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and Dachau Holocaust Survivor

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Butter mit Honig ? (Again Butter and
(Fire cloud)
(Waste Land)

entryposted here.

entryposted here.

(Gypsy Camp)
fünf (Columns of Fives)
In all concentration camps there
was an acute need for water. During the long, hot summer
of 1944 in camp E of
Birkenau-Auschwitz we did not receive water
for several days on end. At Kaufering No. 9
we had no water to be our faces. In none of the camps my
destiny took me to there be water to was the rag we had
Nevertheless, in all camps there
was plenty of water to do the killing.
The SS who had
turned each camp into an empire of death also made out of
water a means of extermination.
Ramdohr, the chief of the
political section of Ravensbrück was
surprised at how little water he needed to kill a man.
Ramdohr summoned the women detainees to
cross-examination, tied their hands behind their backs
and ordered them to lay flat on a table, their heads
hanging over the edge of the table where there was a
stool and a basin full of water on it.
He asked the first question and
without waiting for an answer he took the detainee by the
hair and dipped her head into Wasser, the
water. He pushed it down, trying to overcome the
resistance of the detainee who was struggling in the
gates of death. When he felt she was at the end of her
power, he let recover her senses. He went away nervously
pacing the room and bawling out "I'm listening!" But when
the confession did not satisfy him he dashed to table,
seized the victim by the hair and this time he kept her
head under the water till she ceased struggling and she
died drowned into the basin with Wasser,
water. Ramdohr was always surprised how little water was
needed in order to kill a man.
But the most original method of
killing by means of Wasser, water, was
imagined and put into practice by
Unterscharführer-SS Jentzsh Heinz,
nicknamed Bademeister, and bathhouse
master. He was the one who invented the deadly bath and
he put it in practice at Gusen II. Ill and
exhausted Häftlings were brought into
a makeshift bathroom apparently to have a shower. Some of
them had to be carried or supported in order to get from
the Revier to the so-called bathroom. There
were put under an ice cold shower for thirty minutes.
Almost none of them could resist that much, and one after
other they collapsed into the basin. In the basin
das Wasser, the was not higher than 15-20
centimeters but sufficient drown those miserable, utterly
exhausted Häftlings who had fell flat
like some limp bodies and who were unable to stand

The column of
Häftlings was advancing.
We kept marching on our bare
feet all sores. The one who lagged behind was shot to
death. So we kept marching on faint with hunger, our lips
parched with thirst, our red-rimmed eyes dim with
sleepiness. If somebody fell to the ground in utter
exhaustion and could no longer get back to his feet, he
was lost. His head was smashed with the rifle
The column of
Häftlings was advancing. Those who lagged
behind were shot, one by one. Those who collapsed were
The column of
Häftlings kept advancing. We were marching
our feet bleeding, starved, thirstily, fagged out, beaten
up, shot at... but still marching on.
Wer, what
was driving us from behind? Fear of death? But death lay
also before us! Wer, who was driving us

Butter mit Honig?
It happened at
Theresienstadt, the only camp for children
under 15.
One day the visit of a
commission of the International Red Cross was announced.
Feverish arrangements started. Over one single night
alleys were made, trees and flowers were planted, benches
were brought and even a stage was set up in the
But the camp leadership had one
reason to worry. How will the children behave? The
grown-ups were quickly made clear that anyone who
complained of the slightest possible thing would hang
from one of the branches of the trees that has been
planted overnight five minutes after the commission had
But to deal with the children
another method had to be found, so they were promised
that on the day of the visit they would be given a slice
of bread and butter and honey. The children, who hardly
remember the taste of butter and honey were looking
forward eagerly to the visit.
After three days of repeated
promises the children were mad with excitement and
expectation. And then the condition was started, which
they observed strictly and carefully. In the morning,
when in the presence of the International red cross
members they were given a slice of bread with butter and
honey, they all exclaimed, with faint voices, as they had
been trained:
"Wieder Butter mit
Hoing!" Again butter and honey!

