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and Dachau Holocaust Survivor

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The impressive castle of
Hartheim, in the Oberdonau province had
been chosen the execution of Hitler's most brutish order:
extermination of mentally alienated people and of those
suffering from incurable diseases. With the perspective
mapped out for the
extermination of whole
peoples and races -- at Hartheim the
SS killed tens of thousands of helpless
sick in order to test, on "scientific bases", mass
asphyxiation by the use of toxic gases. Another
assignment of the impressive castle was to "give a
helping hand" to the camp at Mauthausen,
which did not have enough facilities to exterminate the
Häftllings at the desired rate.
Standartenführer SS Franz Ziereis, the
last commander of the concentration camp at
Mauthausen, confessed in his deposition:
"Gruppenführer Glucks ordered that all
detainees who had grown weak be declared mentally
alienated and then exterminated in a big gassing
facility. The place is called Hartheim and
is ten Kilometers away from Linz, in the Passau
direction. In the camp the detainees were reported to
have died of natural death. The death certificates of the
detainees included on the transport were filled in
advance, when they were still alive, by the political
section of the concentration camp of
No sick man brought to
Hartheim or Häftling
sent over from Mauthausen ever went
out alive through the gates of the castle. Berlin was
convinced that the "treatments" applied in the basement
of that impressive romantic castle would never be
When the downfall had become
imminent, the center ordered those at Hartheim
to remove all compromising traces. Beginning
December 13, 1944 -- as follows from the deposition
made during the trial by Hans Marsalek, one of the
accused -- twenty masons and carpenters worked day and
night "to demolish the crematorium and its chimney along
with the other technical facilities, to make new doors
and window-panes for the gas chamber and other places,
and to do all sorts of gardening working."
By the time the American troops
arrived at the castle the latter had become a decent
asylum with 35 children and six teachers.
Rudolf Lohnamer, the commander
of the castle, who had reserved to himself the privilege
of turning on the gas with his own hand whenever a lot of
sick people or of Häftlings was being
asphyxiated, committed suicide. Most of the butchers
disappeared but their crimes were disclosed by one of the
petty brutes at the castle, Vinzenz Mobel, the stoker of
the crematorium. Death as a profession seemed so natural
to that brute, sent to Hartheim following
the intercession of his brother, Major-General
SS Gustav Mobel, that before being hanged
he declared with utter serenity: "As soon as a group of
detainees meant for gassing arrived we would have them
unloaded from the lorries and ask them to take off their
clothes. I had orders to see that no one ran away.
(/.../) I would take them to the gas chamber and lock
them inside. Then doctor Lohnauer would turn on the gas.
Afterwards I would take the corpses out of the gas
chamber and burn them in the crematorium."
Over 1940-1944, the impressive
romantic castle of Hartheim, not far from
Linz -- changed into a laboratory for "scientific
research" in rapid extermination -- produced some 30.000
corpses, people who had been dead, gassed or killed
during the experiments.

A man taken from among the
people and interned in a Nazi concentration camp. A man
that was no longer considered as such.
A man who was annulled all
rights. The right to love, to have a family, to walk, to
have memories. The right to think, to protest, to act.
The right to have a name.
A man who was denied the right
to be a man. The right to hope. The right to
A man no longer recognized or
protected by anyone. Neither by the state where he had
been deported from, nor by the fascist Reich
that had deported him. By no forum on earth. By no
international law.
