In 1978, thirty-five years
after, new crematoria with modern gas chambers were put
into operation, elevating to its height the technique and
the rhythm of most extermination, a former French Nazi,
Louis Darquier de Pellepoix, former commissary for Jewish
matters in the quisling French government of Vichy who
escaped from France and was sheltered by Franco while he
was sentenced to death in his absence -- serenely
declared in an interview published in L'Express that
everything that had been said and was being said about
extermination durk Vergasung, by gassing is
"sheer propaganda". The gas chambers, he declared without
batting an eye are nothing but a Jewish invention,
"that's how they like to cut a figure".
Yes, these are exactly the words
he said, pretending he did not remember the 75.000 French
Jews -- men, women, children -- whom he personally sent
to the gas chambers of the Nazi concentration
I take the liberty of showing
him some excerpts from genuine Nazi documents, which I
know he trusts and which cannot be suspected of "Jewish
Let me begin with an evidence
related to the initial stage of gassing, the stage when
it was carried out with primitive equipment, in vans, by
means of exhaust gas, It's the declaration of a former
SS-general and I presume that neo-Nazis
fully trust him.
Otto Ohlendorf: "In spring 1942 the chief of the
SP and SA in Berlin sent us
some closed vans, specially built for gassing. Ha the
been put at our disposal by Amt II or the
RSHA. A certain Becker was in charge of the
vans assigned to my fight group. We had received orders
to use the vans to liquidate the woman and children.
Whenever a unit gathered a sufficiently large number of
victims, such a van was sent to liquidate them. The vans
were parked in the close vicinity of the transit camps,
were the victims were brought to. They were said they
were going to be taken to another place that's why
transport by vans was necessary. One it got on, the back
doors were sloshed and when the engine was started the
exhaust gas was evacuated inside. The victims died in
10-15 minutes. Then the vans made for the common pits,
the corpses were thrown out of the van and
Later on, the building of some
'modern" gas chambers was initiated. The highest level
was attainted at Birkenau, but the method
was undoubtedly practiced in other camps as well, at
Sachsenhausen, Ravensbrück, Mauthausen,
Trebllnka, Belzek, etc.
Anton Kaindl, the former commander of
Sansenhausen, declared at the trial: "I
considered the building of the gas chambers useful ...
All in all, 42.000 people were exterminated under my
The chief surgeon of the
SS troops in Weimar reported
on May 25, 1944 to Berlkin: "... As concerns the
above-mentioned letter inform you that in
Buchenwald concentration camp ten gassing
installation are operating, making use of prussic acid in
closed circuits, and having a capacity of 10 cubic meters
the former deputy commander of
Ravensbrüch declared at the trial in
Hamburg: "In late February, Dr. Trammer and myself were
summoned to Suhren, the commander of the camp. Suhren
told us that he had received instructions from
Reichführer Himmler to the effect that
all women who were ill unable or to walk had to be put to
death. Before that he asked us how many ill women in the
camp. I told the commander of the camp that I was happy I
had left Auschwitz and that I had no
intention of starting it all over again. At that he
replied that Sturmführer Sauer had
been entrusted with carrying through the orders. Sauer
was a camp deputy commander. During the ensuing days, Dr.
Trammer selected 2.3000 women from various barracks. In
the beginning the women were shot. The executions were
carried out by Hauptscharführer
Moll1, assisted by eight internees. But the
camp commander considered the method too slow. He
declared in my presence: "The trade is slack, we shall
have to use other methods". It was then that Sauer
ordered the building of a gas chamber.
I attended a "gassing". One
hundred and fifty women were forcefully taken to the gas
chamber. Moll ordered them to undress for delousing. At
that moment they were locked in. A detainee wearing a gas
mask climbed up the roof and dropped in a capsule (?)
with gas through a window that he hurried to close. I
heard moans and death rattles coming from the room. Two
or three hours later, there was silence. I had no idea
whether the women had died or had fainted. I was not
present when the room was evacuated. Moll told me that
the bodies were taken straight to the
Ziereis, the commander of the
Mauthausen concentration camp, admitted in
his deposition at his trial: "At
Hauptsturmführer-SS Dr. Kresbach's
order a gassing installation was built in the camp of
Mauthausen. In that room, disguised as a
bathroom, the detainees were gassed. Besides, between
Mauthausen and Gusen there
run a special van in which the detainee were gassed
during transportation".
"The undersigned, Hans Michael
Altfuldisch, born on November 11, 1911, declare the
following: I am of German nationality. In September 1933
I joined the Algemeine SS. In 1933 I
enlisted as a volunteer in the ´Death's headª
unit of Dachau, and I had served in various
camp ever since.