No matter how malignant the
crimes envisaged in the plans, ordinances and operations
issued by the Nazi leaders in Berlin, they were put into
practice with murder some meticulousness.
There was no escape, no
exception. I was one of those who drank to the lee cup of
bitterness and suffering planted in the capital of the
Nazi Reich. I had the chance to escape
death because during the last operation --
Wolkenbrand, fire cloud, the criminal Nazi
mechanism finally went out of order.
The Wannsee Protocol signed on
January 20, 1942 in Berlin stipulated, as regards the
Endlösung, the final solution of the
Jews question "the complete extermination of all Jews
from Europe", to which effect the whole Europe had to be
searched "from EST to east", During that search I was
"discovered" -- although thousands kilometers far from
Berlin -- and deported to
Birkenau-Auschwitz together with my whole
family. As establisher in Berlin with utmost concision,
Birkenau was set up to ensure
Vernichtung durch Vergasung, extermination
through asphyxiation. My mother and my three younger
brothers were taken from the platform straight to the gas
I saw sent to a camp in
Bavarian, Landsberg, which belonged to the
center of Dachau where, just like in all
the other camps throughout the Reich the key-word that
had been established in Berlin was Vernichtung
durch Arbeit, extermination through work, a
slogan put into practice unscrupulously and with criminal
meticulousness. Month after month Landsberg
exceeded the planned morality. And yet, when the American
troops penetrated into Bavarian, in
Landsberg and in other camps subordinated
to Dachau over the thousand detainees were
still alive.
Feeling that the collapse of
their power was impending, the Nazi leaders in Berlin
took energetic steers to do away with all
Häftlings in all camps, to the last
men. In Dachau, Kaltenbrunner himself
ordered the caring into effect of the Wolkenbrand
(fire cloud) operation, which envisaged the
poisoning of all Häftlings alive.
Harfeld, the chief surgeon of Gau, pledged to provide the
necessary quantities of poison. As for Landsberg,
Giesler, the Gauleiter of Munich,
had suggested as early as mid-March 1944 that in case the
American advance were pushing forward all detainees
should be shot or the whole camp destroyed by air
However, when the American
cannon advanced within hearing distance, the brutes in
charge with Landsberg realized that they
would be held to account for their crimes and their
hands, which had so often pulled the trigger, started to
tremble. They suggested surrender. Himmler's answer was
categorical: "The enemy must seize no detainee
When Gaustableiter
Gerdes referred to the lack of bombs and petrol,
Kaltenbrunner ordered that the
Häftlings of Landsberg from columns
and March of Dachau to be included in the
Wolkenbrand operation, that is
On April 24 all inmates of
Landsberg who could stand on their feet
formed columns and headed for Dachau,
guarded by SS-men. I stayed behind, getting
lost among the ill who could no longer stand erect,
thereby escaping the Wolkenbrand
On the morning of April 27, when
in Dachau machine-guns cannon were set into
fire emplacements at every 20 meters, I together with
several tens of Häftlings were running
pass the broken gate of the camp, shouting to make sure
we were not dreaming, we are freee... freee...

When camp Gusen II --
Mauthausen was bombed, a splinter pierced my
father's abdomen. After that bombardment all wounded, my
father among them, and all the other sick people in the
camp, several hundred in all, were crowded into wagons
and sent to a larger camp as Gusen II there
were no crematoria. Somewhere in Germany the train
stopped in a railway station for a couple of minutes.
The Häftlings able to move near some
slits in the walls to look out. After a long time they
saw decently dressed people, young lovers
My father, holding his abdomen
dripping with blood was asking whit his last drop of
energy: "Water... water..."
But nobody on that platform with
people decently dressed, mothers holding their babies in
their arms or lovers embracing heard him as if father had
cried in einer Wüste, in a desert, in
a waste land.