A man hunted, arrested and
tortured by the Gestapo. Shot dead by the
SS. Asphyxiated in gas chambers. Burnt in
A man who had his parent,
brothers, all relatives, friends and acquaintances
A man who had been killed
everything human in live, yet survived as a

A butcher by vocation, Heinrich
Himmler organized murders out of passion
and calculations. Unlike Göring, he did not like to
make himself talked about, to make a show of ranks,
titles, decorations or robbed riches. Quartered in room
318, 4th floor, in the famous building at 8
Prinz Albertstrasse in Berlin, he directed assassinations
-- from individual murders to mass exterminations --
throughout Europe and even on the other
He would look at his inferiors
with piercing eyes from behind his pince-nez and then
order them, while gently caressing his little moustache,
the place, scope and rate of the
Sometimes, he felt stained with
the victims' blood. "He had a butcher's heart", Georg
Strasser, one of the founders of the Nazi Party said, "so
he did not care at all, though, punctilious as he was, he
feared someone night have noticed the blood stains on his
body. That is why his favorite place for studying files
and deciding the executions was not room 318 at the
4th floor, but the building. He had found out
that the bigger the crimes, the greater the secrecy in
which they had to be initiated, planned and
In 1929, when
Himmler took over the SS, he
had not turned 30 yet. Upon its foundation in 1927, the
Schutz Staffel1, SS, had 280
members. Two years later their number had increased to
52.000. Heinrich Himmler then turned the
SS into the most horrible terror
institution, boasting a killing apparatus with tens and
tens of branches and an army of killers that had grown to
some hundreds of thousand. The SS had
engulfed the Gestapo and the
SD2, all bodies, and they were
not few, dealing with the surveillance and liquidation of
all those who harbored or were suspected to harbor other
ideas or thoughts than the ones preached by the
Führer. Two were the principles
underlying the SS: racial selection and
blind submission.
The one who turned out disloyal,
be it only in thought, would be banished from the
SS, nay, Himmler lugubriously
threatened, from among the quick, too.
An Ober-butcher
over an army of butchers, Himmler had
acquired a lot of offices: Reichführer SS,
chief of the Gestapo, minister of
the interior, Riechsleiter of the Nazi
Party, commander-in-chief of the "Vistula" Army Group...
but the office for which he was most feared, even by the
potentates, was that of Hitler's "eyes, ears and
A participator in and initiator
of the "Bierputsch" of November 9, 1923, Himmler
set to work and drew up lists and files with
Hitler's enemies. Starting 1929, when he was appointed
Reichführer SS, he personally directed
all assassinations and settling of accounts with those
opposing Nazism. After Hitler's ascent to power,
Himmler continued the job with increased
A partisan of a wide-scope
radical setting of accounts with all the
Führer's and his potential enemies,
Himmler counted among the initiators of the
famous "night of long knives" (June 30, 1934).
SS and Gestapo men, in teams
of two, rang at the door of the offices or plats of some
generals or former ministers, directors and lawyers,
politicians of Nazis who knew to much about the past of
the movement and would not hold their mouth shut. The
SS-Gestapo teams waited until the door was
opened and pulled the trigger in greeting. They left the
victims tossing in a puddle of blood on the floor and
went in a hurry. Not because of fear, no, but because
there were still many "visits" to make. The lists with
the addresses had been carefully drawn up in
improved his job as long as he lived. He would draw up
files on everybody and everything and everything. On
people at the top of the Nazi hierarchy, on bigger or
petty chiefs, on common people. Thew files recorded
everything. Who meet whom, where and when; what one
talked about. One's "sore" points, such as money, card
playing or women, and extramarital affairs. Who had the
vaguest blood impurity, even if that had occurred three
or four generations before. With the help of those files,
Himmler would weave intrigues, blackmail,
terrorize, and rile. After Hitler he was the most feared
person in the Reich.
Himmler's greatest
passion, besides police matters, had always been the
defense of the Übermenschen's pure
blood. He made of the SS a "center of
irradiation of the pure race." To be allowed to marry a
simple SS man or MCO a young girl had to
prove her Arian ascending line as far back as 1.800, or
even 1.750 if she wanted to marry an SS
officer. To have the race proliferation speeded up, he
did not hesitate to introduce polygamy and ordered that
degrading, painful experiments were made upon the
Häflings at Birkenau,
ultimately meant to lead to an increase in fertility with
the German women. Also under the pretext of defending
pure blood and race, he personally directed the
organization of the concentration camps, the good working
of all death factories.
He initiated and sponsored all
experoiments made on living people. Moreover, he even
liked to be considered the author of some novel ideas in
the field. For instance, following the experiments made
by Rascher at Dachau, who freezed men to death,
Himmler suggested that one should try to
bruing them to life by forcing two naked women to clung
close to the freezed body of a victim. He ordered that
women from the Ravensbrück camp should
be moved to Dachau to this
He inspected the Birkenau
camp in person and watched through the peeping
hole the deportees choking in the gas chambers; at
Mauthausen he attended a mass execution by
shooting; after he had visited
Ravensbürck, women, too, were shot in
the neck; at least 50 female detainees had to be
exterminated in this way daily. Himmler had direct
permanent contacts with the commanders of the major
concentration camps.
