Holocaust Survivors and Remembrance Project: "Forget You Not".


I Survived

the 20th Century Holocaust


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- Part VI -
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Holocaust items

The Holocaust "is probably the greatest and most terrible crime
ever committed in the whole history of the world."

Winston Churchill

 VI. Holocaust Selected Readings, Photos,
and Items of Interest

"The fifth commandment, 'Thou shall not kill,' is not God's commandment at all:
It is a Jewish invention."

Statement of the high Nazi official Stahle after the protest, on December 4, 1940,
by the evangelical priest Sautter against the criminal acts of euthanasia
1. Selected Readings
Germans and the Holocaust
On the Romani Holocaust
Extermination of Jews in Holland
Liberation of Auschwitz
Extermination of Jews in Poland
America, Roosevelt, Holocaust
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Women and the Holocaust
Children Who Cheated Nazis
Anne Frank
Poetry by Imprisoned Children
 2. Remembering the Forgotten...
The Port of Last Resort:
The Shanghai Ghetto
3. Notable Events
4A. Inmate Art from Concentration Camps:
Expressing the Inexpressible
4B. Contemporary Art About and in Response to the Holocaust
4C. Holocaust Literature
Humor as a Defense Mechanism
4D. Music of the Holocaust --A Remembering for the Future
5. Holocaust Memorial Foundations and Museums
6. Notable Web Sites Honoring
the Memory of the Holocaust
 7. Selected Photos and Posters Related to the Holocaust
8. Holocaust Memorial Plaques, Stamps and Related Artifacts
9. Holocaust Online Exhibits
10. Nazi Plunder of Valuables

Dachau at liberation
Pile Of Bodies At Dachau --Yad Vashem Archives

"When the first GI's [American soldiers] started returning home from the war [after liberating Dachau and other camps],
one of the things that drove them crazy was that no one would believe what they had to say!
No one would believe the stories of what they saw."

Ike at Ohrdruf
.Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force
with other US Officers at Ohrdruf, a subcamp of the Buchenwald concentration camp, after liberation.
Photo Credit: The Holocaust


1. Selected Readings:


  United States National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 150.  

Auschwitz SS guards during
                                        a lunch break
Between savagery and killings, savouring the simple pleasures of life:
Karl Höcker, adjutant to the commandant of Auschwitz, and SS auxiliaries relaxing at a recreation lodge near the camp
  • The Canary in Europe's Mine
    by Jeff Jacoby, The Boston Globe

     "The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it." --Joseph Goebbels 


Dutch collaborators during the
                                    Holocaust years
.Dutch Collaborators: A round-up of collaborators by Dutch troops.
United States National Archives

Faith in God and Man After Auschwitz: Theological Implications
Yad Vashem -- by Emil L. Fackenheim

.On the Extermination of Jews in Poland

Pope John II
. We wish to remember.
But we wish to remember for a purpose, namely
to ensure that never again evil will prevail. ...
Only a world at peace, with justice for all,
can avoid repeating the mistakes and terrible crimes of the past.
.John Paul II, Yad Vashem, March 23, 2000.
Polish Jewish
                                                          Family -the
A Polish Jewish Family (The Rotmenschs)
--wife, children and grandchildren with armbands
In order to mark and isolate the Jews, a decree of November 23, 1939, ordered all Jews above the age of 10 in the General-Government of Poland to wear white armbands with a blue star of David.
From Yad Vashem Archives

Gone now are those little towns where the shoemaker was a poet,
The watchmaker a philosopher, the barber a troubadour.

Gone now are those little towns where the wind
joined Biblical songs with Polish tunes and Slavic rue
Where old Jews in orchards in the shade of cherry trees
Lamented for the holy walls of Jerusalem.

Gone now are those little towns, though the poetic mists,
The moons, winds, ponds, and stars above them
Have recorded in the blood of centuries above the tragic tales,
The histories of the two saddest nations on earth.