The SS-men took
pleasure in killing and never got bored when it was they
themselves who did it. But controlling the running of the
death conveyor belt of Birkenau, managing
the great number of concentration camps scattered
throughout Germany, superintending the thousands ok
Kommandos (the worked detachments made up
of Häftlings), they became bored to
death and felt the need for
Zerstreuungen, for a little
After work, they spent a fully
satisfactory time in the brothel, customary in each and
every camp. Besides, there were the evening parties,
which regularly turned into orgies. Die
Aufseherinen, the woman guardians were ready to
make love with any SS-man, irrespective of
rank or age, with the same frenzy which made them whip
the women detainees during the day. The
SS-men and women from concentration camps
were a perfect blend of cruelty and
After orgies the
SS-men sobered down while marching together
with the Häftlings Kommandos to the
places of work, ceaselessly yelling "schneller...
schneller..." and striking the detainees with the rife
butts or riding whips.
On arrival, the
SS-men made up a cordon of sentries and the
Häftling who trespassed willingly or
by chance the outline perimeter was shot without
After having breakfast and
smoking several cigarettes the SS-men
started to get bored, so they invented some
Zerstreuungen, entertainment.
The most customary was the
so-called "hare-shooting". They called several
Häftlings and asked them their names.
While the Häftlings stood at attention
they took their caps and threw them beyond the cordon.
"Go and fetch them, schneller!" And the moment the
Häftlings stepped beyond the cordon
merciless bullets cut them off. Sometimes the
SS-men waited till the
Häftlings bent down and reached for their
caps. With a little imagination they could really think
they were hunting hares.
They also ordered seemingly
harmless gym exercises, which gradually turned into
tortures. Wieslaw Kielar, who had been detained at
Auschwitz for five years recalls: "Whole
days we were doing gym exercises:
Höpfen1, Rollen2,
Tanzen3, and
Kniebeugen4". If we had to do
Höpfen we had to leap several tens of
meters along the platform and back. If we had to do the
Rollen we did it where there was the
greatest possible dust; Tanzen was for
relaxation, had to be done down and up completely, white
the SS-men counted: "einz, zwei,
We were shaking in every limb.
After so much staying in the sun our closely cropped
heads were swollen and heavy as lead. We were all
absolutely parched with thirst
If somebody fainted
he was taken near the building and a Kapo
brought him back to his senses. A little cold water, a
kick and the detainee got back to his place.
"Pipe" was always present. He
stood astride in the shadow of a tree, pulling at his
pipe or whistling some operatic area. Sometimes he beaked
one of the detainees and then a one-man show took places
not long through, because the heat of June was tiresome
for "Pipe".
"Komm!... komm!... Na,
genug! Was bistdu from
"O, Schüler...?
And he suddenly slapped him over
the month. "Hau ab ! Du polnischer
A new order. We have to cut off
the grass... with our teeth! I feel the bitter taste of
grass in my mouth and sand is grinding between my teeth.
My nose gets smeared with mud, my head is burning hot
with the fiery sun, my loins ache, my nape gets stiff
with the awkward position. This is quite a "sport". The
air rings with laughter. It's a group of
Kapos noisily expressing their admiration
for the SS-man's bright idea!
Zerstreuungen, fun...
The edge of a forest in Bavaria.
We are carrying heavy cement bags. We can barely stand on
our feet. Over twelve hours have elapsed since the cries
of Aufstehen made us jump from our beds and
there are still two hours till Feierabend!
Will be called. We no longer feel our knees. Neither the
shoulders. The wind is mercilessly lashing our cheeks,
throwing snow into our eyes and blowing so hard as if
willing to tear off the streaked rags that we have on.
But we are mostly tortured by hunger. We feel like
fainting at every step. A bread crust will help us pick
up some strength. A small piece of bread crust... only
one... Oh, God, what a deluding dream
Under a tree several
SS-men are putting out the fire after
roasting some sausages. They crush the last burning logs
under their boots. They have already repeated for the
hundredth time the same old filthy jokes and now they are
bored. An idea occurs to one of them. He pointed with his
riding whip to the Häftling who is
just passing by and shouts:
The Häftling
stops to let the cement bag fall into the snow and heads
for the group of SS-men at double quick. An
SS-man asks him politely to close his eyes
and open his mouth. The detainee casts several scared
glances around, but seeing the smiling faces around him
does what he is told.
The lieutenant crams a whole
sandwich into his mouth. "Clench your teeth!" the officer
orders and the Häftling shuts his
mouth and then starts to chew, his face cleaning up.
After he swallows he bends to thank respectfully for the
present he was given.
"Once again!" the lieutenant
orders. The Häftling immediately
closes his eyes and opens his mouth. His face brightens
up again the moment he feels the same taste of salami in
his mouth.
"Shut your mouth!" the
SS-man orders him again. Hardly has the
detainee closed his mouth that his face is contorted by a
terrible grimace of pain. He throws himself to the ground
and starts to roll in the snow giving an endless cry of
pain. The sandwich was full of pins and pieces of glass.
The SS-men are rearing with laughter.
Zerstreuungen, entertainment.
Witness Casimir Climent Sarrion,
a former Häftling at
Mauthausen gave evidence at the trial in
Dachau: "One day in February 1942, a group
of Jews were standing naked in front of the barrack of
the Political service. Schulz ordered two rabbis be
brought into his office and asked them:
"Are you could?"The stove in the
room was burning red. Schultz9 took one of the
rabbis and put him on the store. The officers around
started to shake with laughter".
Zerstreuungen, entertainment.
There were SS-men
who preferred even more sinister "jokes". The end of the
fire extinguish water pomp was put in the anus of a
Häftling and water was turned on a
maximum pressure. The torn up body was thrown upwards to
the delight of the SS-men who laughed at
the ludicrous play of the limbs of the miserable
A group of
Häftlings chosen at random was ordered
to climb up a tree. Several tens of Häftlings
struggling, pushing one another, trampling on one
another tried hard to get as high as possible. Those from
the lower branches were torn up by wolf dogs. The
detainees' desperate attempts to get higher, to escape
the fangs of the wolf-dogs or the strokes of the
Kapo's rifle butts or cudgels, the falling
of detainees pushed down by their inmates who stepping on
their heads tried to climb up onto a higher branch seemed
to amuse the SS-men immensely.
Zerstreuungen, entertainment...
One, two, three.
Come!... Come!...
Well, enough! What are you?
Oh, a pupil!...
Get out of my
sight! Polish bullshit!
You... come
Karl Schultz, former chief of the Political Service in