Years passed by, the number of
the camps grew and so did that of the exterminations. He
attended them in person, watching the scene with his
insensitive "butcher's heart", and staring eyes from
behind the lenses of the pince-nez. He felt steeled and
used to tell the SS emphatically: "Most of
you know what 100, 500 or 1.000 corpses lying one next to
the other mean. We have withstood it to the end... This
has steeled us."
Actually, when he reached the
end, when the Reich collapsed, the steeled
Ober-butcher turned his back and tried to
hide like a coward. He shaved his little moustache, the
one he used to caress gently when attending executions,
and threw away the pince-nez through the lenses of witch
he had watched the choking Häftlings
fighting with death, replacing it by and eye-patch. And
as he feared that the blood stains he now felt all over
his body might show up through his black uniform of
Reichführer, be desperately threw it
away, and put on a pair of civilian trousers and a
Wehrmacht private's tunic, and left for the
West among a torrent of refugees.
He lied and fooled people all
his life. He was convinced he would mange to fool them
this time, too. When he arrived in front of a British
checkpoint, he hurried to hand them his pass on the name
of Heinrich Hitzinger. He felt reassured, as his pass was
brand new. But it was precisely this that aroused
suspicion, because most of the people in that motley
crowd had no identity papers. Until the matter was
clarified, Himmler was taken to the nearest
camp and locked in a cell. He let himself searched, but
when they asked him to open his mouth he quickly crushed
a cyanide ampoule between his teeth. Within a few seconds
the Ober-butcher in front of whom a whole
country, actually the whole Europe, had trembled was
lying on the cement floor of the cell, his legs
contorted, like a poisoned dog.
Protection troops.
Sicherheits Dienst, the Security Service.

On entering a concentration camp
one actually entered the Death Empire. Hoping to stay
alive was an illusion. And if one wore the
Judenstern, the yellow star, on his chest
the hope of survival was sheer madness.
However, die
Hoffnung, the hope, could not be killed. As is
known, the SS had become aces in point of
killing. They could kill anybody, anywhere, at any time.
Yet not the hope. They believed, actually were sure that
by burning millions of people in front of some other tens
thousands they would also burn the latter's hope to
In summer 1944, on entering
Birkenau, the Häftlings
coming from the Hortyst ghettoes were stripped to the
skin. We were not allowed to keep anything: neither
photos, nor clothes. Anything. One thing they could not
take from us: the hope. Consequently, the working system
of the camps at Birkenau-Auschwitz was
conceived in such a way that the Hoffnung,
the hope, be systematically destroyed crushed.
That it should be allowed not even to glimmer.
Höss, who
admitted the extermination of 2,5 million Jews at
Birkenau-Auschwitz while he had been in
charge of that camp, declared during the trial: "/
for the Jews at Auschwitz there was no
Hoffnung, no hope. They all knew that they
had been condemned to death /
/ Most of them did not
hope for a change of their sad fate. They had turned
The lack of any prospects of eluding the
otherwise foreseeable end made them completely apathetic
to what was going on around them. Psychic collapse
hastened physical collapse /
/ Death waited for them
implacably, sooner or later."
Rudolf Höss
was wrong and so were the other camp commanders, for hope
could not be killed either by the SS-men's
cynicism and sadism, or by the death pains in the gas
chambers, by hunger, thirst or could, torture,
experiments on living people or mass
True, at Birkenau,
the Hoffnung, hope was not able to
fly high into the sky. The stifling smoke floating over
the camp day and night made it choke.
True, at times, during the cold
winter days, the hope was frozen or crushed by some
Kapo who trampled underfoot an emaciated
body, or just torn out along with the nails of a detainee
by some SS-man in the torture
And yet, during the last moment, when
there was just one step move to killing barbed-wire, the
Hofftung, hope, began to glimmer again and
the Häftlings kept on fighting,
hoping, therefore surviving.

