deep Anti-Semitism During the Holocaust
In Response to a Furor from the Polish Community
in San Francisco, California, USA
Over an Article Published in The Los Angeles Times





Rabbi Cooper

Responding to Rabbi Abraham Cooper's Bizarre Stab-in-the-Back Attack On Us
Under the Umbrella of Attacking an "Agenda of Hatred"
Opposing Rabbi Cooper's Drive in Censoring the Internet

"The Web is not a debating society.
It's there for marketing and advertising." [sic!] 
Rabbi Cooper 



I. Opening Statement

II. On the Absurdity of Rabbi Cooper's Campaign in Censoring the Internet

III. On the Hypocrisy of Rabbi Cooper's Concerns
with respect to the quality of information posted in the "open" Internet

IV. On Rabbi Cooper's Nonsensical Claim
that our Holocaust Memorial Website Foster an Agenda of Hatred

V. On the Issue of Character Displayed by Rabbi Cooper

VI. Concluding Statement



On March 4, 2008, Dr. Stephen Feinstein, 65, died unexpectedly of
a brain aortic aneurysm (that resulted in a heart attack) while speaking
at The Sabes Foundation Minneapolis Jewish Film Festival.
May he rest in peace.

Editor's Critical Assessment
On the Current Mainstream Definitions and Usage of the Word 'Holocaust'

[Blasting Dr. Stephen Feinstein's Preposterous Holocaust Course]


"The poor guy [Brattman] who runs this site [iSurvived.org], couldn't understand Elie Wiesel's statement that the Holocaust is a mystery [sic!] going alongside a statement that it can be narrated in a logical way, the opinion of most historians."

Dr. Stephen Feinstein, Minesota Monitor,
(Posted and Retracted), Dec. 15, 2006. 

Editor's Note: Only Holocaust deniers embrace such a view that "the Holocaust is a mystery" and no such preposterous statement is to be found attributed to Elie Wiesel. In his 1969 Memoir, "And The Sea Is Never Full" and elsewhere, Elie Wiesel repeatedly talks about how difficult is for one to comprehend the enormous and unamiginable calamity of the Holocaust. But that difficulty and struggle in our comprehension of the magnitude of that tragedy needs not be twisted around to regard the Holocaust as being a "mystery" which clearly it was not.

Dr. Stephen Feinstein


NOTE 1: As a result of this posted critical study on the current mainstream definitions of the Holocaust and the blasting of Dr. Stephen Feinstein's preposterous Holocaust course, this website <iSurvived.org> is now ranked No. 1 in Dr. Stephen Feinstein's Blacklist, surpasssing even the No. 1 Holocaust Denier website, on the grounds that this <iSurvived.org> website is "Very combattive [aka 'combative'] and arrogant site" [sic!].

NOTE 2: On January 7, 2008, we have added Dr. Feinstein's input on the Solly Ganor case.


Feinstein's CHGSDr. Stephen
                                                          FeinsteinFeinstein's CHGS
Taking Exception to Dr. Stephen Feinstein's Teachings of the Holocaust
* On the Purported Myth of the 11 Million Holocaust Victims
* On the Purported Feud Between the Late Simon Wiesenthal and Elie Wiesel
* On the Exclusion of Homosexuals and Romanies (Gypsies) from the Victims of the Holocaust

Updated Note on Dr. Feinstein's Blacklist


iSurvived.org Site Downgraded to No. 2
Dr. Stephen Feinstein's Blacklist


Dr. Hill   
Rebuking Dr. Lance Hill's Trivialization of the Holocaust and its Tragic Legacy
| .





steve paulsson

Dr. Steve Paulssson
 "They don't like me in Israel." 
Dr. Paulsson
  Nor do they like him in Academia, anywhere. 