The concentration camp of
Birkenau was the most terrible of all. And
from the tens of concentration camps, which belonged to
Birkenau in 1944, camp E, the
so-called Zigeunerlager, the gypsy camp was
hell broken loose.
From the over 200,000 gypsy who
fell prey to Nazism, 22.696 were taken to
Birkenau-Auschwitz to camp E
which took its name of Zigeunerlager after
them. In 1944 when the Jews deported from Hungary arrived
at camp E in the
Zigeunerlager, only several thousands of
gypsies were still alive. We, the ones deported from
northern Transylvania occupied by Horthysts were crowded
in the barracks on the left side of the alley dividing
the camp into two and flanked by barracks on each side.
The gypsies were living in the barracks on the opposite
side. They lived together with their families and were
also masters of the alley. We were afraid to go farther
than the platforms between the alleys. Newcomers as we
were, we did not even realize what corner of the world we
had been thrown into. And, early that summers all
Blockältestes and
Vertreters; the all-powerful masters over
our barracks were recruited from among the gypsies. Not
ordinary gypsies, but the most villainous ones, criminals
who had killed and robbed many times.
One starry night in mid-summer
1944 Bloksperre the closing of barrack, the
camp rang with the din of van engines, the barking of
wolf-dogs, the yelling of the SS-men, the
screams, swears and curses of the gypsies.
During that endless night all
gypsies in camp E of Birkenau
were gassed and burnt to a man. Burnt together
were children born in the camp and young gypsy girls
still dreaming of the day the will run away a lad and
ride stallions as quick as lightening through the forest
of Bavaria on by-paths that only they knew; burnt were
all Blockältertes and
Vertreters, the all-powerful masters and
chiefs of our barracks together with the gypsy women who
could tell your fortune, foretelling that they will live
the day when they would return to their caravans that
some day their daughters will be again dancing their
passionate dances, making up for all the weddings and
christenings they could not celebrate since the day their
carts, caravans and houses in the plains of
Saxony, in the villages of Thuringia, at
the outskirts of the Belgian towns and on the roads of
Holland were surrounded by lorries and
SS-men ready to pull the trigger and they
were loaded into lorries and deported.
During that night the
descendants of the famous gypsies who had smuggled Lyon
silks, of those who had delighted the castle-owners in
the Rhine Valley with their dances and songs, people who
could not live if they were not free to wander through
villages and towns, the mountains and plains whenever
they liked, to love and make justice according to their
own laws and customs, having as witnesses only the sun
and moon, were crammed into pitch black vans, unable to
look at the stare-lit sky and were taken directly to the
gas chambers.
At dawn we dashed to the
platforms between barracks -- we still did not dare to
step on the alley running through the middle of the camp
-- and we looked at the barracks flanking the opposite
side of the alley. Everything was dead still, no
movement, no sounds., The barracks with their doors wide
open looked like some violated empty graves. The sky
above was covered by black, choking smoke. From time to
time flames and sparks coming from the crematorium
chimney flashed through the dense smoke and faded away
like falling stars.
During that night1
nobody had heard the whistle of an engine or the rattling
of wheels on the railway track and yet that part of the
camp the gypsies had lived in all deserted. Only the
think layer of black smoke raising over the deserted
barracks, whit doors wide open, looking like empty,
violator graves.
In camp E there no
longer were gypsies. Although none of them survived, the
camp was further called Zigeunerlager, the
gypsy camp.

