Holocaust Survivors and Remembrance Project: "Forget You Not"™



Oliver Lustig's Text Presentation

of Historic Holocaust Photograps

The Auschwitz Album: The Story of a Transport
Publisher: Yad Vashem, Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum

from Amazon.com

The Album



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Editor's Notes:  

<> By clicking on a particular photo (or the corresponding magnifying icon), an enlarged version will appear.

<> The English text below is a translation from the original Romanian text received and posted

<> Additional translations are being sought ... We have posted so far:

a Danish translation [Dansk oversættelse]

a Dutch translation [Nederlandse vertaling]

a French translation [traduction française]

a German translation [Deutsche übersetzung]   

a Hungarian translation [Magyar fordítás]

an Italian translation [traduzione italiano]

a Polish translation [wersja polska]

a Russian translation []  


X. The Sorting of the Loot

(Sortirea Bagajelor Jefuite)

Sorting of the Loot

While the selection took place, with two thirds selected for immediate death [pushed into the gas chambers and burned in the ovens] and the rest placed in the Camp to be exterminated through other means [slave labor, inanition, disease, "Experimente an lebendingen Menschen" (medical experiments), executions, etc.], their luggage, left behind in the railroad boxcars, were being combed by the "Häftlings" (the prisoners) from the "Kanada" detachment. The loot was sorted out and placed into various categories such as shoes, bed linen, men clothes, watches, jewelry, etc., and then deposited into one of the existing 30 warehouses not far from the "Death Ramp." From there, the sorted loot would find its way to Germany.

(The Original Text in Romanian)
In timp ce 2/3 din proprietarii bagajelor lasate in vagoane erau selectati, impinsi in camerele de gazare si arsi in cuptoare, iar ceilalti introdusi in lagar pentru a fi exterminati prin alte metode --munca de sclav, inanitie, boli, "Experimente an lebendingen Menschen" (experiente pe oameni vii), executii etc. --Häftlingi din detasamentul "Kanada" continuau sortarea bunurilor scoase din vagoane, pentru a fi apoi depozitate pe categorii --incaltaminte, lenjerie de pat, haine barbatesti, ceasuri, bijuterii etc.-- in cele 30 de magazii aflate nu departe de rampa mortii pentru a fi apoi trimise in Germania.

For the Danish translation [Dansk oversættelse], please click in on the icon at left.

For the Dutch translation [Nederlandse vertaling], please click in on the icon at left.

For the French translation [traduction française], please click in on the icon at left.

For the German translation [Deutsche übersetzung], please click in on the icon at left.

For the Hungarian translation [Magyar fordítás], please click in on the icon at left.

For the Italian translation [traduzione italiano], please click in on the icon at left.

For the Polish translation [wersja polska], please click in on the icon at left.

For the Russian translation [], click on the icon at left.



XI. ...And the Cycle of Death Continues

(... Si Ciclul Mortii Se Reia)

The cycle of death ...

Six hours have passed since the deportees that had arrived from the last Birkenau-Auschwitz train left the "Death Ramp." ... And now, a new train is about to stop carrying another 3000 innocent Jews destined to die.

... And that cycle continued, day and night, with no stop, during the Spring and Summer of 1944.

(The Original Text in Romanian)
...Au trecut 6 ore de cand lotul de deportati sositi cu utlimul tren la Birkenau-Auschwitz a parasit "Rampa mortii" ... si acum se asteapta imediata oprire a unui nou tren cu 3.000 de evrei nevinovati, sortiti exterminarii.

...si acest ciclu s-a reluat zi si noapte, fara intrerupere, de-a lungul primaverii si verii anului 1944.

For the Danish translation [Dansk oversættelse], please click in on the icon at left.

For the Dutch translation [Nederlandse vertaling], please click in on the icon at left.

For the French translation [traduction française], please click in on the icon at left.

For the German translation [Deutsche übersetzung], please click in on the icon at left.

For the Hungarian translation [Magyar fordítás], please click in on the icon at left.

For the Italian translation [traduzione italiano], please click in on the icon at left.

For the Polish translation [wersja polska], please click in on the icon at left.

For the Russian translation [], click on the icon at left.





Back to the Beginning


To Oliver Lustig's Biographical Sketch
To Oliver Lustig's Concentration Camp Dictionary




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Special Selected Links:

Yad Vashem's Introductory Note to the Auschwitz Album

Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum

Expanded version of the Auschwitz Album

Holocaust Encyclopedia: Auschwitz
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

A Community Destroyed:
60 Years Since the Annihilation of Hungarian Jewry

by Professor Israel Gutman and Dr. Robert Rozett