Polish Jewish poet Antoni Sonimsk 

"Our Jewish neighbors were murdered in a bestial way"
Polish Prime Minister Marek Belka

"We can't tell two stories, the history of Poland and the history of the Jews,
because simply they exist together and they must be told together..."
Ewa Junczyk-Ziomecka

Of all the occupied countries,
the percentage of Jews saved in Poland was the smallest,
since the predominant attitude was hostile, while rescue was an exception to the rule.
[Isaiah Trunk]

Krakow Ghetto Liquidation

From the Editor
April 1998 --Volume XVIII, Number 2

From the Editor
January 1999 -- Volume XIX, Number 1

by Rabbi Ken Spiro
  Life in Poland and the Beginning of the Holocaust  
by Israel Turk


Sobibor Death Camp

Sobibor memorial


The Dachau Liberators: Delivering Them From Evil

When the first GI's started returning home from the war,
one of the things that drove them crazy was that
no one would believe what they had to say!
No one would believe the stories of what they saw.


Dachau liberated
Dachau liberated by the US Army


.The Kindertransport

5 year old
Krystyna Chiger
in 1941

Photo Credit: <juedisches-museum-

Plaque unveiled by Sir Nicholas Winton on 16th September 2003 at Liverpool Street Station in London, UK --this main London railway terminus. Two of the rescued Kinder, Harry Heber and Erich Reich, were present at that memorial event.

Anne Frank: An International Symbol of Hope for Mankind
On the Holocaust from Anne Frank's Diary:
" ...this cruelty too shall end, peace and tranquillity will return once more"
"...I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart."

.-- July 15, 1944.

Anne Frank

                                                          tribute to
                                                          Anne Frank

Anne Frank

Historic Document: An Original Page from Anne Frank's Diary   






Anne Frank"I can see the world gradually being turned into a wilderness, I hear the ever approaching thunder, which will destroy us too, I can feel the sufferings of millions - and yet, if I look into the heavens, I think that it will all come out right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and tranquility will return again. In the meantime, I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out."

."It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.
. Its's utterly impossible for me to build my life on a foundation of chaos, suffering and death. I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness, I hear the approaching thunder that, one day, will destroy us too, I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change for the better, that this cruelty too shall end, that peace and tranquility will return once more"
From Anne Frank's Diary, July 15th 1944.


On the betrayal
                                                          of Anne Frank
.On the Silent Betrayal of Anne Frank 
Somebody called the German Security Police to notify them that Jews were in hiding at 263 Prinsengracht. Exactly who that was has never been discovered. This is a question that many people still want answers to. There were certain suspicions and a first investigation was conducted in 1948. Fourteen years later, once again, an attempt was made to unravel the mystery of who was responsible for the betrayal. In 1998, Melissa Müller, in her biography about Anne Frank, suggests a woman named Lena-Hartog van Bladeren as a possible suspect. Two years later, another writer, Carol Anne Lee, presents a new theory in her biography about Otto Frank. She believes the guilty party is Tony Ahlers, an acquaintance of Otto Frank.


                                                          of Izieu
.The Children Of Izieu, France


Eleven-year-old Liliane Gerenstein, born January 13, 1933 in Nice, France,
wrote a heart-rending letter to God just days before the children of Izieu were sent to their deaths at Auschwitz:

"God? How good You are,
how kind and if one had to count the number
of goodnesses and kindnesses You have done,
one would never finish.

God? It is You who command.
It is You who are justice, it is You
who reward the good and punish the evil.

God? It is thanks to You
that I had a beautiful life before,
that I was spoiled,
that I had lovely things that others do not have.

God? After that, I ask You one thing only:
Make my parents come back, my poor parents
protect them (even more than You protect me)
so that I can see them again as soon as possible.

Make them come back again.
Ah! I had such a good mother and such a good father!
I have such faith in You and I thank You in advance."

The poem below was written by a young person in the Terezin Ghetto, where the arts flourished as a defiance of the soul, even in Children. Nothing free, like the butterflies or the Jews, lasted long in the Captivity of brutal men. Pavel could watch butterflies soar over barbed wire, fences and guns, until there were no longer butterflies. It is a poignant reminder not only of the depth of expression in young Jewish souls, but of the captivity of art in having to hide defiance and honor in metaphor.

"I Never saw Another Butterfly"

I never saw another butterfly . . .