Posting Dr. Gunnar Steve Paulsson's Analyses and Views on Poland During the Holocaust Years:

I. On the Marginal Role of Poles In Abetting the Nazi Perpetrators

Editor's Note: On May 27, 2004, in response to some members of the Polish Community from California, we posted an editorial entitled "Poland's Past During the Holocaust VS. Poland's Present Remembrance of its Wartime Victims" where, inter alia, this remark was made by this editor that during the Holocaust years,

"the overwhelming great majority of Poles at best remained indifferent and at worst committed atrocities beyond any human dimension."

. That statement caught the attention of Dr. Paulsson who provided a lengthy refutal that is posted in full herein.
.Dr. Paulsson thesis and premise that "the Jews of Poland where under no particular threat prior to their ghettoization" is preposterous beyond words reaching perhaps the level of the Absurd as it contradicts a massive body of prima facie evidence.

Dr. Steve Paulsson


.Dr. Paulsson 's views and "research" purporting to represent mainstream Holocaust scholarly work is anything but that. No surprise that in Israel he is considered to be an outcast. "They don't like me in Israel" [sic!], noted Dr. Paulsson.
. No surprise that Dr. Paulsson is not being liked anywhere in academia, either. Indeed, only four (4) years after he got his Ph.D., in 1998, no academic center, anywhere in the world, has wanted to have anything to do with Dr. Paulsson. "So academia is out --what now?," is asking Dr. Paulsson with respect to his future in a posted blog of Feb. 11, 2008.

As Dr. Paulsson noted in the same blog, "it's been 10 years since I got my Ph.D. and not a hint of a tenure-track post anywhere." Dr. Paulsson, since 2002 is a freelancer, although as he noted in the referenced blog "I've tried going into business --not where my talents lie, I lost $200,000 --and freelancing, no money there. So I'm stumped."

.Dr. Paulsson, for sure, cannot find refuge under the umbrella that he is of Jewish descent nor that his mother (according to him) apparently was a survivor of Auschwitz and Ravensbruck camps.

Poland, One Year After the Holocaust Ended, Being Involved
In the Worst Peacetime Pogrom in 20th-century Europe

Burial of
                                                          Jews in

Jews being buried in Kielce, Poland, in 1946 --one year after the Nazi Holocaust ended, as a result of the Kielce massacre committed by ordinary Polish citizens against their own neighbouring Jews that were able to survive the Holocaust and return back to their homes.
To squash these revelations, the 2008 Public Prosecutor of Krakow, Poland announced that it will prosecute anyone under a 2006 law prohibiting anyone from asserting that "the Polish nation" was involved in crimes or atrocities committed by Nazis or communists.
Yes, facing the truth is not easy for a nation where the Anti-semitism appeared to be part of its fabric. The Polish poet Czeslaw Milosz once said that Poland's Communist rulers fulfilled the dream of Polish nationalists by creating an ethnically pure state. That was in the end Hitler's ultimate dream --that of creating an ethnically "pure" Europe.

From: Poland to Prosecute Historian?





steve paulsson


Hate campaign alleged
                                                          by Steve
 .II. Dr. Paulsson's Additional Commentary in Refuting the Editor's "Hate Poles" Campaign

Editor's Note:
In Dr. Paulsson's additional commentary posted in full
herein, he notes that when he stated that

"the Jews of Poland where under no particular threat prior to their ghettoization," he "of course ment that their lives were not yet threatened."

.Why that "of course" is anyone's guess as no person in his/her normal state of mind can reach such inference.
. The threat against Polish Jews prior to to their ghettoization was most visible indeed through many forms of manifestation that ultimately --during the Holocaust years-- culminated with their lives. The massive grief and sufferings of the Jewish Polish population prior to to their ghettoization is beyond dispute through the existing massive body of prima facie evidence.
.Dr. Paulsson's new commentary represents, in the view of this editor, an academic exercise into the abyss employing bizarre and incoherent reasoning as the one exemplified below:

"many Jews felt threatened ...but there was as yet no concrete threat that the Poles could be expected to respond to."