Mauthausen was a
third rank camp. This meant that the detainees had the
worst living and working conditions. The chances to
survive were extremely small. For the quick extermination
of the detainees there was a gas chamber. I remember that
I conducted the killing by gassing of 250 men and women
of Russian, Czech and Magyar nationality. The executions
by gassing were ordered by commander Zieres, sometime by
Captain Zoller or Captain Zutter and in the case of
certain ill people by Captain Dr. Wolter. The detainees
were firstly examined by Niedermayer, who took their
personal belongings; then both men and women were ordered
to take off their clothes in the presence of the
SS-men and enter the gas chamber. In order
to speed up the operation, those who had golden teeth
were marked with a cross of the chest".
"The undersigned Josef
Niedermayer, born on April 11, 1920, resident in Linz,
declare the following: on April 4, 1938 I voluntary
joined the Waffen SS. In April 1942 I was
transferred with the rank of corporal to the camp of
Mauthausen where I served till arrival of
the American troops in May 1945.
In the camp there also was a gas
chamber. About 4.000 detainees were liquidated there.
Captain Bachmayer informed whenever a transport for
gassing arrived.
Those to be gassed were taken to
the Bunker were I, together with my
deputies, Corporal Rommel and Staff Sergeant Proksch made
the list of their names and took their valuables and
clothes away, which we handed over to Lieutenant
Eisenhofer. Then we took the detainees into the gas
chamber, were Staff Sergeant Roth and Lieutenant Gerber
took them in their charge.
After the execution, the
dentist, Captain Henkel and Franz Jutmann pulled out
their golden teeth.
Over March-April 1945 1,400 sick
people selected by the chief surgeon, Dr. Wolter, were
I would like to emphasize the
fact that the orders for executions, for gassing were
given by all the commander of various
The young and daredevil Bavarian
Andreas Trum joined the SS when he was 20.
After three years he was promoted the chief of the Labor
service at Mauthausen. Let me quote from
his testimony at the trial: "Between 1943 and 1945 on
various occasions I saw citizens of Russian, Polish and
other nationalities to the gas chamber, in Niedermayer's
stead, when the detainees were locked in the gas chamber
chemist Erich Wasicky gave the gas pot to warrant officer
Roth. In late spring 1944 I saw chemist Gerber doing the
same thing".
Rudolf Höss, the most reputed expert in the mass
gassing and burning of Häftlings,
declared: "I was in charge with the command of camp from
Auschwitz till December 1, 1943 and I
estimate that at least 2,500,000 people were executed and
put to death by gassing there".
As far as I am concerned, I
would like to ask that Mr. Louis Darquier de Pellepoix
and all those who share his views and whose numbers is,
unfortunately, on the increase:
"Where are the people deported
during the Horthyst occupation from the town of Cluj? I
entered the camp of Birkenau-Auschwitz
together with my parents and grandparents, with seven
uncles and aunts on my mother's side and five on my
father's, all with their families &emdash; almost forty
cousins, with all my school mates and from those whose
survived deportation we could not make up a group of ten
men to mourn the ones who did not come
Were are the 6.000.000 Jews who
upon the ascent of fascism to power in Germany lived and
had places of residence in the towns and villages of
Europe and who were rounded up by the Gestapo in sight of
everybody and taken to camps, not to return after the
war, and no trace, not even their corpses to be found? In
all armed clashes, beside dead and wounded, missing
people always happen to exit by hundreds, by thousands,
even by tens of thousands. But how can several million
people actually vanish? Millions of people cannot simply
disappear into thin air!
But I do not ask Mr. Louis
Darquier of Pellepoix and all those who deny the
existence of gas chambers to a certain what happened to
the millions of Jews who were present at the
Appell of Birkenau but were
absent at roll call on the first day of liberation. I ask
him to do an apparently simpler thing: to prove
that one single under13 from the tens of thousands
of children deported to Birkenau from
northern Transylvania under Horthyst occupation survived
to live the first day of liberation.
And, last but not least, I would
also like to ask these gentlemen: How can they account
for the fact that a whole generation of children born
after Auschwitz was deprived of the comfort
of having grandparents? The fact that a whole generation
of a people had no grandparents cannot be accounted for
by "sheer propaganda", but by the terrible truth: the
millions of Jews -- who till the ascent of fascism had
lived in the tows and villages of Europe -- disappeared
without trace because they were exterminated durch
Vergasung, by gassing, and burnt in the modern
crematoria devised by the Nazi technological and
scientific thinking.
1 The
former chief of crematoria and ovens of Birkenau.
According to
Jewish tradition, a group of at least ten men (over ten
years old) is necessary to commemorate the