Solly Ganor
A reader from The Netherlands brought
to our attention on January 7, 2008, the fact that
in the current JewishGen Holocaust Database of
Dachau Concentration Camp Records, one can find these two (2)
26 Dec 1892
92 295
Sch. Lit. J.
18 Aug 1944 v. Stutt.
befr. i. Da.
18 May 1928
Kalvinstr. 13
92 298
Sch. Lit. J.
18 Aug 1944 v. Stutt.
befr. i. Da.
which clearly show the names of
both, Mr. Solly Ganor (born, according to Mr. Ganor,
as Zalke Genkind) and his late father Chaim.
NOTE 1: The name Sally implanted into the
above precious database can be accounted in many
One of them could be a combination of pronunciation
and typo errors as outlined below:
Zalke ==>
(diminutive) Zalky ==> Zally
==>Zolly (pronunciation) ==>
Solly ==> Sallly
Another way, quite strange and
utterly ridiculous, was alluded by Dr. Stephen Feinstein that is posted, as amusement, at
the bottom of the page.
NOTE 2: All other critical views of Mr.
Ganor's Holocaust representations expressed by him
and noted in our two postings (Posting No. 1 and Posting No. 2) will, of course, remain in effect
such as his purported meeting with the Consul
Sugihara, his purported Sugihara visa, his purported
Hanukkah miracle of 1939, his purported endorsement by Elie
Wiesel of his book, his purported Holocaust diary
smuggled from Dachau, his purported association with
the Directorate of Yad Vashem, etc.

God, help us
finding the meaning of Dr.
Feinstein's email.
A Strange Reaction
from Dr. Stephen Feinstein, Director
Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies,
University of Minnesota, MN, USA
We are aware, as Dr. Stephen
Feinstein is, that Sally is a common name for a
woman. We were not aware however that a person, in
his/her normal state of mind, could entertain the
tought and the "situation" that Solly Ganor, when
was 16, could have been confused with a "young
Dr. Feinstein
Dr. Feinstein nevertheless
apparently faulted us in failing to consider that
"situation" as, to our bewilderment, we got this
one-liner, January 7, 2008, email from him, titled "Re: Correction
posted on Solly Ganor," that is posted in full
"So how is the
situation with young women?" [sic!]
We have asked Dr.
Feinstein for a
clarification of his ridiculous one-liner email, but we got none. We were curious
of knowing, in regard to the subject at hand, of
what "situation" and what "young women" was he
referring to... One cannot help, but be sorry for
Dr. Feinstein's current state of mind.
May God have mercy on that
academic center under the management of Dr.
Feinstein. Good grief!

First Assist Service Team (FAST)
March 4, 2008, Dr. Stephen
Feinstein, 65, died
unexpectedly of
a brain aortic aneurysm (that
resulted in a heart attack)
while speaking
at The Sabes Foundation
Minneapolis Jewish Film
May he rest in peace.