The SS in
Totenkopfeinheiten were all killers. They
killed passionately or just carelessly. They killed out
of the sadistic pleasure of seeing blood gushing from
wounds; out of helpless envy, of revenge or in
compensation for earlier failures; they killed out of
habit or to promote in the hierarchy. Most of them
however practiced assassination as a profession: with
inventiveness, collected and meticulosity. Their
archetype was Standartführer SS Rudolf
Höss, commander of the Birkenau-Auschwitz
Each day he would attend
executions, watch the columns of detainees dragging along
from the platform to the gas chambers or inspect the
crematoria at work. Then he would go and see his wife and
children, at their residence inside the camp. He would
only stay a few minutes, for he was a "hard-working" man.
It was only late in the evening, after he had convinced
himself that all transports of detainees had been
selected in accordance with his instructions, that all
those unfit for work and all children under 14 has been
liquidated, that he would return home and play at ease
with his five little children.
Rudolf Franz Ferdinand
Höss was born in Baden-Baden in 1900.
At the age of 15 he volunteered for the front. At 17 he
was the younger MCO in the Kaiser's army.
1923 had already imprisoned him: one night, after
carousal, he and some comrades killed a youngster in a
forest. He was sentenced to ten years of prison, but
would be released after six years of
Notwithstanding his record, he
entered the SS in 1934 upon the insistence
of Himmler. He started from the bottom:
Blockführer at Dacau. As
in the case of all SS fill of criminal
zeal, his ascent was very fast. After four years he was
appointed deputy commander of Sachsenhausen,
and after another two years, on May 1, 1940, he
was appointed commander of the largest concentration
camp: Birkenau-Auschwitz. After another
three years he was promoted to the management board of
the concentration camps.
"I have personally conducted the
execution at Auschwitz until December 1,
1943", Rudolf Höss, now an
SS colonel, overtly declared in his
deposition before being hanged. He did not hesitate to
admit the number of his victims: "I thing that at least
2.500.000 people have been gassed and incinerated their
(au Birkenau-Auschwitz -- O.L.); at least
another 500.000 people have died of hunger and
Choosing murder as a profession,
Rudolf Höss, while in prison,
confessed collectedly and in cold blood, shamelessly and
without remorse, but instead with the satisfaction of
well accomplished fact, how he had organized
extermination on a conveyor belt, what substantial
improvements he had brought in the field when compared to
the primitive, insufficiently effective practices he had
studied at Treblinka. He had replaced the
monoxide gas with Zyklon B, crystallized
hydrocyanic acid, that was stronger and more efficient;
he had had gas chambers built that were ten times larger
(at Tremblinka there were ten gas chambers
that could not "accommodate" more e than 200 people as
compared to 2.000 people who cloud be crammed into just
one chamber of the kind ha had had built); he had
crematoria built abreast with the top technology at the
That murder was a profession
like any other profession to Höss
results from the following notes he wrote down upon
returning from the court into his cell: "For all I care
the public option may go on considering me a
blood-thirsty monster, a sadist, a murderer of millions
of human beings, because the mob can in no way have a
different image about the commander of
Auschwitz. They would be never able to
understand that he, too, had a heart and that he was not
a bad guy."
With the day of the execution
drawing nearer -- the sentence had been given on April 2,
1947 -- Standartenführer SS Rudolf
Höss began to feel pity for himself,
when at the end of his memoirs he revealed that the
profession of a murderer was not an easy one: "Believe
me, seeing mountains of corpses and the permanent stench
of burning bodies were not always a pleasure."

The SS gathered
all sufferings man had had to experience throughout the
centuries and overthrew them upon the detainees of the
concentration camps, crushing their bodies and breaking
their souls. Amplified to a maximum, they could not be
arranged into a hierarchy, as they were all unbearable.
However, there was one that stood out. Its name:
Hunger. Hunger.
At Birkenau-Auschwitz,
in the shade of the crematoria, each suffering
was pushed to the extreme: thirst, beating, torture, and
Yet, no matter how tormenting,
thirst was not permanent, as you could quench it went it
rained. A thing you could never do with hunger, which
kept torturing you, once in the camp, for days, weeks,
months or years. Actually for as long as you stayed
Beating was terrible in all
concentration camps. Yet, there was a limit beyond which
the detainee lost consciousness and would no longer feel
either the burn of the riding whip, or the boot kicks.
Der Hunger, hunger, however, was permanent.
Nothing could appease it even for a second.
