The Last Shots
At what else,
Mr. Tilove could be shooting as he apparently exhausted
every conceivable place and avenue? Well, not quite.
Mr. Tilove found still a remote place for his
shooting at us, as he took a shot at the spelling of the
word "imposter" that was placed by us in the coding of a
page (for reason that we do not care to divulge) but not
in the visible page itself. Ironically, Mr. Tilove, tired
perhaps of all his shootings, spelled at the end of his
article, in the same wrong way the word "impostor." This
last shot of Mr. Tilove appears to be an accidental
shooting into his own foot, but sporting accidents do
Now that all the
shootings of Mr. Tilove have ended, and we are still
intact, we may want to take advantage of this to conclude
our public response to Mr. Tilove's article with these
final comments and observations.
In interviewing
Mr. Ganor, Mr. Tilove writes that
considered suing [Brattman], but was told it
could prove expensive and futile.
He complained to the major Internet search
Ganor, as we saw, considered almost everything under the
sun but to confront the massive evidence of deceit that
we have uncovered.
and deflecting the attention of the real issues of the
case --namely, his credibility with
respected to his purported experience of
the Holocaust, will not make them go away. They are here
to stay for the foreseeable future.
Mr. Ganor
sought also to find some refuge in Franz Kafka's work as
if that would have shelter him from our scrutiny. Should
Mr. Ganor would have read Kafka's work, he perhaps
would have recognized that in fact the implicit denial of
responsibility is central in Franz Kafka's work. The time
is long overdue for Mr. Ganor to face his own
responsibility and stop deflecting it
his nonsensical article, Mr. Tilove found apparently some
sympathy from Dr. Karine Barzilai-Nahon
Mr. Tilove introduced her as a "a professor at the
University of Washington's Information School" when, in
fact, she is only an assistant professor therein
--a long, very long way to the professorship title).
She is being
quoted in Tilove's nonsensical article with this:
is Kafka," Karine Barzilai-Nahon, a professor
at the University of Washington's Information
School, says of Ganor's dilemma.
believes the search engines can no longer
simply plead neutrality in cases like this.
"The time has come to show more social
responsibility," she says. If not, she warns,
the state will step in."
Dr. Barzilai-Nahon's belief that search engines should
incorporate some sort of "social responsibility" filters
or else "the state will step in" is so absurd, in a
democracy, that no rational person can entertain
Just wondering
--in Dr. Barzilai-Nahon's mind-- who will be those
judges setting the "social responsibility" norms for all
of us?
when questioning the truthfulness of one's
account is in conflict with "social
not to the contrary "social responsibility"
demands, in fact, scrutiny of any important
representation and, does not questionable
representations of the Holocaust deserve
vigorous scrutiny?
Dr. Barzilai-Nahon
should know better that a vigorous scrutiny is
essential in any endeavor of importance, and
that the sacred grounds of the Holocaust, most
certainly, need not be left unattended when
people like Solly Ganor roam freely and with
impunity around.
dilemma has nothing to do with Kafka and has everything
to do with Solly Ganor. The time is long overdue for
Mr. Ganor to face his own charade and take full
responsibility for it.
Our two critical
studies on Mr. Ganor --Study No. 1
and Study No. 2--
are here to stay in full visibility, as they are not
going anywhere. Mr. Ganor's concocted representation
of his Holocaust experience cannot and will not be
camouflaged within the sacred grounds of the
Finally, in a
twisted and sickening way, Mr. Ganor is being quoted of
saying this to Mr. Tilove:
"[ B r a t t m a
n ] tells me I'm a Holocaust imposter. He
defames the memory of my mother, who died in a
concentration camp, of my brother, who was shot by the
Of course, no
one here had ever touched upon the memory of his late
mother or brother or of anyone else from his family.
How sick and
desperate a person can be to drag in here the tragic
memory of its own family in an attempt of rescuing
himself from the current scrutiny of his
concocted Holocaust experience and representation.
May God have
mercy on Mr. Ganor's troubled mind.
for Mr. Tilove, his annoyance with our website originated
perhaps when he came to the realization that
is mostly a compendium of Holocaust
information built through links to hundreds
of reputable Holocaust archives and Jewish
education sites."
Mr. Tilove is not alone in being annoyed with
finding a website with reputable Holocaust information.
His "Kafkaesque Dilemma" perhaps is that of not
understanding why Google and other search engines place
reputable Holocaust information "so high in their
Mr. Tilove and the like angels struggle with this
K. K.
August 1, 2006
(August 22, 2006):
We have been made aware that after the posting of this
response to Tilove's nonsensical article,
Mr. Tilove has removed from his webpage
<newhousenews.com/tilove.html> of the Newhose
News Service the link to his article discussed herein
and thus, a visitor to his referenced home page can no
longer be directed to see his "Kafkaesque Dilemma"
article. That article of Mr. Tilove that no
longer can be accessed from his webpage, even if
permanently removed from that website, will stay
posted in here --for the foreseeable future-- as
NOTE 2 (January 7, 2008 ): A correction page on Solly
Ganor with respect to his Dachau imprisonment has been
posted in