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and Dachau Holocaust Survivor

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Laus &endash; Dein Tod (A Louse &endash; Your
(Mobile Killing Units)
(The Final Solution)
(The Depopulation)
1 [Experiments (1)]
2 [Experiments (2)]
The number of was a criminal who
stained their hands and conscience with the blood of
millions of innocent Jews is extremely large. To make a
hierarchy is quite impossible. And yet, it is indubitable
that the basest and vilest of all was SS
Lieutenant-Colonel Adolf Eichmann, former chief of the IV
b4 Section charged with the "Final Solution" of the
Jewish question. He dedicated all his energies to
assassination pursuing throughout his life a single goal:
murder. And he did it out of conviction and with fervent
zeal. When the collapse of the Third Reich
was imminent and even criminals of Himmler's stature
tried to disguise their crimes, Eichmann rasped out
pompously: "I shall jump into my grave with a smile on my
face, content that I have five million Jews on my
conscience." The hallucinating scope of assassination he
himself had organized never frightens him. He reassured
himself and hi collaborators by saying that: "one hundred
dead is catastrophe; five million &emdash; merely a
statistical figure."
He prepared his macabre mission
with diligence and typically Nazi meticulousness. In 1937
he traveled to Palestine to study Judaism at home and
officially demanded funds for learning Hebrew with a
Rabbi. Back in Berlin, talking up his quarters on the
third floor of the building in 116
Kurfürstenstrasse, Eichmann became the
Reich's main expert in Jewish matters, the unchallenged
chief of all Jews in Europe, having the right and task to
identify, isolate, deport and liquidate all Jews living
in the Reich and the countries overrun by or under the
influence of the Nazis.
Two decades later, confined in a
cell of unbreakable glass, Eichmann tried
to shun off the responsibility for the crimes he was
taken to account for (the written evidence of his case
weighed 330 tons) by trying to efface himself ceaselessly
repeating that he was an ordinary and insignificant man,
a mere humble executor who carried out orders. But when
he had been the boss in 116
Kurfürstenstrasse he loved to put on
airs. He never failed to attend the daily parties that
Hammer gave to entertain his collaborators.
And while tasting the various
sorts of cheese or relishing the flavor of the brandy, he
talked about the efficiency of various mass extermination
methods, trotting out his knowledge, his spirit of
initiative in front of Kaltenbrunner and
Himmler themselves.
On July 31, 1941 Goring asked
Heydrich to make proposals for final settling of the
Jewish question as it was obvious that the extant special
detachments could no longer cope with the rhythm and
scope of the actions planned. Three questions had to be
urgently decided upon 10 how extermination going to be
carried into effect? ; 2) where? ; 3) how were the
victims going to be transported there?
Eichmann could
boast that he found solution to all there. He did not
spare his energy to attain the purpose. Before taking a
final decision he went twice to Poland, where he first
witnessed a mass gassing with exhaust gas at Lodz. He
confessed at his trial: "In a room five times bigger than
this, if I remember well, the Jews had to undress and
then a van stopped in front of one of the entrances. I
opened the door of the van and the Jews, naked, had to
get on." The van setout and Eichmann followed it in his
personnel car. According to his testimony the van stopped
by a long ditch, the doors were opened and the corpses
were thrown into the ditch. They seemed still alive,
their limbs were so lithe... Then I saw a civilian who
pulled out their golden teeth... then depressed, I got
into my car..."
But he recovered soon from his
depression. In autumn the same year he went to
Auschwitz to keep council with Höss,
the commander of the camp, as to "how the total
extermination of Jews from Europe could be carried
In 1946, before the sentence of
the Tribunal was executed Höss made a written
declaration in which he mentioned: "In Wichmann's option,
extermination in bathrooms with carbon monoxide required
complex installations, taking into account the masses of
people who were going to be asphyxiated; besides, to
obtain that gas was quite difficult...
Eichmann was concerned with finding a gas
that could be obtained easily and did not require special
equipment... We reckoned together that by using the
proper gas in the room we had our disposal, 800 people
could be exterminated simultaneously."
In his box of unredeemable
glass, Eichmann managed to control himself, to remain
calm, almost indifferent when the charges against him
were presented. He managed to keep under control the
muscles of his face, but his hands betrayed him: he could
not suppress the shaking of his fingers. Indeed, his
right hand which he had raised to point to the place were
the largest extermination camp Birkenau was
to set up and where the crematoria were to placed no
longer obeyed him.