From the moment we got off the
trains on the platform of
Birkenau-Auschwitz we could not even dare
make a single step otherwise but grouped in lines of
fives in order that our counting and surveillance be thus
Still, there was an exception,
and that on the day of our arrival, Mothers and children
up to 14, the old and the ill, all those who had gathered
on the left side of the platform were not obliged to
follow this rule. That column was heading straight to the
gas chamber and people were allowed to step into death at
walking pace, without restrictions. The press and jostle
in the gas chambers was somehow counterbalanced by the
perfect order ruling in crematoria. Corpses did not
resist and did not struggle, so they could be counted
accurately. Five corpses were placed in each container to
be introduces into the oven.
The able-bodied people fit for
work made columns of fives on the right side of the
platform and then the columns of fives, zu
fünf entered camp
All the time we spent at
Birkenau we had to make up columns of
fives, zu fünf for roll call... for
getting our food... for
We made up rows of fives also
for selection with the sole difference that this we were
naked. Captain SS Mengele made decisions
for a whole row, sending all five people either to the
crematorium, or to a labor camp.
At Keufering,
Landsberg and in all the other camps I was taken
to, the rule was the same as in Birkenau:
we could not move a step, but lined in rows of fives, so
that each and every SS-men could count us
more easily.
We marched in rows of fives from
the camp to the Mohl forest where we worked
and back to the camp. Those who died during the day were
carried back by fellow-inmates on their shoulders. Each
corpse was carried by four detainees, thereby making up a
group of fives. No matters how hard the journey,
particularly in winter when the snow stuck to our clogs
and many of us collapsed, one corpse had to be carried by
four people and never more. The column made way through
the snow, in rows of fives. The closing rows were made up
of four living people and a corpse.
The coal for heating, the food,
the clothing -- everything was carried in carts. There
were no cattle or horses to drive them, and why should
they be? There were plenty of
Häftlings instead who could do it.
Five detainees were assigned to pull each cart. When the
road was rough and the load very heavy another five were
ordered to push it.
The Häftlings
had crossed Europe, from Poland, from
Birkenau-Auschwitz to Bavaria, going in the
middle of the road in rows of fives, flanked by
SS-men holding the machine-gun in one hand
and the riding whip in the other.
The SS-men managed
to destroy everything beautiful so thoroughly, so
completely and radically that even our dreams were
oppressive and sad. And yet, one frosty winter night, at
Landsberg, I dreamt something beautiful.
The shrill whistles and cries of aufstehen...
aufsteheen... woke me up suddenly and made me
jump to my feet so suddenly that I no longer could
remember what my beautiful dream was about, but I knew. I
felt, I was certain that a miracle had happened, that for
the first time since my deportation I had a beautiful
dream. Out in the cold we pressed into one another to
stand the lashing wind that tore at our rags. My inmates
had gloomy faces, blue with the cold, sleeplessness, and
the fear of a new dreadful day which might have been the
last for many.
But I was serene, even smiling.
The people around instinctively drew back, I had just
remembered my dream. It was a lovely summer day and I was
walking in the streets of Cluj. There were lost of people
in the street and I was walking among them, alone, and
not in a row of fives. I stopped and nobody strokes me
with the riding whip, or the rifle butt. I broke into a
run and no bullet was whistling past me. I was looking on
the right and on the left and nobody was following me...
I was free... I could walk freely... like all the others
around me...
I had not gone mad. I was really
smiling. At that moment, the camp rang with the shouts of
tens of Kapos: "antrenten zu
fünf zum Appelle from columns of fives for
My face fell and turned gloomy
like all the others faces that were blue with the cold,
sleeplessness and the fear if a horrible day that might
be the last for many of us.

