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the 20th Century Holocaust


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VII. Holocaust Selected Books and Reviews

From Dr. Gruber
From Dr. Gruber
1. Selected Book Titles
Revealing the Jewish Holocaust
The Nazi Doctors
Eyewitness to Auschwitz
Poland and the Holocaust
God and the Holocaust
Ordinary Men and the Holocaust
Gay and Lesbian Holocaust
Explaining Hitler
Catholic Church and the Holocaust
The Persecution of Gypsies
The Holocaust in Romania
Children of the Holocaust
2. Selected Books, Bibliographies, and Catalogs Online
3. Selected Book Reviews, Essays, and Critiques


1. Selected Book Titles:


Road to



People in

The Daughter of

  • Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness Account
    *Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, a Hungarian Jew, was carted off to Auschwitz along with the rest of his family sometime in early 1944. He volunteered to be the assistant to Dr. Josef Mengele--the so-called "Angel Death"--because he was a doctor and had very good insight into pathology. He was a Sonderkommando, a man of the living dead that did the disgusting job of disposing of the bodies of gas chamber victims. In Nyiszli's case, he was given a pathologist's job of performing autopsies on freshly killed cadavers. Miraculously, he survived the terrors of the camp because Mengele refused to have him killed (all Sonderkommandos were killed after four months and replaced by others, for the SS wanted no survivors to tell tales) for there were very few doctors who were as good and skilled as Dr. Nyiszli. Therefore, he wrote about all of his experiences in this book after he was a free man.
    [1993 - by Miklos Nyiszli, Richard Seaver, Tibere Kramer; Arcade Pub.]
  • Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers
    *One of the few prisoners who saw the Jewish people die and lived to tell about it was Filip Müller, a twenty years old Jew, that was sent to Auschwitz with one of the earliest transports from Slovakia in April 1942. A month later, he found himself inside Crematorium II of Auschwitz, ordered to undress the bodies of the dead, and load them into the ovens.
    [1999 - by Filip Muller, Helmut Freitag, Susanne Flatauer (Editor), United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Yehuda Bauer; Ivan R Dee, Inc]
  • Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp
    *Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, edited by Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum, is probably the most comprehensive volume on Auschwitz in print. Essays by leading scholars from Europe, Israel, and the United States document the history of the camp, the technology and magnitude of the genocide that occurred there, profiles of the inmates and the Nazis who ran the camp (such as Joseph Mengele), the underground resistance that arose, and what the outside world knew about Auschwitz and when. It's not a book to read straight through because of the sheer volume of information (more than 600 pages of text) and the horror of its contents. But it's the best resource for answering a wide variety of questions about the camp, especially those raised by the many excellent memoirs by the survivors. --Michael Joseph Gross
    [1998 - by Israel Gutman (Editor), Michael Berenbaum (Editor), Yisrael Gutman (Editor);
    Indiana University Press, Reprint edition]
  • Commandant of Auschwitz :
    The Autobiography of Rudolf Hoess