Crushed under the weight of
irrefutable proofs, Eichmann kept repeating
like a coward: " I don't remember... I don't know... It
was not within my competence... I had to carry out the
orders... I was wearing the uniform, I had to obey..."
But actually, when he had worn that uniform he felt
And he was indeed. As Heydrich's
special commissioner for the "final solution", he was, in
fact, the official executor or the plan for the
extermination of Jews in Europe. Kurt Becker, Himmler's
commissioner for the ill-reputed "Goods for blood" deal
characterized him as follows: "It was not Eichmann who
was the spiritual father of the plan (for the
extermination of Jews O.L.), but he was the one who
fanatically carried it through."
Soon after the Anschluss he went
to Vienna where he delivered a speech: " It is certain
that now, every Jew knows that the bell has tolled for
him," and sent a telegram to Berlin: "I hold them
completely in my grip." In Therezienstadt
he stated: "The list of dead Jews are my favorite
reading." In 1939 when he came to Prague he ordered: "The
Jews must go. And very soon." The next day the first
convoy of Czech Jews left for a concentration
With the same sadistically
scrupulosity Eichmann saw to the liquidation not only of
large communities but also of individuals who might have
been exempted. He was reassured only when he knew that
all Jews were sent towards the gas chambers.
"I merely organized the
transports &emdash; Eichmann said in his own defense when
he was in the dock. I admit to have stared them and I
also knew where they would stop. But why should I be
blamed for what happened after the trains arrived at
their destination? The camps were not under my authority.
They had nothing in common with the section I was
heading. My duties were linked only to transport,
clearing the space, the rate of transports and their
timely arrival at gates of the camps. For what happened
beyond the platform, beyond the gates others were
responsible and must be called to account."
In actual fact, Eichmann Knew
better than anyone in the SS-hierarchy what
happened behind the gates of K.Z.-s and
behind the barbed wire fences. It was he himself that
ordered the commander of the
Birkenau-Auschwitz camp to employ
"Zyklon B" and from 1942 till 1943 he
provided the necessary quantity of gas for the
asphyxiation of millions of deportees.
In an interview given before his
arrest, Eichmann confessed: "I was not a mere no one. I
was somebody. I knew what I wanted. I had my own beliefs
and I acted as my conscience guided me. I was a
personality and I influenced others, as well, Rudolf
Höss was grateful to me for helping and guiding him.
I inculcated him determination. I inoculated him the
belief that he was serving a great cause...
I am blamed for approving, for
contributing to the introduction of modern mass gassing,
but it occurs to no how many SS-men I saved
from degradation, from the feeling that they were some
ordinary assassins, how many pigeon-hearted I saved from
endless qualms of their conscience, inevitable in the
circumstances of the rudimentary assassinations before
the crematoria of Birkenau were
I myself have not killed anyone.
I am held responsible for the death of a youngster whom,
it is true, I stroke several times with a cudgel. But why
am I to be blamed if the representatives of that
degenerated race have no resistance at all and die like
At his trial, Eichmann was
yelping like a frightened dog: "I was just a small wheel
in the great mechanism." But the truth is that he himself
worked out, perfected and ensured the clockwork
functioning of the extermination mechanism in all
concentration camps, calculating in cold blood the size
of the convoys in accordance with the time taken to
asphyxiate a group in the gas chambers, the capacity of
the camps and the transport possibilities of the
railways. In Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, etc. he had
won experience as a "high servant of death" which he
turned into account with an iron hand in Hungary and the
annexed by the Horthysts.
In spite of the difficulties
caused by the war, Eichmann prevailed upon
the Horthyst government to put 147 trains of 40-50 wagons
each at his disposal; so that in less than two months,
over May 15-July 9, 1944, he sent to Auschwitz
434.351 Jews. At a certain moment the deportation
rate was in danger of slackening. On June 2, 1944 the
Anglo-American aviation bombed the main railway
junctions. On the night of June 2 to 3 all transports of
deportees to Auschwitz were delayed. Among
them, the fifth transport from the ghetto of Cluj, the
transport my whole family and I were due to leave.
Eichmann was boiling over with rage,
unwilling to admit any perturbation. "It the railway
tracks are bombed, the convoys should set out on font."
