by K. K. Brattman
January 13,

current war in Iraq prosecuted by
States of America
with its faithful ally Great Britain
and other puppet Allies is a frightening and shocking
example of blind ambitions roaring out of control at the
expense of surrendering
the truth and moral judgments.

Naturally the common people don't want war...
That is understood. But, after all, it is the
leaders of the country who determine the policy
and it is always a simple matter to drag the
people along, whether it is a democracy, or a
fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a
communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the
people can always be brought to the bidding of
the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is
tell them they are being attacked, and denounce
the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and
exposing the country to danger. It works the
same in any country." -- Hermann Goering
Hitler's Deputy
18, 1946, Nuremberg]
bigger the lie, the more people will believe
--Joseph Goebbels,
Hitler's Propaganda Minister
single person has harmed more the interests of

the Iraq war...
From the 39th President of the United Staes,
Jimmy Carter:
current American administration "has been
consistently very careless with the truth"
... has "been most consistent since the
very origin of the Iraqi war in deliberately
misleading the American people by making false
statements, statements that I'm sure [the
Administration] knew were not true. ...And
to constantly say that anybody that criticizes
any aspect of our misguided policies in Iraq are
unpatriotic and imply our condoning of terrorist
attacks is completely ridiculous and ought to be
refuted forcefully by everybody."
--Jimmy Carter
14, 2006, New York City]
King Live]
York Times Columnist
9/11 to Katrina

Life in the Emerald City:
Inside Iraq's Green
by Rajiv Chandrasekaran,
Baghdad Bureau Chief,
Washington Post
States and the interests of peace around the world (after
Hitler's reign) than the current 43rd U.S. President and,
no single British Prime Minister has harmed more
internationally the interests of Great Britain
than the current one. This British Prime Minister,
bounded by tradition and blind association, has joined
the U.S. in prosecuting an immoral and unjustifiable war
against a sovereign country that, at no time, posed any
threat to the security of U.S. or U.K., nor was
associated, in any way, with the 9/11/2001
American tragedy.
these leaders are an embarrassment and are resented, by a
large margin, in their own respective countries and,
their international arena presence are an affront to the
entire European community and well beyond. Thanks to the
current President of the United States and the current
British Prime Minister, the moral standing of both the US
and UK is now next to zero.
American President and no British Prime Minister has
harmed more the interests of their own countries than the
present ones and, they need not escape
day, every hour, every minute, every second, that these
two leaders continue to remain in power is not only
extremely dangerous and frightening to the world
community, but also is an affront to the conscience of
humanity worldwide. You can fool some people some time,
you even can fool all the people some time, but cannot
fool all the people all the time.
killing and wounding of hundred of thousands of Iraqi
civilians, the sheer devastation of Iraq and instability
created, the irreplaceable lost (through looting and
destruction) of ancient artifacts, books,
manuscripts, artwork, sculptures, etc., that goes back
thousands of years to the beginning of civilization
--on one hand, and the international havoc and
global peace peril created that will continue to
reverberate for many, many years to come --on the other
hand, represent --unmistakably--
Against Humanity.
(Of course,
we all remember how World War II started with Nazi
Germany attacking Poland in 1939 that was based on a
rationale and propaganda not too different than the one
advanced by the current American and British
administrations for going to war with
States V.
George W. Bush et al.

Elizabeth de la Vega
Former Federal Prosecutor
it will be a time, perhaps in a not too distant future,
when these two administrations, from the U.S. and U.K.,
respectively, would
face accountability and criminal charges before their own
respective countries for the horrendous lies committed
and, in addition, face international criminal charges for
Against Humanity
before an International Tribunal --a sentiment currently
widely held in Europe and, in a lesser degree, in other
parts of the world including both the North and South
of the continued prosecution of this
Iraq war --now in its 4th year, the U.S. and U.K.
have lost permanently their moral standing in the world
and will be --for the foreseeable future-- the principal
targets of hate and terrorist acts of revenge.
great beneficiary of the U.S. rapid decline on the world
stage will undoubtedly be the ascending China that, in
only a few decades, will be able to replace the U.S.
as the world's superpower. The thousands and thousands of
of US dollars that have thrown away with the Iraq war
will be felt by the economy of the United States and the
rest of the world for quite a long time. No American
administration has harmed more the United States than the
current one. This administration must face criminal
accountability under the existing Federal laws of the
United States.)
respect and appreciation must be given to the
new Germany
and France
for their non-wavering moral standing opposing the Iraq
war and their steadfast refusal to join the so-called
American puppet coalition. Those two nations
have learned well the lessons from the Nazi reign, and
may their blessed
stand and example
be an inspiration for other nations to follow,
including for a new
United States and a
Great Britain.
Selected Link:
the War Coalition