The last, the very last,
so richly, brightly, dazzling yellow.

Perhaps if the sun's tears sing
against a white stone . . .

Such, such a yellow
Is carried lightly `way up high.

It went away I'm sure because it
wished to kiss the world goodbye.

For seven weeks I've lived in here,
Penned up inside this ghetto,
but I have found my people here.

The dandelions call to me,
And the white chestnut candles in the court.

Only I never saw another butterfly.

That butterfly was the last one.

Butterflies don't live here in the ghetto.

-- Pavel Friedman, June 1942



  Uncovering Lost Path of Dr. Aribert Heim, a Most Wanted Nazi Doctor in Egypt   
A Timeline of the Holocaust in Arab Lands of North Africa

Algerian Jews victims
                                      of the Holocaust
More than 25,000 Algerian Jews who survived the Nazi Holocaust are being recognized in 2018 as victims.



2. Remembering the Forgotten...

Ukraine monument
The monument over the grave of the great Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko in Kaniv, Ukraine, surrounded by the barbed wire of a German concentration camp in World War II.

Slave labor at
Prisoners engaged in forced labor, Sachsenhausen, 1940
                                                          refugee in

In 1939, thousands of Jewish refugees escaped Nazi persecution
to the only place that was open to them...



Religious school for Jewish refugee children. Shanghai Ghetto, China, September 8, 1944.


Sompolno Jews
We Remember Jewish Sompolno!

                                                          Memorial in
Remembering the Holocaust in Romania




Holocaust Memorial Unveiled in Bucharest, Romania

The Commemoration of the Victims of the Deportations to Transnistria

The Sinking of MV Struma




 3. Notable Events:

The Nazi Olympics


The Beginning of The Holocaust:
Kristallnacht or "The Night of Broken Glass" pogrom of Nov. 9-10, 1938.
New York Times reporting the
                                      Kristallnacht pogrom


.End of the "1000-year-old" Nazi Reign

Nazi symbol
       Hitler Dead

As reported by The New York Times:

May 2, 1945

May 8, 1945



Formation of the Jewish
David Ben-Gurion proclaiming the establishment of the State of Israel.


Truman, Ben Gurion,

President Truman meeting on May 8, 1951 with Prime Minister David Ben Gurion of Israel and Abba Eban. They presented the menora as a token of esteem for President Truman's timely recognition of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948.

My Sorrow...

4A. Inmate Art from Concentration Camps and Gettos: Expressing the Inexpressible


From Stutthof Concentration Camp:
Portrait of the prisoner Wachlaw Lewandowski,

illegally made in the camp

Self-Portrait by German-Jewish painter Felix Nussbaum
                                                          by Jewish
                                                          painter Felix

Nussbaum's most famous painting: Self-Portrait with Jewish Identity Card, probably from late 1942. The Nazi occupation ID card states JEW in French: JUIF, and in Flemish: JOOD

This detail image portrays the German-Jewish painter Felix Nussbaum, who was raised in Osnabruck, a city in Germany. During the war, Felix and his wife Felka Platek were in hiding for their lives in Brussels, Belgium for three years. They were arrested in 1944 and deported on the last transport of Jews from Belgium to Poland. Felix and Felka were prisoners No. 284 and 285 on the train in which they were deported on July 31, 1944. They were gassed to death at Auschwitz on August 3, 1944. Felix was 39 years old and Felka was 45.


.Shoah Paintings by David Olčre (1902 - 1985),
Auschwitz Holocaust Survivor


Shoah painting by
                                                          David Olčre
  Unable to Work / Les inaptes au travail
131x162 cm, A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, New York.
Inability to work was often an immediate death sentence.
In the background of this painting, smoke rises from the crematorium to form the SS insignia. Of the one thousand Jews in the convoy that brought Olčre to Auschwitz, 881 were immediately gassed. Only six of the 119 selected for work survived the War.

                                                          Painting by
                                                          David Olčre,
Their Last Steps / Leurs derniers pas
73x54 cm, Ghetto Fighters House, Israel

                                                          the Gas
Gassing / Gazage
131x162 cm, A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, New York.