Desperate efforts were made and within there days the
railway tracks were put in operation. On June 6, the
fifth transport of deportees from Cluj followed the other
"death trains" bound to
This is the truth. Carrying out
Eichmann's orders special detachments
searched Europe far and wide lest no Jew should escape;
from all corners of the old continent, endless trains
headed for Auschwitz; at
Eichmenn's orders gas chambers were put
into operations and the fire was lit in the ovens of the
crematoria. His signature meant death to tens of
thousands of innocent people.
At Eichmann's
trial the Prosecutor general was filly entitled to say:
"... Eichmann is as guilty as if he himself had hanged,
had whipped or goaded the victims to the gas chambers, as
if he himself had shot them in the nape of the neck and
had thrown them into the ditches they themselves were
complied to dig some moments before."

Laus &emdash; Dein Tod
Six... or eight... or ten hours
elapsed from the moment I arrived at
Birkenau-Auschwitz till I entered barrack
No. 21 of camp E. Who could say for certain how many? It
seemed a lifetime to me. I had stepped from one world
into another. Then I arrived I was still a human being,
under arrest, that's true, and devoid of any possibility
to defend myself, but still a human being. Crowded with
my brothers and sisters, my parents, my parents and
relatives in a wagon, but still together.
When I entered the barrack I was
no longer a human being. I had become a
Häftling, deprived of anything that
might have reminded me of the other world, dressed in
streaked clothes and pushed into a barrack together with
over one thousand Häftlings, Tired,
scared and confused, as I was, I might have collapsed to
the cold cement floor of the barrack had bodies of the
other Häftlings not supported me in
the press which did not even allow one to turn
I heard voices, I listened to
the words spoken around but I could not understand their
meaning: "Did you take fare-well on the platform?... You
shall never see the ones you have parted with... If you
want to see them go out and look at the smoke raising
through the chimneys of crematoria... You'll see them
raising to the skies... Don't mourn them... for them it's
better... They have escaped this damned
I looked up and my glance rested
on one of the beams that supported the roof. The note on
it seemed to me as strange and absurd as the words spoken
around. Eine Laus -- Die Tod. "A louse --
your death." The note was old. It had been hung in the
first year of the camp's existence.
The SS-men
murdered in cold blood but they feared their own death
like hell. Back from the battlefront in the Eastmwhere
death had taken a heavy toll, at Birkenau
they felt safe. But from the East they had brough along
the feary of typhus. It was only under the form of typhus
that death could threaten them at Birkenau,
so they considered lice their enemy number
In camp E there was no water for
washing. From the day he entered the camp till was sent
to another camp, no Häftling could
change his clothes, not even his underwear. There was no
soap or water for laundering. There was only one way to
fight the lice. In the evening, after the Appell,
everyone had to undress and look for lice in the
folds of his clothes and smash them between his
Then the
Läusekontrolle, lice checking
followed. Naturally not all detainees were checked
because it would have taken too much time. Checking was
made at random, taking bearings. When lice the
crematorium. Then, clothes and lice were burnt together.
Eine Laus &emdash; Dein Tod. A louse-your
death. That is how things happened in the early days of
the camp. Later on, due to the indescribable filth and
promiscuity, lice multiplied fast and brought about
outbreaks of typhus. W. Kielar recalls: "Typhus which had
ravaged the war prisoners' camp suddenly spread to the
whole camp. The only means, at that time to fight back
the disease was Läusekontrolle ordered
by Lagerführer Aumeier to be carried
out in all barracks by the hospital personnel.
It was one of the tricks the
authorities used to tease the detainees. If it wasn't
raining, lice checking were made outdoors, irrespective
of the season.
The detainees, stripped naked to
the waist, let down their trousers and we looked at their
underwear swarming with lice. We sprayed "Cuprex" to
their armpits and pelvis, the places where lice used to
gather. We listed the dirtiest detainees who were full of
lice and handed the list to the block chiefs: the latter
sent them to the washroom while their clothes and
underwear was taken for delousing. The detainees usually
avoided the lousing because the block chiefs used to
torture them; besides, to take a could bath and then stay
naked and wait for your underwear for hours on end was
very pleasant, particularly in winter.