    with Introduction by Primo Levi
    [2000 - Phoenix Publ.]
  • The Dentist of Auschwitz: A Memoir
    [1995 - by Benjamin Jacobs; University Press of Kentucky]
    ----------> see, the online posting in Section 2 below
  • The Road to Auschwitz: Fragments of a Life
    [2002 - by Hedi Fried, Michael Meyer (Translator); Univ of Nebraska Press]
  • Escaping Auschwitz: A Culture of Forgetting
    [2004 - by Ruth Linn; Cornell University Press]
        On 7 April 1944 a Slovakian Jew, Rudolf Vrba (born Walter Rosenberg), and a fellow prisoner, Alfred Wetzler, succeeded in escaping from Auschwitz-Birkenau. As block registrars both men had been allowed relative (though always risky) freedom of movement in the camp and thus had been able to observe the massive preparations underway at Birkenau of the entire killing machine for the eradication of Europe's last remaining Jewish community, the 800,000 Jews of Hungary. The two men somehow made their way back to Slovakia where they sought out the Jewish Council (Judenrat) to warn them of the impending disaster.
         The Vrba-Wetzler report was the first document about the Auschwitz death camp to reach the free world and to be accepted as credible. Its authenticity broke the barrier of skepticism and apathy that had existed up to that point. However, though their critical and alarming assessment was in the hands of Hungarian Jewish leaders by April 28 or early May 1944, it is doubtful that the information it contained reached more than just a small part of the prospective victims&emdash;during May and June 1944, about 437,000 Hungarian Jews boarded, in good faith, the "resettlement" trains that were to carry them off to Auschwitz, where most of them were gassed on arrival.
         Vrba, who emigrated to Canada at war's end, published his autobiography in England nearly forty years ago. Yet his and Wetzler's story has been carefully kept from Israel's Hebrew-reading public and appears nowhere in any of the history texts that are part of the official curriculum. As Ruth Linn writes, "Israeli Holocaust historiography was to follow the spirit of the court's policy at the Eichmann trial: silencing and removing challenging survivors from the gallery, and muting questions about the role of the Jewish Council in the deportations."
         In 1998 Linn arranged for publication of the first Hebrew edition of Vrba's memoirs. In Escaping Auschwitz she establishes the chronology of Vrba's disappearance not only from Auschwitz but also from the Israeli Holocaust narrative, skillfully exposing how the official Israeli historiography of the Holocaust has sought to suppress the story.
    Mind's Limits
  • Alma Rosé: Vienna to Auschwitz
    [2000 - by Richard Newman; Amadeus Press]
  • People in Auschwitz
    [2004 - by Hermann Langbein; Univ. of North Carolina Press]

    With a Foreword by Henry Friedlander

  • The Daughter of Auschwitz
    [2022 - by Tova Friedman, Malcolm Brabant; Hanover Square Press]

  • At the Mind's Limits:
    Contemplations by a Survivor on Auschwitz and its Realities
    [1998 by - Jean Amery; Indiana University Press]



                                                          Life in


                                                          Sebastian: The
                                                          Fascist Years

  • The Case for Auschwitz - Evidence from the Irving Trial
    [2002 -- by Robert Jan van Pelt; Indiana University Press]

  • The Auschwitz Album:The Story of a Transport
        This album is unique in the fact that there is no similar album of its kind in the entire world. It documents, in almost 200 photos, from every direction and from every angle, the arrival, selection, confiscation of property, and preparation for the physical liquidation of a Jewish "transport" to Auschwitz-Birkenau. This particular transport arrived in May 1944, at the ramp of the Birkenau extermination camp; it had originated in the area of Carpatho-Ruthenia, a region that had been annexed, in 1939, to Hungary from Czechoslovakia.
       The most surprising and striking fact is that the album, documenting the dispatch of a Jewish transport of deportees in the spring of 1944, eventually fell into the hands of a survivor,
    Lilly Jacob, of that same death transport. She was one of the few lucky ones who had escaped the fate of the thousands who were murdered. When she opened the album, she suddenly recognized the people of her community who appear in it and who had arrived with her in Birkenau - among them, her rabbi and numerous family relatives - and also she herself!
    [2002/2003 - Edited by: Israel Gutman, Bella Gutterman Publisher: Yad Vashem, Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum]
  • Survival in Auschwitz
    [1993 - by Primo Levi; MacMillan Publishing Co.]
  • Architects of Annihilation: Auschwitz and the Logic of Destruction
    [2003 - by Gotz Aly, Susanne Heim, A. G. Blunden (Translator); Princeton University Press]

    See, this 2004 Book Review  

  • The Twisted Road to Auschwitz: Nazi Policy Toward German Jews, 1933-39
    [1990 - by Karl A. Schleunes; Univ of Illinois Pr.]
  • Auschwitz and After
    [1997 - by Charlotte Delbo, Rosette C. Lamont (Translator), Lawrence L. Langer (Introduction)

    In1942, Charlotte Delbo (1913--85) and her husband were arrested in their Paris apartment, where they were preparing to distribute anti-German leaflets. He was executed, and she was deported first to Auschwitz and then to the Ravensbruck concentration camp. Auschwitz and After, first published in France as three separate books (None of Us Will Return, Useless Knowledge, and The Measure of Our Days), is a memoir about her experiences in the camps. Delbo, a non-Jew, recounts the daily struggle to stay alive while besieged with hunger, thirst, abuse, fatigue, and despair.