The container in the lower right is labeled Zyklon B.
Although Olčre spent most of his time doing art for the SS and translating BBC radio broadcasts, he was, from time to time, called upon to help empty the gas chambers.

The Experimental Injection / La piqűre expérimentale
1945, 92x72 cm, A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, New York.

The infamous Dr. Mengele administers an injection as terrified prisoners look on





The Terezin (Theresienstadt) concentration camp, an hour north of Prague ( Czechoslovakia), was called a "model ghetto" during the Second World War. The Nazis showed it off to the Red Cross to prove that conditions weren't as horrific was thought, and that child inmates were in fact being educated by other imprisoned artists, writers and intellectuals. The reality, of course, was different, only some 10 per cent of the 15,000 children sent there between 1942 and 1944 survived the war. What did survive, however, were over 4,000 drawings and paintings they left behind, one of which is posted at left under the title "Happier Place: Picture from Terezin."
[Source: Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre]



Yehuda Bacon
Yehuda Bacon
(b. 1929)

[Yad Vashem Art Museum]

In Memory of the Czech Transport to the Gas Chambers, 1945, Charcoal on paper

Yehuda Bacon was born in Czechoslovakia to a Chassidic family. In 1941, he was sent to Terezin (Theresienstadt) at the age of thirteen, where he began to draw. Whilst in Terezin, he studied under the direction of artists Otto Unger, Bedrich Fritta and Leo Hass. In 1943 he was deported to Auschwitz. He emigrated to Eretz Israel with the Youth Aliya in 1946, studied art at the Bezalel Academy of Art and then continued his studies in Italy, London, New York and Paris. In 1961 he testified at the Eichmann trial. Bacon lectured in the art department of Haifa University and at the Bezalel Academy of Art, Jerusalem.

A short time following his liberation from Auschwitz, the sixteen-year-old Bacon drew this portrait of his father who perished in the death camp. Like a necromancer, Bacon conjures up the thin, exhausted face and blazing eyes of his father, the disembodied face ascending from the smoke. The image of the father whose life was ended in the furnaces of Auschwitz is reconstructed by the son who still remembers the father he was recently separated from. This recollection will never be eradicated since Bacon committed it to paper. The turbulent mental state of the artist is manifested by the agitated, quivering lines surrounding the portrait. In the lower section of the drawing, where we would expect to see his father's body, we detect the crematoria and a body hanging off the barbed wire fence which surrounded the camp. In the right-hand corner, the artist has added the date and time: 10.VII.44, 22:00 - marking the exact moment when his father perished.


Drawing by Jan

Auschwitz-Birkenau Drawing
the Auschwitz Survivor and Polish Artist
Jan Komski

[Originally designed for fifty-two horses, these wooden stables were used extensively in Auschwitz-Birkenau. Each provided the living space for over a thousand prisoners. More than two hundred of these barracks were built. In typical, thorough fashion, they were constructed complete with the rings for tying the horses attached to the walls.]

Polish artist Jan Komski is a survivor of Auschwitz. His personal history is full of remarkable events, including being part of the very first prisoner transport to arrive in Auschwitz, and being part of one of the most famous escapes from the camp. (To read a synopsis of Jan Komski's story, click in here.)

<Marc Chagall (1887-1985): Loneliness, 1933>

Jewish Menorah


4B. Contemporary Art About and in Response to the Holocaust

Pier Marton's
                                                "Jew" (1985)


Brian Aldrich
Brian Aldrich's Artwork
Pier Marton's Jew (1985): A detail of the installation wall from St. Paul, MN, USA.


Bau drawing



From: Holocaust Sonderkommando  

Jan Hartman's

Jan Hartman's painting of a death march he was on
from Auschwitz to Bielsko.
[Photo Credit: London Imperial War Museum.]

Yellow Star -Jude


4C. Holocaust Literature and Remembrance:


A 6893
by Anna Sotto


  All There is to know about Adolf Eichmann  
by L. Cohen
She didn't cry
When they removed
Her clothes, her ring
Her shoes, her hair.
But when they took away
Her name
She wept.

Eyes: Medium
Hair: Medium
Weight: Medium
Height: Medium
Distinguishing features: None
Number of fingers: Ten
Intelligence: Medium

What did you expect?
Oversize incisors?
Green saliva?