Long time after my liberation,
the shout and cries of the SS-men continued
to haunt me. Half asleep in the morning I heard the order
! so clearly that I jumped
from the bed repeating it aloud, just as I used to in the
Sometimes walking alone a park
the swears of my former Kapos and
Blockältestes seemed so real that I
suddenly gave a start and was all of a sweat.
Years turned into decades and
little by little as years went by I freed myself from
these hallucinations. During the day I no longer heard
and was no longer frightened by the echo of the orders
for roll-call... for selection... It was only at night
that they continued to ring in my ears.
From that language of death that
had become obsessive there is one single command that is
still sounding in my ears:
Zwillinge!... Die Zwillinge
We were on the platform of
Birkenau-Auschwitz. Those on the left,
mothers and children, old and sick, including my mother
and my three little brothers, calmly waited for the
departure. Neither they, nor we, the ones on the right,
selected for work, suspected that the road they were
going to take would lead them to the gas
Although the distance between
the two columns was great, the clamor -- sobs, blending
with farewells, desperate prayers and bitter curses,
hysterical shouts urging calmness -- rendered
communication very difficult, almost impossible. And yet,
the words of Captain Dr. Joseph Mengele, ceaselessly
repeated by tens of detainees running up and down the
column were heard distinctly:
Zwillinge!... Keine Zwillinge
Twins... twins... Aren't there
any more twins?...
I heard those words clearly. I
looked at the other side of the platform and I saw that
my twin brother and sister, Cornel and Cornelia who had
not turned 14 yet were further keeping near mother,
holding Valentin's hand. They didn't have the slightest
idea of German. But I who knew a little German,
understood Mengele's words. The through came to my mind
that the twins would be taken somewhere else so it would
be better for them to stay with mother and my youngest
All this happened on June 9,
1944 around 11 a.m. An hour or two later all the four of
them wold be asphyxiated in the gad chamber.
The twins who had stepped
outside were not gassed. They were taken to camp
F. I was taken to camp E, separated
from them by one single row of barbed wire conducting
high tension current.
Barrack No. 14 of camp
F sheltered over one hundred pairs of twins
and was the main laboratory for the experiments carried
out by the criminal doctor Mengele. The crowed purpose of
his research was to stimulate to the greatest possible
extern the proliferation of the "superior Arian race". To
put it bluntly, to find a method that would help each
German mother of pure blood to give birth to
In order to find out "the
secret", incredible experiments were made. The pairs of
twins were measured and weighted, photographed from all
angles. They were made reciprocal transfusions of blood,
lumbar punitions, and gynecological exterminations. Twin
sisters were forced to copulate with twin brothers to
find out whether they would also give birth to
In order to examine the results
the pairs of twins were killed with phenol shots in the
heart. Then their bodies were dissected and the
respective organs were preserved, packed and sent to the
Anthropological Institute of Berlin-Dahlem. In order to
give you a complete image I quote from the memoirs of Dr.
Nyiszli Miklos, Mengele's forensic doctor at the
crematories of Birkenau-Auschvitz: "Here
there happens something unique the history of medical
science: two twins die at the same moment and their
autopsy can be made without delay... During the afternoon
doctor Mengele calls on me. I report him on the autopsies
that have been made and I hand him over the autopsy
reports of ten twins... I carry out the autopsy of the
two twins and I draw up the regular autopsy report...
Twelve pairs of twins have not been introduced into the
ovens... I make the post-mortem examination of the twelve
pairs most carefully..."
As long as I lived in the shadow
of the crematoria of Birkenau,
then in the camps of Kaufering and
Landsberg I kept on thinking about the fate
of my twin brother and sister. And I kept telling myself
that if then were anyhow doomed to die, perhaps it is
better that they did not step out of the column thereby
escaping at least Mengele's degrading criminal
experiments. But after liberation I began to doubt it. I
learnt that on January 27, 1945 when units of the Soviet
Army entered Birkenau-Auschwitz they found
there only 2.819 Häftlings alive.
2.819 men from the millions of Jews who had entered the
gate of the camp. Among them, several pairs of
Since that day and up to present
I have kept asking myself over again: should I have
called to my twin brother and sister to step outside,
like the others twins? They might have survived. I don't
remember whether it was I myself who took the decision or
I took counsel with my father who was by my side in the
column on the right. And I can't ask father now, to
compose my conscience, as I could not ask him after
liberation, because he was killed at
Mauthausen. And I cannot tell whether it
was eraser for my twin brother and sister to die together
with mother and our youngest brother, right after
arrival, or whether I should have called to turn to step
out and then... they might have survived.
But what if they had become
guinea pigs and parts of their bodies would have been
extirpated, conserved and sent to Berlin? Even if they
had not died in consequence of those experiments, could
anyone have called "life" what was to follow? I don't
know. I cannot give an answer. Even now, after almost
forty-five years I can still hear Mengele's words,
repeated by tens of detainees:
Zwillinge! Die Zwillinge
"Twins! Twins... twins step