It is true, the freshly
laundered underwear no longer had lice, but whole
colonies of nits remained there and hundreds of hungry
lice appeared after a few hours. The Moslims had the
greatest number of lice, of course. Lice simply ate them
alive. And when one of them also had wounds dressed with
paper, one could say for certain that "it was not he who
had lice, but it were lice who had him." Once I tore with
disgust the stinking paper bandage of one of them. Under
the paper smeared with pus thousands of lice were
swarming, a wound covered with a compact, gray and
swarming mass that was at least an inch deep."
In winter 1944 and particularly
in spring 1945 whole camps from Bavaria ceased their
All Häftlings
were seized with typhus and the SS-men
dared not enter their camps, not even for roll
At that time I was in Landsberg
No. 1. There, only a few barracks were doing quarantine
because of the typhus. The rest further continued their
daily work. We were infested with lice by thousands. At
night, in order to be able to sleep, I had to take off my
shirt and I shook off the lice as you remove the dust
from a rag. And as I shook my shirt I was thinking at my
first night in camp E of Birkenau-Auschwitz,
in barrack No. 21 when I read that strange
inscription on one of the beams: Eine Laus -- Dein
Tod. A louse means your death.

During the "Final Solution" and
the "depopulating of the East" to create the Nazi "vital
space" so many and so malignant crimes were perpetrated
that any attempt to make a classification or hierarchy is
doomed to failure. However, it may be said that no match
could be found to those perpetrated by the ruthless
Einsatzgruppen, task forces, but actually
"detachments of death" &emdash; recruited from among the
SS and SD. "Mankind will not
forget soon the dreadful story of these blood-thirsty
assassins, even themselves sick when beholding the
dreadful sight of the death van doors opened near the
pit. They were people who stood smoking near the antitank
trench and nonchalantly shot the undressed victims in the
nape of the neck with their automatic rifles. They were
people who, according to their own calculations, killed
some 2.000.000 men, women and children. They were the
task forces but actually "detachments of death" were made
up of 1.000-2.000 SS, Gestapo and
SD-men. They were set up before the attack
against the Soviet Union. Each of them was detailed by an
Army Group that aimed at conquering the East and purging
it of Jews and Slaves. Their mission was, first and
foremost, to liquidate the Jews and the political
commissars. The order to act was issued on June 19,
On July 27, 1941, on the grounds
of Hitler's guidelines, Keitel entrusted Himmler with
preserving order in the territories conquered by the
Nazis in the East, furnishing him with full powers to
choose his methods, but advising him not to resort to
"legal accusations" but to use "terrorist measures, the
only ones which are effective."
Einsatzgruppen were set up: A, B, C, D.
Each and every member of these groups stained himself
with blood from top to toe; they killed men and women,
children and old, leaving behind huge pits full of
corpses which they no longer cared to cover with
Otto Ohlendorf, commander of
Eisatzgruppe D, described the way his
subordinates took action: "The unit chosen for the
purpose entered the village and ordered the Jewish
leaders to gather all their co-nationals in view of being
moved to some other place. Then the Jews were demanded to
hand over all their valuables to the chief of the
detachment and then, before execution, to take off their
clothes, which they were also due to hand over, and
remain in their underwear. Then the men, women and
children were taken to the place of the execution, which
was usually near a former antitank trench that had been
deepened. They were shot, while standing erect or on
their knees, and the bodies were throw into the
In order that the reader should
make a clearer image of how an execution took place, we
reproduce the declaration made under oath by German
engineer Hermann Friederich Gräbe, the managing
director of the Ukraine branch of a German corporation, a
declaration read in front of the Nürnberg Tribunal
by Sir Hartley Shawcross, the main British prosecutor: "I
headed for the building-site accompanied by
Mönnikes2. In its close vicinity I
saw a large earthen wave, some thirty meters long and two
meters high. Several lorries loaded with people and
guarded by armed members of the local police, commanded
by an SS-man had stopped in front of the
earthen wave. The people got off the lorries under the
strict surveillance of the policemen who accompanied the
lorries at their arrival and departure. All those who got
off the lorries wore the yellow star, compulsory for the
Jews, sown on the front and back of their clothes, so one
could easily see that they were Jews.
Together with Mönnikes I
went straight to the pit. Nobody stopped us. I heard
several shots resounding from behind the earthen wave. An
SS-man holding a whip in his hand ordered
the people who had been brought by lorries to undress and
carefully place their clothes in categories: shoes,
clothes, underwear. I saw a large pile of shoes, about
eight hundred or even one thousand pairs, large heaps of
underwear and clothes.