"In a Sentence, I Felt Like I was Going Through the Holocaust All Over Again"
Interview with Michael Goldman-Gilad
Investigative Officer for the Eichmann Trial

May 4, 2005
                                                  fingerprints [text]

Essays and Poems of Romanian Jews from the city of Oradea (in Hungarian, Nagyvarad ) during the Holocaust:
[unless otherwise stated, translated by Susan Geroe]

Al Filreis
© Al Filreis: Hope

by Larissa Andrusyshyn

an electrified barbed wire fence,
a ditch,
and a wall with seven guard towers

human remains arrive suffocated
and left in boxcars.
the camp is intended for the incarceration
of political opponents.

they were buried in mass graves
until the construction of crematoriums
was completed.
new and more efficiently built
it is estimated that it took
10-15 minutes to incinerate
a body there.

exact numbers of the victims are inconclusive,
because no one took record after the flood
of russian p.o.w.s

at the time of liberation
the american troops forced
local farmers to drive carts
loaded with corpses through the town of dachau
to educate the people there.

prisoners hair was sent
to a. zink fur manufacturer ltd. of nuremburg
.50 marks was to be paid
for every kilogram of hair sent.
womens hair, because it was longer,
was spun into yarns
and made into socks for boat crews.

m. tregenza
archeologists report, dachau:
during an excavation
uncovering the mass grave
he puts his hands to the deep grey sand
finds carbonized wood and human bone fragments
and one incisor tooth
shinning in the black like a wet glass eye.

today it is possible
to buy a brand new condo
a few feet from the walls of dachau
youll see the trenches
beyond your backyard fence
and above your neighbors house
the tall mcdonalds sign
glowing in the distance

outside your window
the gate that reads
"arbeit macht frei"

labor will make you free.


You who live safe
In your warm houses,
You who return in the evening to find
Hot food and friendly faces:

Consider if this is a man
Who works in the mud
Who does not know peace
Who fights for a scrap of bread
Who dies because of a yes or a no.

Consider if this is a woman,
Without hair and without name
With no more strength to remember,
Her eyes empty and her womb cold
Like a frog in winter.

Consider that this has been:
I commend these words to you.
Engrave them on your hearts
When you are in your house, when you walk on your way,
When you go to bed, when you rise.
Repeat them to your children.

Or may your house crumble,
Disease render you powerless,
Your offspring avert their faces from you.

-- Primo Levi
Avi Tsur: Teaching
                                                the Holocaust

  • Humor as a Defense Mechanism in the Holocaust
      Nothing connected with the Holocaust was funny!  
    Chaya Ostrower
    Art Spiegelman's Maus [2000 Ph.D. Thesis at Tel-Aviv University
    by Dr. Chaya Ostrower under the supervision of Prof. Avner Ziv]

  • Humor in the Holocaust: Its Critical, Cohesive, and Coping Functions
    by John Morreall, Ph.D.

    A Jewish father teaching his son how to say grace before meals:

    "Today in Germany the proper form of grace is 'Thank God and Hitler.'"
    "But suppose the Führer dies?" asked the boy.
    "Then you just thank God."

    Hitler and his Fortune Teller:

    As Hitler's armies faced more and more setbacks, he asked his astrologer,
    "Am I going to lose the war?"
    "Yes," the astrologer said.
    "Then, am I going to die?" Hitler asked.
    "When am I going to die?"
    "On a Jewish holiday."
    "But on what holiday?"
    "Any day you die will be a Jewish holiday."

    To Hang or Not to Hang Them?

    In Munich, cabaret performer Weiss Ferdl would bring out large photographs
    of Hitler, Goering, and other Nazi leaders, and then think out loud,
    "Now should I hang them, or line them up against the wall?"