Humiliation -- pushed by the
SS beyond anything imaginable -- was almost
impossible to endure. Most of those who killed themselves
by clinging to the high voltage current barbed wire had
been pushed to do it by an endless string of humiliation
they could not bear any more.
At night, however, while
sleeping we forgot about humiliation. But not about
hunger. Exhausted, devoid of any stamina, we would
collapse on the bare cement and fall a sleep instantly.
In the sleep there were no crematoria, no
SS men, no hurting wounds. There was hunger
instead, which hurt so badly that we would wake up
We were a pray to an
ever-present, total, terrible, pitiless hunger. A hunger
that would annihilate reason, making one leaves the human
race and turning him into a beast. At
Birkenau-Auschwitz, in the other
concentration camps, there were hundreds of thousands of
Häftlings who had not eaten their fill
for one, two, three and even for four or five
When a column of
Häftlings passed by a building
accommodating SS man and saw potato
peelings in the garbage, they would rush upon the place
bidding defiance to any danger. No matter how savagely a
Kapo hit the Häftlings
jumped together; order would only be restored after the
whole heap of garbage had been rummaged in.
I saw quite a lot detainees who
had not let themselves trampled underfoot, who had
withstand all blows only to be finally defeated by the
SS through Hunger, hunger.
Yes, there were Häftlings who had
survived the extermination of their whole family and yet
continued to defy fascism; who had survived most
excruciating pains without yielding, only to become
dehumanized after years of beastly, torturing hunger, to
such an extent that they would steal food from the hands
of the sick and the dying.
After Zyclon B,
used in the gas chambers at Birkenau-Auschwitz, der
Hunger, hunger, has been credited with the
greatest number of victims. Thousands of people died of
hunger in all concentration camps since their setting up
hunger their down fall. And one more day and night
On the morning of April 27, when
the detainees at Landsberg realized that
the watchtowers had been deserted, they rushed upon the
storehouses of the SS and began to eat.
They ate gluttonously and did not care about chewing the
food. They would swallow huge gulps of bread, margarine.
Prague sausages, marmalade. Then they found the tinned
food, broke them with an ax swallowed down their
contents. Finally, there was the meat, which they roasted
at the fire of the burning barracks (the last
SS who left the camp had blown them up).
The feast lasted until it darkened. During the night the
former detainees went off in unbearable convulsions.
Crouched with pain, they moaned helplessly. Some of them
did not survive too see the Red Cross teams arriving in
the morning...
Der Hunger,
hunger, the terrible hunger of the concentration
camps would make victims one more day and night after the

Ilse Koch was the
name in her Identity card.
Her husband, Karl Otto Koch,
commander of the concentration camp of Buchenwald, called
her Ilse.
Her lovers -- SS
senior and junior officers in the camp command -- called
her Ilse, too.
The Häftlings
called her bitch.
She would be known in all
concentration camp and later in Europe and throughout the
wold as the bitch of Buchenwald.
Ilse was a woman
of many whims, which were as extravagant as they were
criminal, but witch would be all satisfied.
She liked riding. A group of
lovers had offered her a filly as a collective gift, so
she wished to have a riding hall built in no time. The
Häftlings worked day and night,
permanently hit with the cudgels and the riding whips by
the Kapo and the SS men in
order not tom slacken the pace. Thirty
Häftlings died, but the riding house,
its inside walls wainscoted and covered with mirrors, was
ready on schedule. Ilse was able to begin
her evolutions under the admiring eyes of her lovers and
accompanied by a choir of Häftlings
shoved from behind with the rifle butts to sing with more
Ilse was mad
about gold, jewels, hard currency. To please her, Karl
Otto Koch, her husband and commander of the camp, had
stolen so much gold from the corpses' teeth, so many
rings torn out from the victims' fingers and so many
ear-rings torn off the ears of the female prisoners that
even the SS -- corrupt as they were from
the lowest Scharführer to top people
such as a Brigadenführer1
-- were forced to have him arrested, tried and
The commander's wife would
frequently come and see the detainees. The sufferings
they had to endure, the terror in their eyes, their
shrieks of pain stirred her up, gave her vitality, made
her feel like a master. Only she did not like the smell
of the camp. A smell of blood mixed with the stink of
corpses that accompanied her into her home. Then she
would try to get rid of it by bathing in Madera wine or
in milk. She liked the Madera wine bath more as it
stirred her up.