Those people took off their
clothes in blank silence, without cry, without tears;
they gathered in-groups, in families, embraced and said
good-bye to one another. They were waiting for the signal
of another SS-man near the pit; who was
also holding whip In the quarter of an hour that I spent
there I heard no lament or begging. I kept staring at a
family made up of about eight persons, husband and wife,
both around fifty, and their three smaller children aged
one, eight and ten two elder daughters about twenty and
twenty-four. A gray-haired elderly woman had taken the
youngster child in her arms, humming a song and stroking
him gently. The baby was laughing whit delight. Husband
and wife looked at them and tears gleamed in their eyes.
The father held the elder boy, aged about ten, by the
hand and talked to him in a whisper. The boy was trying
to keep back his tears. Then his father pointed ups to
the sky, strokes the boy on his head and seemed to
explain him something.
At that moment the
SS-man near the pit shouted something to
his mate. The latter immediately separated some twenty
persons and ordered them to go behind the earthen wave.
The family I spoke about was among them. I remember well
that a slender, black-and long-haired girl went past me.
She pointed to herself and whispered: "twenty-three years
I also went behind the earthen
wave and found myself in front of huge pit. In the pit
&emdash; Jews, squeezed into one another, fallen over the
bodies of those who had been killed before, so that only
their heads could be seen. The pit was three quarters
full. In my opinion about one thousand people were lying
there. I tried to catch sight of the shooter: he was an
SS-man who sat on the ground, his legs
hanging into the pit, a Tommy gun on his knees. He was
calmly smoking a cigarette.
The people, stark naked, got
down into the pit descending the stairs dug into clay the
wall, stumbling on the heads and bodies of the dead; they
made up a line where the SS-man had ordered
them to. They looked at the death, caressed those still
alleviated whispered them something. Then the machine-gun
rattle sounded. I looked into the pit and I saw the
contorted bodies. Blood began to gush forth from the
wounds. I wondered why nobody drove me away, then I saw
that two postmen in uniform had also stopped to look at
the scene.
The next group arrived. People
got into the grave, stood in line and were also shot. I
went to the other side of the earthen wave and I saw that
a new transport had just arrived. This time among the
victims there were sick and crippled. An old skinny woman
shaking on her terribly thin legs was being undressed by
two people who were already naked while other two persons
supported her. She must have been paralyzed. Those naked
people supported her on the way to pit. I went away,
together with Mönnikes and then I drove back to
The rate of murders committed by
the Einsatzgruppen, task forces, but in
fact detachments of death can be inferred from their own
reports submitted to the General Headquarters. Here is
one sent by Ohlendorf: "the detachments further cleared
the area of Jews and communist elements. Over the
interval this report is referring to, that is September
16-30, 1941, the towns of Nicolaev and Herson were purged
of Jews in particular, and the official persons still
left there were treated accordingly... Sum total:
Instead of a conclusion we
reproduce Otto Ohlendorf's answers to some of the
questions asked at Nürnberg by the American
prosecutor, John Harlan Amen:
Amen: "How many
detachments there were?"
Ohlendorf: "Four.
Intervention detachments A, B, C and D.
Detachment D was not assigned by
any Army Group but directly subordinated to the Eleventh
Amen: "Did you have
any interview with Himmler?"
Ohlendorf: "Yes, I
did. Towards late summer 1941, Himmler came to Nikolaev.
He summoned the chiefs and members of the detachment and
repeated them the issued order regarding mass executions,
explicitly mentioning that neither the chiefs, nor the
members of the groups taking part in execution would be
held responsible in any way for carrying out the
respective order. The whole responsibility would rest
with himself and the Führer."
Amen: "Do you know
how many people were killed by detachment D, therefore
under you command?"
Ohlendorf: "From
July 1941 till July 1942 the commandos (of the
D detachment -- O.L.) reported the
liquidation of about 90.000 people."
Amen: "Does the
figure include men, women, children?
Except from
the declaration made at Nürnberg by one of the USA
Hubert Mönnikes of Hamburg was a foreman at
the branch building-site.

The Nazis perpetrated crimes in
cold blood, even smiling, but they disliked being seen
while killing. For certain reasons they tried to pose as
principled people Hence the abundance of euphemisms they
used in denoting their criminal activities.