  • Modern Humor:
    Iran Holocaust Cartoon Contest
 4D. Music of the Holocaust: Music of Another World --A Remembering for the Future

Holocaust Music
Music of
                                                          the Holocaust
Music and Concentration Camps -- A Contradiction in Terms
Music in the Antechambers of Hell --Composing and Making Music in Concentration Camps

   Camps established for humiliation, dehumanization and extermination as opposed to music, that wonderful art. But music did exist in the concentration camps. At first in the songs of the prisoners, from which developed songs of the resistance such as the song of the bog soldiers. As the camps became larger and more musicians were among the prisoners real camp orchestras were formed.
   The victims used that cultural activity to preserve their dignity and self-respect. But the music was misused for propaganda purposes and for the inhuman interests of the SS in the camps. Even in Auschwitz, that terrible place which today is a synonym for the crimes of the Shoah, there were several orchestras

From Dr Stefan Kames of The Australian National University:


Music Silenced By Hitler

    During the course of World War II, the Nazis successfully used their control of music and the arts as a powerful propaganda weapon against those aspects of German cultural life they hated most. In terms of music, this eclectic blacklist included compositions from Europe's modernism movement, music written by Jewish composers, music containing explicit sexuality, black jazz, and any piece written in opposition to Nazi ideology.
    Calling on a combination of racial doctrine, Wagnerian anti-Semitism, and their own belief of Aryan supremacy, the Third Reich sought to destroy every form of music it had branded with the term Entartete Musik (degenerate music) during the period that led to World War II. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels worked closely to formulate a plan that would erase this music from the face of the earth.
    Through their efforts, a generation of musical innovation and promise was not only abruptly curtailed in Europe, but excluded from its rightful status in history. What should have been the dawning of a thrilling new phase of musical evolution, instead fell silent under the dark shadows of the swastika.

<University of Virginia, USA, Source: virginia.edu/topnews/releases2001/music-feb-16-2001.html> 



Music Of
                                                          the Shoah
Shoah music

                                                          Camp Orchestra
Camp Orchestra at KL Auschwitz I. --SS photograph, 1941.
[Courtesy Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum, Poland]


Auschwitz Camp
Prisoners' Orchestra during a Sunday concert for the SS-men in Auschwitz in 1941.
The orchestra was probably conducted by the inmate Franciszek Nierychlo.
[Photo credit: Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi War Crimes, courtesy of USHMM <fcit.coedu.usf.edu/holocaust/gallery/81216.htm>]


Prisoners' Orchestra: Gestapo men viewing a parade of prisoners forced to march while playing music.

In addition to torture and dehumanization, the Nazis forced camp inmates to perform the most incongruous activities. One such example was the camp orchestra which was formed to delude the prisoners into a sense of false well-being. Inmates with musical abilities were forced to march around the camp playing music, while being ridiculed.


Amidst the horrors of Auschwitz, music was a part of daily life. There were several orchestras and bands in the two camps, made up entirely of inmates. Marches were played at the camp gates as the labour gangs were led out to work each morning and musicians were called upon at all times of the day and night to perform for the SS and Nazi officers. For those incarcerated music was, in Primo Levi's words, "the perceptible expression of the camp's madness". For the surviving orchestra players, music was their salvation. -- <BBC Source: bbc.co.uk/music/classicaltv/holocaust>


5. Holocaust Memorial Foundations, Repositories, and Museums:

Forever let this place be a cry of despair and a warning to humanity, where the Nazis murdered about one and a half million men, women and children, mainly Jews from various countries of Europe.
[Auschwitz and Birkenau, 1940-1945]
Auschwitz Memorial

Auschwitz - Birkenau


Dachau Concentration Camp
Memorial Site - The Official Pages

Yad Vashem


Holocaust Memorial


World leaders at Yad
World leaders at Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum
Jerusalem, March 16, 2005.


6. Notable Web sites Honoring the Memory of the Holocaust


  • Auschwitz: Final
                                                Station Extermination

  • Canadian Jewish


Daring to Resist
3 women face the Holocaust




 7. Selected Photos, Photo Albums, and Posters Related to the Holocaust

Auschwitz-Birkenau Photo Exhibit

                                                  Photo Exhibit



From BBC:
Auschwitz in Pictures

Exhibit from the Nuremberg Trials:
"The Scourge of God, Polish Jews"
Nazi anti-Semitism
Nazi Propaganda Illustrations

 Forced labor
Three Historic Holocaust Photographs
(courtesy of Hoover Institution Archives)

Picture Gallery

An Online Exhibition (in 16 panels)

A Selection of Documentary Photographs,
Reproductions of Works of Art, Poetry and Essays on the Shoah

Children from
Children from Theresienstadt (Terezin) Concentration Camp
*[Editor's Note: Some photos are not suitable for minors]
Belsen post

Kaufering at
.Kaufering (a Sub-Camp of Dachau) at Liberation, April 1945.