What pleased the bitch of
Buchenwald mast, from the outset were trinkets
made of tattooed human skin.
The SS in the camp
command, from lovers to her own husband, developed a true
manufacture of such objects, wanting to get into her good
graces or pay for her charms. And so they would make
covers for powder cases, lamp shades, book covers and
change purses, knife holders and women's gloves, and all
kinds of souvenirs out of human skin.
The skin taken off corpses was
dressed in barrack No. 2, and the trinkets made out of
them were then offered to top visitors from the
SS. They were the specialty of the camp.
The whimsical invention of Ilse
She ordered that a unique shade
be made for the lamp on her husband's writing desk out of
a big piece of human skin, and suggested a thighbone for
a stand. In her opinion the tattoo made on a dressed skin
could not compare with the natural one, that is made on
"living skin". For that reason, in her collection the
bitch of Buchenwald would accept only
objects made of already tattooed human skin. Knowing
this, the SS man, but particularly doctor
Hoven Wlademar, Ilse's No.1 lover,
carefully examined the naked skin of the newcomers at
Buchenwald. When they discovered "artistic
scenes" or mere inscriptions tattooed on various parts of
the body, the respective cases were presented to
Ilse. The former typist at a cigarette
factory, now the commander's wife, decided whether she
liked the tattoo or not. If she did, the decision was a
fatal one. The respective Häftling was
ordered to report to the sick room. There, Karl Beigs,
the favorite Kapo of the bitch of
Buchenwald, would inject his heart with phenol.
Then the corpse would be moved to the dissection room,
were SS men specialized in pathological
medicine tore off the tattooed skinned, then had it
dressed and offered to Ilse.
With riding boots, holding a
pair of gloves made of human skin (she had three pairs
and all three pairs and all three had been made of
already tattooed human skin) in her left hand and a
riding whip made of bull's puzzle in her right hand, the
bitch of Buchenwald felt self-assured; she
was arrogant and defiant.
In 1947, in front of the court
-- she was tried in the American zone, -- she lost
courage and attempted to escape punishment by cheating
like any cocotte. Although her husband had been shot a
long time ago and she herself had been isolated in a cell
for more than a year she became pregnant and, therefore,
by virtue of the American laws, could not be sentenced to
She was released after two
years' imprisonment.
Later, when the Federal Republic
of Germany was founded, she was again arrested and tried.
Sentenced to life imprisonment, she committed suicide in
The cause of her suicide has
remained unknown, but the author of the present lines
thinks he knows it. At night, as soon as she fell a
sleep, the darkness would change into a without fog like
the milk she used to bathe in at Buchenwald,
and Häftlings with torn off
skin all over their bodies would come in through the
walls, their flesh still oozing with blood. And there
were many of them, tens, hundreds, perhaps thousands of
Häftlings who would implacably advance
towards her from everywhere. Living corpses she could not
fool. As she could not escape them, death appeared to her
as the only rescue.
a major-general in the SS.

In the Reviers of
the concentration camps, the worst moments were not the
crisis, abscesses, cramps or suffocation's, but the
arrival of the man with a syringe to give you eine
injektion, an injection.
The killing durch
Injektion, by injection, or "scientific
assassination", as it was called at the Nürnberg
trial, was "discovered" and launched at
Birkenau-Auschwitz. The author:
Obersturmführer-SS Dr. Entress. He
killed up to 300 detainees a day. Doctor Jung assisted
him. An SS man, too. The "attendants" of
diverse professions also killed by injections. B. Klehr,
for instance, was a shoemaker. A certain Stessel boasted
that he had on his record 10.000
Häftlings killed by injections "made
by himself". He was second only to one Panseczyk, who
claimed that he had killed, by the same method, 12.000
The method was in vogue at
Birkenau during its first years of
existence. When its modern crematoria and gas chambers
had not been built yet. Thus, in 1942, when the
transports of deported people arrived from Lublin,
15.000-20.000 people were killed by death-causing
injektions in a single action.