Thus, they did not speak of the
extermination of all Jews throughout Europe but of
Endlösung, the "final settling" or the
"final solution" of the Jewish question.
They made no mention of mention
of the Jews' deportation to the death camp in Poland --
Birkenau-Auschwitz, Majdanek and
Treblinka but called that action
Evakuirung -- evacuation in the East, or
Zurückdrängung, removal from the
"vital space of the German people."
They referred to the gassing of
millions of deportees by calling it
Sonderbehandlung, "special
Die Endlösung
der Judenfrage, the final salving of the Jewish
question as an escalation, as a final and radical stage
of the persecution of the Jews had become an issue in
mid-July 1941 when Marshall Göring charged the chief
of the security police and of the SD,
SS-Gruppenführer Heydrich "to take all
organizational and practical steps and the necessary
material means for eine Gesamtlösung der
Judenfrage im deutschen Einflussgebiet in Europe,
a final solution of the Jewish question on the European
territory under German influences."
The plan of action for the
implementation of the final solution was recorder in the
Wannsee Protocole, in actual fact the
minutes of the meeting that took place on January 20,
1942 in Berlin, in 56-58 Grosser Wannsee Str.,
"concerning the Endlösung, the final settling of the
Jewish question." The document specifies: "during the
final settling of the Jewish question in Europe some
11,000,000 Jews have to be taken into account..." There
follows a table of the European countries and the number
of Jews living in each of them.
But what did the Nazis
understand by Endlösung, the final
settling of the Jewish question, and the taking into
account of about 11,000,000 Jews?
In a speech delivered in Poznan
on October 4, 1943 in front of a group of
SS leaders, Reichsführer
SS Himmler said: "I would like to raise here, in
front of you, a very serious question, and treat it with
utmost sincerity. We must discuss it in all earnestness
between ourselves, but we shall never approach it in
public... I meant the evacuation of Jews, the
extermination of Jews... ("The Jews will be destroyed")
says every member of our party. This is utterly obvious
because it is written in our program. The elimination of
Jews, their extermination -- this is something we
ourselves will carry through."
Rudolf Höss, the commander
of the Birkenau-Auschwitz camp from May
1940 till late 1943 when he was appointed department
chief in the central command of all concentration camps,
declared at his trial: "Die Endlösung,
-- <the final solution> of the Jewish question
meant Die vollständige Austrottung aller Juden
in Europa, the total extermination of all Jews
from Europe."
Dieter Wisliczeny,
a member of the Gestapo declared in
front of the international Tribunal in Nürnberg:
"Eichmann explained the meaning of the phrase. He told me
that the words <final solution> mean the physical
extermination of the Jewish race..."
The wide-scope actions
envisioned by the Wannsee Plan -- the complete
extermination of a people spread over a whole continent
-- were to be carried out by simple and practical
methods. The Jews from Germany and all occupied countries
(in the minutes of the meeting they were referred to as
"territories under German influence") had to be gathered,
first in Durchgangsghettos, transit
ghettoes, and then transported towards the
The East meant
Birkenau-Auschwuitz, and
Birkenau-Auschwitz meant gas chambers were
2.000 men could be gazed at a time and four crematoria
with 46 ovens were functioning day in and day
In order to avoid superficiality
and make sure that not a single Jew would escape
ghettoization and deportation in the East, the
participants in the meeting of January 20, 1942 which
took place in 56-58 Grosser Wannsee Str. decided, their
decision was recorded in the minutes of the meeting, that
"During the practical implementation of the
Endlösung, the final solution, the
whole Europe will be searched from west to
But Himmler, assisted by
Eichmann, the SS and the
Gestapo saw to it that the entire Europe --
France, Belgium, Holland and Greece, Czechoslovakia and
Poland, Norway and Italy -- be indeed searched from west
to east and from north to south.
And yet, there was an exception:
Horthyst Hungary. Horhyst Hungary was not searched. There
the Gestapo did not have to hunt the Jews, to lose time
in rounding them up searching the towns and villages like
in other countries. The Horthysts -- the police and the
gendarmerie spared them the effort. It was them who
rounded up the Jews one by one, according to the police
records, interned them in
Duchgahgsghettoes, in transit ghettoes,
loaded them in wagons and handed them over to the
SS at the northern border of the country.