.That type of argument and double talk that there was a treat but not a "concrete threat" [sic!] --which is the premise upon which his entire argument is build-up-- is completely nonsensical particularly when he notes subsequently that in fact some 300,000 Jews saw an imminent threat to their livelihood as they fled Poland. That kind of wish-wash talk and academic garbage need not be left unexposed and be allowed to pass unchallenged.

Jews fleeing
Polish Jews fleeing Poland for no apparent reason and without a "concrete threat"
according to Dr. Paulsson's "research" and view posted
Photo Credit: <vilnaghetto.com/gallery/album11/Polish_Holocaust_Fleeing_Jews>

| .


Islam Balance at
                                                          cartoonsIslam Balance at
                                                          cartoonsDr. Robert
.Questioning Dr. Robert Satloff's Drive
in Reopening the Khaled Abdul-Wahab Case

| .

  "I am a good and careful reporter"  
Jonathan Tilove
Responding to Jonathan Tilove's Public Attack on Our Critical Studies, in General,
and on the Solly Ganor's Case of Credibility and Deceit, in Particular

 "The time has come to show 
 more social responsibility.
 If not, the state will step in." [sic!]  

Dr. Karine Barzilai-Nahon 


I. Opening Shots

II. Shooting Aimlessly at Our Message on Solly Ganor's Lack of Credibility and Deceit

III. Practice Shooting at the Type of Evidence Presented

IV Shooting with Impunity at the Messenger

V. Shooting at Random, Left and Right, in the Hope that Something Will be Hit

VI. The Last Shots

.Tilove's "Kafkaesque Dilemma":
This Holocaust Remembrance Website Is Supplying Reputable Holocaust Information
-- A Real Problem for Jonathan Tilove:
"ISurvived is mostly a compendium of Holocaust information
built through links to hundreds of reputable Holocaust archives and Jewish education sites."
 Why Google and other Internet search engines are ranking this website "so high in their results"? 
-- Jonathan Tilove's consuming question as "no evidence of any deceptive practice" was found to exist.
..Let Jonathan Tilove, the good and careful reporter, and the like angels struggle with this dilemma ...
| .



Dennis Prager
"Judeo-Christian values are the greatest single protection against another Holocaust." [sic!]


Dennis Prager, New York Times, p. A26, Dec 22, 2006. 


.Dennis Prager, a Dogmatic Racist Religious Moralist,
Has Joined The United States Holocaust Memorial Council

appointed by no other than the 43rd US President George W. Bush
a person the has harmed the interests of the United States more than any other person in history.
| ..


.An Open Invitation
to Yad Vashem --The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority
  for Revisiting the Sugihara Story in View of the New Detailed Documentation Coming From Japan  

On April 27, 1988, the Israeli government issued a stamp commemorating the 50th anniversary of the founding of Israel that honored the Righteous Among the Nations.
The portraits of five people were shown, and Sugihara Chiune was one of them.

~ Revisiting Japan and the Sugihara Story During the Holocaust Years ~

Bucharest, Romania.

                                                          Memorial in
A Call for the Government of Romania to Recognize that  the Posted Holocaust Memorial Plaque in its National Holocaust Monument Must Be Modified to Acknowledge Both the Victims and the Romanian Regime Responsible for the Commission of Crimes Against Humanity.



.Washington DC, USA.

Questioning the Line of Business, Ethics and Morality
of the Adas Israel Congregation of Washington DC, USA
In Conjunction With Its Existing Garden of the Righteous




Andrew Hollinger, Paul Shapiro, Arthur Berger, Sara Bloomfield Must Resign from the USHMM

The 1933 Vatican Concordat With Hitler's Reich
by Robert A. Krieg, Professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame, USA.

Did the Holocaust Play a Role in the Establishment of the State of Israel?

The Holocaust, Israel and Us
by Rabbi Barry H. Block

Essay Linking Liberal Jews and Anti-Semitism Sparks a Furor

America, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Holocaust

How Bush's Grandfather Helped Hitler's Rise to Power

On Poland's Past During the Holocaust VS.
Poland's Present Remembrance of its Holocaust Victims

by K. K. Brattman

              Questioning the Poles anti-Semitism during the Holocaust Years:
































An Enduring Myth: "The Poles Were Worse Than the Nazis."
by Deborah Lipstadt

Editor's Bite:


The Poles may not have been worse than the Nazis,
but for sure they were not far behind ...