 Nazi Poster
Nazi Posters:

Warsaw Ghetto
From Warsaw Ghetto               

Nazi Holocaust


Passover in
                                              the Warsaw Ghetto
New arrivals to the Warsaw Ghetto
celebrate the Passover seder in a shelter on 6 Leszno Street.
[Courtesy of Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Remembrance Authority]


                                                celebration at
                                                Westerbork transit camp
A Hanukkah celebration in the main hall of the Westerbork transit camp.
(December 3-11, 1942)
Photograph from the Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie


Nazi "J" ID of Jew
8. Holocaust Memorial Plaques, Philatelic Stamps, and Related Artifact Materials

                                              Wallenberg Plague
Raoul Wallenberg Memorial Park, Budapest, Hungary.

This park commemorates Wallenberg and others who protected many of Budapest's Jews from deportation to extermination camps. The sign reads: May this park commemorate as an exclamation mark for the post-Holocaust generations the name of the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg who saved the lives of tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews. May it also remind all of the hundreds of thousands of Jewish martyrs, of the labour-camp inmates who died unknown, and of all those righteous men and women who, putting their own lives at risk, saved persecutees of certain death.





Bajorai Killing
Commemorative Plaque
at the Bajorai Killing Site in Lithuania

The Jews from the Rokiskis district were murdered at Bajorai, also known as Velniaduobe. The inscription is written in two languages, Lithuanian and Yiddish and, in translation, reads:

"In this place Hitlerists and their local helpers on August 15 and 16, 1941 cruelly killed 3207 Jews - children, women, men. Let the memory of them be blessed."

Courtesy JewsiGen:

Warsaw Ghetto
Monument to the Warsaw Ghetto

©Michel Fingerhut 


Wannsee Conference



                                                    Memorial Plaque,
                                                    Ozarow, Poland




Holocaust Badges
Badges of Hate


.9. Holocaust Online Exhibits




.10. The Nazi Plunder of Valuables
Painting from the
                                                the Nazi loot
From the Nazi loot: Jacob Duck's Merry Company with a Woman Playing a Lute
Documentation from the United States National Archives and Records Administration (NARA):
Nazi Art Loot

About the Frans Hals portrait (Repatriated Nazi Loot)

The Cleveland Museum of Art, USA acquired this painting at a London auction in 1999. The painting had been recently returned to the heirs of Baron Alphonse von Rothschild after 52 years in the holdings of the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Confiscated from the Rothschild apartments in Vienna by the Third Reich during the Anschluss (the political union of Nazi Germany and Austria in 1938), the painting was hidden with other looted art treasures in a salt mine during World War II. After the war, the painting remained in the collections of the Austrian State museums until early 1999 when it was returned to the family along with other works of art from the same collection. They, in turn, decided to sell many of the works at auction.

Frans Hals (Dutch, 1582-1666)
Tielemann Roosterman
Oil on canvas, 1634
Leonard C. Hanna, Jr. Fund

The Rape of Europa

THE RAPE OF EUROPA tells the epic story of the systematic theft, deliberate destruction and miraculous survival of Europe's art treasures during the Third Reich and World War II. In a journey through seven countries, the film takes viewers into the violent whirlwind of fanaticism, greed, and warfare that threatened to wipe out the artistic heritage of Europe. For twelve long years, the Nazis looted and destroyed art on a scale unprecedented in history. But heroic young art historians and curators from America and across Europe fought back with an extraordinary campaign to rescue and return the millions of lost, hidden and stolen treasures. Now, more than sixty years later, the legacy of this tragic history continues to play out as families of looted collectors recover major works of art, conservators repair battle damage, and nations fight over the fate of ill-gotten spoils of war. [PBS Documentary]


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