The Nazi obey-executioners,
assembled to a meeting in Berlin at 56-58 Grosser Wannsee
Street, decided how many million Jews had to be
exterminated in a first stage and how many million Slaves
had to share the same fate during the stage to follow.
Whit the meticulousness they made proof of any time they
devised a wide-scale assassination they established the
way the Jews were to be rounded up, the places where they
were to be transported to, the rate of extermination.
They only forgot to specify how they were going to
be liquidated.
Rudolf Höss, who was
appointed the commander of
Birkenau-Auschwitz in 1940, realized soon
that the regular execution methods could not ensure the
rate and scope of extermination imposed by
The idea of mass extermination
by gassing appeared spontaneously and at the same
time in several camps, but at the beginning it was put
into practice with primitive methods, exhaust gas being
used in most of the cases.
Under the pressure of the tasks
he had to cope with
Stanradtenführer-SS Rudolf Höss
understood that before building modern gas chambers and
crematoria an extremely efficient poisons gas had to be
founds. This was the crux of the matter. He knew that the
commander of Treblinka, who used monoxide
gas in the gas chambers, had a rich experience in this
field, but his methods did not strike Höss as
particularly efficient. So he began to experiment the
effect of various noxious gasses on his own.
Initially, the experiments were
made on small groups of Häftlings
locked in cells. "I put on a gas mask -- Rudolf Höss
testified at his trial -- and I could attend the
execution. The detainees, crowded in cells, died
immediately after the gas was introduced. Some short,
stifled cries and that was all".
As he himself had declared,
Zyklon B, a gas obtained from prussic acid
gave him great satisfaction, as being fit for the
The very first experiments
produced the expected results and it was decided that
Zyklon B had the much looked for
"qualities", so that the first wide-scale experiment was
organized: the gassing of 900 Soviet war prisoners. The
victims were crowed into one room, the door was closed
and then crystals of Zyklon B were let fall
through the ceiling. The prisoners started to shout and
tried to break the door open, but they couldn't. The door
was opened only several hours later. "It was the first
time -- Rudolf Höss declared -- that I saw so many
people who had died by gassing... In spite of that I may
say that the gassing of that transport had a reassuring
effect on me, because soon we had to start the mass
extermination of Jews and neither I nor Eichman had
managed that far to found a suitable method. We both were
of the option that a gas has to be used, but what gas in
particular and how it had to be used was thing that had
remained unsettled. Those experiments pointed to both the
gas and the way it had to be used..."
Höss was completely
satisfied with the results and unhesitatingly decided on
the use of Zyklon B, as he himself was to
declare: "When we built the extermination room of
Auschwitz we restored to Zyklon
B a crystallized prussic acid which we introduced
through an orifice into the death chamber".
Like a true executioner Rudolf
Höss analyzed in cold blood the "advantages" derived
from using Zyklon B: "it causes death with
absolute certainty and does it quickly, particularly when
used in dry rooms... well stuffed wit people
[author's underscoring]..."
Millions of deportees entered
into the gas chambers of Birkenau,
camouflaged into modern bathroom (one of them could take
in 2.000 persons if well pressed). Never had a drop of
water fell from the showers on their ceilings. Each time
small crystals of Zyklon B poured down over
the Häftlings.