The wagons remained locked, the engine was not changed;
it was only the Horthyst gendarmes that were replaced by
SS-men and the train bound for
Birkenau-Auschwitz continued its

The Nazi leaders were sure of
victory. And victors -- they proclaimed far and loud lest
the subordinates' hands should tremble when pulling the
trigger -- will not have to answer for their deeds, as
there is no one to take them to account. Consequently,
they made their criminal plans overtly. They wrote in
books, leaflets and newspapers, made declarations on the
radio, held speeches at meeting and huge public rallies
that the Reich must push its borders at
least to the Urals, that the entire Europe had to be
conquered and forced to acknowledge the supremacy of the
German Übermenschen, who will ensure
the rebirth of the old continent by
Entvölkerung, the depopulation of large
areas by exterminating millions, tens of millions of
people of inferior race and replacing them with tens of
thousands, hundred of thousand, millions of Germans born
at a forced rate in the "procreation centers."
As a matter of fact Hitler
unequivocally declared: "WE must develop die
Entvölkerungstechnik, the depopulation
methods. If you ask me what
Entvölkerung, depopulation means to
me, I will answer that I contemplate to eliminate whole
racial units. This is what I intend to do, this is, in
general Lines, my task. Nature is cruel, so we may be
cruel as well. If I can send the pick of the German
nation in the hell of the war with no regret for the
shedding of the valuable German blood, I certainly have
the right to eliminate millions of people of inferior
race who are multiplying like worms!"
In order to clarify what "whole
racial units" meant, as if further clarification were
needed, specifications and details were introduced to
remove any doubt and make clear that "whole racial units"
meant whole peoples and nations.
"In the East, Himmler declared
foaming with hatred -- we have to destroy the Russian
enemy. We have to destroy this people of 200.000.000
souls on the battlefield one by one and then crush it
with a finishing stroke. But how could we liquidate the
greatest possible number of them, dead or alive? We shall
succeed by killing them or taking them prisoners in which
case we shall put them to work and we shall try to secure
the greatest possible control over all territories we
occupy, mopping up every corner we shall conquer or
snatch away from the enemy. The Russians must be deported
and used as hands in Germany or simply die in
Although Hitler spoken of
Entvölkerungstechnik, methods of
depopulation, they had not been worked out from the
beginning; but once the goal was clearly defined "the
elimination of whole racial units:, the methods were
developed and improved on the run including a series of
procedures and means completing one another with a view
to effect depopulation according to the established
rates. Thus, in his above-mentioned speech, Himmler
pointed to only ways to achieve depopulation: crushing in
combat -- one by one -- and deportation to the
Reich. However, Governor Frank who was in
charge with the depopulation of Poland, emphasized the
fact that an indispensable component of the "depopulation
methods" was mass liquidation.
"We must immediately take
advantage of the fact -- he noted in his diary -- they
the attention of world public option is drawn by the
western front, in order to proceed to the mass
liquidation of Poles and of the Polish intelligentsia in
the first place."

Concerned as they were to
prevent a possible uprising of the detainees, the
SS did everything in order to camouflage
exterminations as mooches possible. Gas chambers were set
up only in large camps where there was room to disguise
their destinations. Killing and torturing went on only in
isolated Bunker's, often built under the
ground, The sound of shots was drowned by loud music
which was splitting our ears.
Still, there was one single type
of execution that was performed in full view of the whole
camp and according to a lugubrious ritual: extermination
durch Erhängungen, by
In the camp of Bavaria, which
belonged to Dachau, in winter we left for
work at dawn when it was still dark and returned at
night. Faint with hunger, exhausted, chilled to the bone,
hardly dragging our clogs through the high snow, we
arrived at the camp more dead than alive. In front of the
gate we glanced at our barracks as if they were our only
salvation. They were dug into the earth: only their
roofs, looking like some graves recently covered by snow
could be seen above the ground.
But sometime our glances were
attracted by a high pillar, standing erect in the middle
of the Appellplatz and then our rows began
to stagger. Some of us fell to the ground. The pillar
that had been erected during our absence meant that
before entering the barrack and getting out miserable
ration of food we had to attend for hours on end, a bale
performance: the death of a Häftling
durch Erhängungen, who was to
be hanged in the light of searchlights.