Please see the references below:

The Killing After the Killing

After the Holocaust ended in 1945, Poland's surviving Jews still faced hatred from their fellow citizens.


 Anti-Semitism and The Holocaust  

Poland was Germany's dress rehearsal for the slaughter of Jews...

.Hitler Strikes Poland:
Blitzkrieg, Ideology, and Atrocity
by Alexander B. Rossino
Publisher: University Press of Kansas (2003)

Poland, One Year After Auschwitz, Being Involved
In the Worst Peacetime Pogrom in 20th-century Europe
                                                          procession at
Burial of
                                                          Jews in

Jews being buried in Kielce, Poland, in 1946 --one year after the Nazi Holocaust ended, as a result of the Kielce massacre committed by ordinary Polish citizens against their own neighbouring Jews that were able to survive the Holocaust and return back to their homes.


From The New York Times:

From Washington Post: Remarks by Elie Wiesel


Mourners at the burial of victims of the Kielce pogrom, Poland, July 1946.

May God Have Mercy on Poland's
Monstrous Anti-Semitic Deeds, Or Nobody Will.

Fear by
                                                          Jan Gross
Poland Debates its post-Holocaust History and anti-Semitism
                                                          debate on

                                                          by Michlic
and the book review
The Power of Hate
by Dr. Laurence Weinbaum

One survivor cited by Michlic noted:
"For years the Poles have been dreaming of getting rid of the Jews and now at last Hitler does it for them.... At bottom they are delighted, however horrified by the inhuman cruelty. The Krauts devouring the Kikes: what could be sweeter?"

Shimon Peres's Exercise into the Absurd:
A Presidential Exoneration
by Dr. Efraim Zuroff, chief Nazi-hunter of the Simon Wiesenthal Center
Krakow Church of 2008 Holds Service Under the Posters Declaring:
"The Kikes Will Not Continue to Spit on Us."

A Round-up of
                                                          by Dutch
A Round-up of Collaborators by Dutch troops, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
[Photo Credit: United States National Archives]

Wartime and Postwar Dutch Attitudes Towards the Jews: Myth and Truth
  by  Manfred Gerstenfeld, 1999, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.

 Watch Out, Israel! The Holocaust is Coming to Get You!
by Sam Schulman (Jewish World Review).

Commentary by Dr. Gerhard Falk on the so-called "Holocaust Industry"

A Blistering Critique by Professor Omer Bartov on Norman G. Finkelstein's Book "The Holocaust Industry"

Ward Churchill's "Assaults on Truth and Memory"
[making the case of the Jewish bias research claims that led in camouflaging the historic parity between the Gypsies and the Jews as victims of the Holocaust.]

Views by U.S. Law Professor Ronald Rychlak

Postwar Catholics, Jewish Children, and a Rush to Judgment
by Law Professor Ronald J. Rychlak, University of Mississippi

Jewish Children After World War II: A Case Study
A short summary of the Finaly Affair, in which a Catholic woman took in two Jewish boys and kept them after World War II.
by Law Professor Ronald J. Rychlak, University of Mississippi





King Boris III of
                                                          Bulgaria with

King Boris III of Bulgaria --a Hero or a Villain of the Holocaust?


Holocaust Background Information


Heroes and Heroines of the Holocaust


Faces and Voices of Holocaust Survivors


Holocaust Studies and Related Topics


The Holocaust Combative Page


Holocaust Selected Readings, Photos, and Items of Interest


Holocaust Selected Books


Descendants of the Holocaust


Holocaust Related News


Holocaust Memorial Drives

.Suggestions for further material to be included in here are welcome.

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.For those affected or distressed by our critical views, we offer no apologies...

Supporting  Free  Speech  but  Not  Hate  Speech  on  the  Net.