is most unfortunate indeed that the memory of the late
Japanese Consul Chiune "Sempo" Sugihara, recipient of Yad
Vashem's prestigious "Righteous Among the Nations" medal
was tainted in such a blatant way by the Solly Ganor
story scripted by no other than Eric
Saul --this
Holocaust researcher impostor with zero academic
credentials and introduced by the PBS's documentary as an
"historian" and "writer" notwithstanding the fact that no
academic center in the world consider him a historian
much less a writer as he has written not one single book
nor does he hold a Ph.D. degree from any accredited

The Lies, Inaccuracies, and Fabrication
entered into the documentary with respect to
Solly Ganor
1. As it is well
documented with prima facie evidence (see, if you
will, our posted investigative
study on
Solly Ganor at http://isurvived.org/SollyGanor_Case.html
), Solly Ganor was born as Zalke Genkind or Jenkins and
after the war, he choose to adopt a different name for
himself --that of Solly Ganor. In Lithuania there was not
a Ganor family but only a Genkind (or Jenkins) family.
Yet the documentary made repeated reference to the Ganors
of Lithuania which clearly did not exist.
Exhibit: photo taken in Los Angeles, c.1995.
From left to right: Mr. Eric Saul,
Mr. Ganor's wife Pola, Mrs. Yukiko
Sugihara, and Mr. Solly Ganor.
2. The
purported meeting of Zalke Genkind or Jenkins (later in
life, Solly Ganor) with the late Consul Sugihara and
dubbed as "The
Miracle of Hanukkah 1939"
is a pure fabrication introduced and scripted into
"history" by the renown Holocaust history impostor
Saul for
the purpose of colorization the fictitious story of Solly
Ganor. It is most unfortunate and tragic that the late
Yukiko Sugihara (wife of the late Consul) went along with
Mr. Saul's ploy as can be seen in the released PBS
documentary. The improbability of that meeting has been
fully examined in our referenced investigative
study on
Mr. Ganor.
3. The most serious
misleading information introduced in the stated
documentary, through Solly Ganor, was the unfounded claim
that the Lithuanian Jews who were fortunate enough to
secure a Sugihara visa (as in the purported case of
Mr. Ganor's family) could not use it because,
according to Solly Ganor, the Soviet authorities would
not render exit Soviet visas to Lithuanian Jews because
they were considered Soviet citizens.
In his
Mr. Ganor claimed that his family was, and we
the first to get [Sugihara] visas, and we
actually tried to get out. You know, at that time,
we were pretty desperate."
Mr. Ganor, in the
same interview, further claimed that the acquired
Sugihara visas were useless to them since they, by
technically becoming Soviets citizens, could not have
risked to be arrested by attempting to flee the Soviet
That was true. But
all Jewish refugees holding a Sugihara visa took a chance
hoping that in the turmoil, confusion and uncertainty
created by of the war, that they would be able to get
out. And they did!
The PBS documentary
itself alluded to that undeniable historic fact as, in
another part of the documentary, it noted that
"miraculously" the Soviet agency in Kaunas, Lithuania
issued exit Soviet visas to almost all with a Sugihara
Last but certainly
not least, it can be proved, with a high degree of
certainty, that in fact Mr. Ganor and his parents
never ever received a Sugihara visa as those records,
with the name of every single recipient, have been
miraculously preserved as being noted again by the PBS
documentary. (Also, please see the Special Link of
the Sugihara Database posted at the bottom of the

Concluding Statement
Mr. Ganor's
purported association and meeting, as an 11-year boy,
with the late Japanese Consul Sugihara, scripted into
"history" by Eric Saul, is a blatant concocted lie
that needs not be left unexposed.
The memory of this
great humanitarian Chiune Sugihara needs not be tarnished
nor embellished for any reason. The preservation of his
memory must be protected from unscrupulous predators such
as the likes of Solly Ganor or Eric Saul that would use a
name as Sugihara with embellished associations for their
own "glorification" in life. This very fact was perhaps
recognized for some time by the Chairperson
Akabori and
Hiroki Sugihara (the eldest son of the late Consul) of
the Visas
for Life Foundation
--a non-profit educational organization dedicated in
preserving and perpetuating the legacy of the late Chiune
Sugihara that needs not be confused with the bogus Visas
for Life project of Eric Saul. In an email that we were
made aware of, Ms. Akabori made it clear of her
Foundation's complete disassociation with Eric Saul,
as she noted:
"Unless we are
willing to go into litigation, we cannot do
anything about the confusion in our names. We
do not want the notoriety that comes with
litigation, nor do we have the time or money
to consider it. Unfortunately, when Hiroki
first met Eric, he believed him to be sincere
and most passionate about his father's story.
Due to an incident, Hiroki had second
thoughts and asked that he not exhibit his
father's entire story other than to mention
him as among the righteous."
Next time when PBS
will do a documentary on the Holocaust, it would be
advisable to bring on board true accredited Holocaust
scholars and not some make-believe "historians."
The story of the
Holocaust needs no colorization nor be told by impostors.
K. K. Brattman
Dated: May 9, 2005
PS. The surreal
Interview with Solly Ganor
is incredible indeed as it purports to be the "analysis"
and "recollection" of a little boy traveling back in time
when he was 4, 5, 9 and 11 years old during the Nazi era.
The minute details "recollected" and the
"assessment" that a little boy could provide reach indeed
the level of the absurd.
Is anybody there in
his or her normal state of mind capable of giving any
credibility to such an interview?

Blessed Memory