  • Life in the Ghettos During the Holocaust
    [2005 -by John K. Roth (Foreword), Eric J. Sterling (Editor); Syracuse University Press]
  • Surviving the Holocaust With the Russian Jewish Partisans.
    [2001 - by Jack Kagan, Dov Cohen, Martin, Sir Gilbert; Vallentine Mitchell; 2nd edition]
  • Dachau: The Harrowing of Hell
    [1995 -by Marcus J. Smith; State Univ of New York Press]
  • Judenrat: The Jewish Councils in Eastern Europe Under Nazi Occupation
    [1996 - by Isaiah Trunk, Jacob Robinson (Introduction), Steven T. Katz (Introduction); Univ of Nebraska Press

  • Shards of
    Shards of Memory: Narratives of Holocaust Survival
    [2007 -by Yehudi Lindeman, Praeger Publishers]



            Poland's                       Poland by Michlic

Fear by Jan

                                                  Holocaust Research










Last Victims -

Denying History






Inside Hitler's
                                                  High Command

Kentzer: The


                                                    Willing Executioners


German Army


<+> More Books on The Romani Holocaust




 Petr Ginz diary


<> More Selected Books on The Righteous Among the Nations Heroes of the Holocaust



This is a collection of commentary on the Holocaust by international writers from nine disciplines. The volume forms a response to the Holocaust's demands on memory and on thought, and is an occasion to encounter the Holocaust both as history and as possibility. Contributors provided essays on politics, law, and education. The 38 contributors include:
<>Stephen Feinstein, Director, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies;
<> Carol Ann Reed, Director, Holocaust Education and Memorial Centre of Toronto;
<> Sid Chafetz, artist and professor of art; Henry Friedlander, professor of history, Brooklyn College;
<> David M. Crowe, professor of history, Elon College;
<> Mark Osiel, professor of law, University of Iowa;
<> James E. Young, professor of English and Judaic studies, University of Massachusetts at Amherst;
<> Sybil Milton, Vice-President, Independent Experts: Switzerland-World War II; and
<> Zygmunt Bauman, emeritus professor of sociology, University of Leeds.

2. Selected Books, Excerpts, Bibliographies, and Catalogs Online: 

The Fallacy of Race and the Soah
by Peter Kleinmann

  • Reviews
  • Preface
  • Foreword --Peter Kleinmann

    --Munkács -- Jewish Communal Life
    -- Antisemitism on the Rise -- Hungarian Occupation
    -- Munkács Ghetto -- Jews Alone
    -- Deportation -- Fear and Humiliation
    -- Auschwitz --The Evil of Man
    -- Gross&endash;Rosen -- Slavery and Scavenging
    -- Death March -- Succumbing
    -- Flossenbürg -- The Interminable Void
    -- Muselmann -- The Last Selection
    -- Liberation? -- Imprisoned in Memory
    -- Aftermath -- Another Unknown World
    -- Visualizing Memory -- A Last Detail


One man's fragmented life experience within the historical context of the Nazi terror...


3. Selected Book Reviews, Essays, and Critiques:



Nazi's Book burning
"Where one burns books, one will -- in the end -- burn people."
Heinrich Heine


Holocaust Background Information


Heroes and Heroines of the Holocaust


Faces and Voices of Holocaust Survivors


Holocaust Studies and Related Topics


The Holocaust Argumentative Page


Holocaust Selected Readings, Photos, and Items of Interest


Holocaust Selected Books


Descendants of the Holocaust


Holocaust Related News


Holocaust Memorial Drives


Suggestions for further material to be included in here are welcome.

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