At Buchenwald,
Hauptsturmführer-SS Dr. Wlademar Hoven, who
had become a doctor after succeeding, on the basis of the
his merits in the SS, to pass the
school-leaving examination at the age of 32, was
injecting poison in the veins of 12 detainees, then used
to go out to refresh himself by smoking a cigarette. When
he was very busy he took a break only after liquidating
two dozens of Häftlings.
At Bergen-Bergen
the grand master of assassination durch
Injektion, by injection, was Karl, the chief male
nurse, who had been sent to the camp for raping and
killing a child. Here is an account of this activity
given by one of the surviving doctors: "Karl used to
arrive with a list in his hand, accompanied by two of his
accomplices, and even the bravest felt feint. Aware of
the effect, he did not hurry, he was joking with the
block chiefs, who were afraid of him and cordially hated
him. Before him, the detainees were shaking, and their
eyes, wide open with fear, were glued on the fetal list.
At last, he would call the numbers. Almost always young
people, sometimes 16 years old children. Pale, as if they
were already dead, they would stagger out of the ranks,
forming a line behind the killer's assistants, and they
were taken to a small ward of the Revier.
There they found a number of patients struggling with
death, selected earlier by Karl to complete the batch.
They were made to undress, allotted a bunk and offered
sweetened diet soup: their desire to live was so strong
that although put on guard by the daily disappearance of
their camp mates, they still nourished hopes. The hours
passed slowly, and they experienced turn by turn fear and
confidence. Karl used to come and visit them, patting
them lightly on their cheeks, sprinkling them jokingly
with the very syringe with which soon...
Evening would come. Silently,
people entered the room. As soon as the doors of the
blocks were locked and the last noises died away, Karl
would come again in a white smoke. Then, his attendants
would rush upon the condemned and tie them to the bunks;
the cries, the implorations of the poor children, who
were desperately struggling, mingled with the intensified
rhythm of the music, Karl would take a long... sterilized
needle &emdash; oh, what a mockery! &emdash; and plunge
it in the chest of the hapless victim; an attendant would
pass him the syringe, and he would push in the liquid...
An inhuman howling, sometimes followed by a death
rattle... and passed to the next one."
At Mauthausen this
system was introduced by doctor Krebsbach, nicknamed
Bachspritz, Bach-syringe. Shortly, it
spread to all camps. The procedure was the same
everywhere. The pulse was taken to calm the detainee, the
arm was cleaned with a swell of cotton soaked with
spirits, then, with the greatest care and with an
encouraging smile he was given eine Injektion,
an intravenous injections. The composition differed
from camp to camp: petrol, air, a hydrogen peroxide
solution, Evipan, prussic acid or phenol. Especially
The SS-men of
Birkenau, who always were a step ahead of
their comrades in the other camps in improving the
assassination methods, broke the pattern. Experimenting,
they established that death was more certain and quicker
if the phenol injections were made in the region of the
heart or directly into the heart.
Although improved, the system of
killing through injections took second palce to gassing.
Phenol injections continued to be used to liquidate the
sick and the detainees selected by the
Gestapo. When a detainee, having been
called to the political section of the SS
(the extended hand of the Gestapo in
the K.Z.s), was advised to visit the
Revier, it meant that his fate was sealed,
that "he was sent for eine Injektion" , for
an injection.
Killing durch
Injecktion, by injection, regained the first
place only once more and for the last time. That happened
on the eve of the day or of the night the concentration
camps collapses.
Himmler's order was clear. No
Häftling should fall alive in the
hands of the liberators. However, the liberating armies
advanced so rapidly towards some of the camps that
evacuation by train was no longer possible. Neither the
alternative of mass liquidation could be put into
practice. There was not sufficient time to bury the
corpses, and the SS-men did not want to
leave any compromising traces.
The decision: in all camps
threatened by such a situation, the detainees put in were
in marching order and, surrounded by
SS-men, they were taken towards the
central K.Z.s that had gas chambers. The
sick and the week were given phenol
In some camps, the liberating
troops arrived a few hours, and even a few minutes after
the SS-men, sub-machine gun, horsewhip and
syringe in hand, ran away. There, some of the
Häftlings could be saved. Among them,
I. I., a deportee from Cluj. She wears even now, on one
arm, under the tattooed Häfling
number, the burn of that Injektions, of
that phenol injection.

Oliver Lustig's Biographical Sketch

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