The SS-men used
every possible means for committing crimes ranging from
the most trivial ones -- the bullet, the gallows -- to
the modern mass asphyxiation facilities; from the most
brutal instruments of torture -- the cudgel, the wire
whip, the rifle butt -- to the most malignant and refined
methods of physical torture. It is almost impossible to
imagine the limits to which the SS-men
pushed their Zynismus, cynicism., in their
horrible endeavor to destroy the
Häftlings, to deprive them of their last
hope, to kill them mentally before killing them
The new-comers to the
concentration camp were told sparingly "You either work
or Croak, you are another meant to die, so it's only a
matter of time; sooner or later, it will surely happen,
you can bank on it. The words were not identical in all
camps but the general meaning was the same. Nobody can
tell how you will die, but one thins in certain:
none of you will come out alive". The key word is
Bergen-Belsen was "Let him die". In other
camps the idea was the same: "They never die too
Lagerführers showed his
Zynismus, cynicism not only in word but
also in deed. Whenever a new transport of
Häftlings arrived he chase two or
three of them at random, ordered them to step out the
column. He calmly his pistol and shot them without saying
a word. Then, putting his pistol back into its case he
casually said to those who attended the scene: "Such a
ting can happen any time to anyone of you, So you'd
better obey completely".
Cynicism turned into real fact
was the more unbearable. Detainee André Lettich
assigned as bacteriologist to the Hygiene Institute of
Auschwitz was in charge with making
autopsies to rabbits, hens and ducks from farm of the
SS-men's private property to determine the
cause of their death. We felt indignant at having to make
those autopsies, to make artificial inseminations or draw
up reports to determine the cause of a rabbit's death,
when we knew that in the same instant the assassins who
ordered us to do that were gassing and burning thousands
of innocent men, women and children. In July 1944, that
is during the period when the Nazi barbarisms gassed
6.000 innocent men, women and children daily,
Standartartz1-SS Sturmbannführer
Dr. Wirtz, the ill-reputed gynecologist who chose women
to use them as guinea-pigs, sent to the lab a little
rabbit who had died some five days before and a letter in
which we were asked to determine why the poor animal had
died... Zynismus, cynicism. On January 3,
1942, Major Rösler, from the 528 Infantry Regiment
sent to General Schierwind, the commander of the Ninth
Army a report that was found after the end of the was: "A
ditch some 7-8 meters' long and perhaps 4 meters wide,
the earth undue making up a wave on one its sides. Both
the earthen wave and the walls of the ditch were dripping
with blood. The ditch was full of human corpses of both
sexes, their number impossible to assess -- so I couldn't
even appreciate its depth.
Behind the earthen wave there
was a police commando commander by a police officer. The
soldiers' uniforms were stained with blood. Countless
soldiers from other submits, some in bathing suits and
many civilians with their wives and children hanged
around, watching the scene as spectators. As I drew as
close to the ditch as possible I saw an image that I
couldn't forget till now. Among the corpses lying there,
there was a white-bearded old man, whose left hand was
still holding the walking stick.
He was still alive, panting for
breath. I showed him to a policeman, asking the latter to
kill him. He answered with a snare: "That one? I shot
seven bullets into his belly, he will croak for sure
now!" Zynismus,
The SS-men's
impudence in boasting of their criminal actions and
intentions borders on insanity. And yet, I think that
SS-men reached the acme of the
Zynismus of cynicism not when they
confessed their assassin thoughts but when they tried to
disguise them, writing on the gate of
Buchenwald camp, the camp in which they
killed tens of thousands of innocent people and prominent
antifascist militants: Jedem das seine --
Every man has what he deserves.
1 The
chief physician of the garrison.

Oliver Lustig's Biographical Sketch

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