The reasons were various. The
regulations of the Dachau camp, worked out
by its first commander, SS-Oberführer
Eicke, stipulated: "he who in the camp, in
barracks, in kitchens, workshops or toilets... goes
about, or collects, receives, transmits, retells,
fraudulently transmits outside the camp, by secret means
or other ways, false or true information... concerning
the atrocities taking place in the concentration camp or
its installations, transmits them in written or orally to
detainees that had to be liberated or transferred, hides
them in his clothes or in other objects, throws them out
by means of some stones, etc. over the camp fence or
draws up ciphered reports; likewise, he who... climbs the
barracks, roofs and into the trees, to signal with lights
or others, or attempt to get into contact with the world
outside or incites others to escape or to perpetrate a
crime, helps or supports it wird gehängt,
will be hanged."
However, most often the reason
was quite trivial: lack of respect for some
Rottenführer1 or
Scharführer. The purpose: to
annihilate even the thought of standing up to an
The pillar was erected whenever
an escape attempt was made. The moment the alarm was
given and a detachment of SS-men started to
hunt the escapees with wolf-dogs, a group of
Häftlings, under the command of a
Kapo instantly began to raiser the pillar,
which had as many hooks as many detainees were missing at
the Appell. The gallows were pulled down
only when all escapees were caught. The first man hanged
was left there in the rain and wind till all escapees
were caught.
Hunted with wolf dogs the
Häftlings were brought back to the
camp, stroked every step by SS-men with
their riding whips. On their necks there hung huge notes
reading: "All birds return to their nests."
The SS-man enjoyed
the execution durch Erhängungen, by
hanging. Probably perhaps it took place quite seldom. The
daily extermination methods, gassing or shooting had
become boring. Some, who no longer had patience to wait
for an official hanging, took action at their own charge,
to satisfy their own pleasure. They locked a
Häftling into a room and forced him to hang
himself while they locked in through the window or a slit
in the door.
Wilhelm Schubert, former block
chief in the concentration camp of
Sachsenhausen declared at the trailhead in
1947 in Berlin: "I ordered a detainee sich
aufzuhängen, to hang himself. I gave him a
rope, a hammer and a nail. I locked him into a small room
and I told him that if he doesn't hang himself I would
put him to the rack.
The prosecutor: Did he hang
Schubert: In the following half
an hour er hat sich erhängt, he hanged
1 SS corporal.

The thousands of concentration
camp scattered throughout the Nazi Reich and the
countries under its occupation fell into various
categories according to their proportions and
destination. Nevertheless, all of them functioned under
the same aegis: ermorden, to
Killing went on everywhere, from
the small camp Kaufering no.9 lost in the
forests of Bavaria, to the large camp of
The SS-men did the
killing out of sadism, revenge, belief, pleasure or
boredom. They did it meticulously, stubbornly, but also
hysterically, chaotically or with negligence.
Ermorden, to
kill, was the verb defining their profession of faith,
their vocation and dedication.
In the concentration camps the
detainees were killed by hundreds, by thousand, They were
killed by Vergasung, gassing; by
Genickschuss, shooting in the nape of
the neck; by Injection, phenol injection;
by Erhängungen, hanging, But all these
methods of mass assassination did not satisfy the thirst
for blood of the SS-men in the
Totenkopfeinheiten, the death's head units.
Many of them were anxious, nervous, and fretful. They
calmed down only when they did the killing themselves or
when they could watch the victim struggling in the jaws
of death, And they always devised new methods to kill
which they themselves put into practice or directly
supervised. To illustrate our statement we shall give
only one example: SS-Hauptscharführer
Sommer, Bunker chief at Buchenwald. According to
the testimonies of the former intendance of the
Bunker, collected by Eugen Kogon in his
book the "simplest" way chosen by Sommer was to put a
rope around the victim's neck and hang him to the heating
device or the sash frame. Sommer also killed many
detainees by striking them with a triangular iron. Once
he fixed iron clamps on the temples of one
Häftling and screwed them into his
head till the skull was crushed under their pressure. One
day he entered a cell holding a tin cup in his hand with
which he killed two detainees, then he tore off an iron
bar from the heating device and killed the others. From
at least one hundred Jews brought into the
Bunker over 1940-1941 none of them left it
Once Sommer tied seven young
Polish detainees to their bunks with chains. They were
given only cucumbers in brine and salt water and died in
terrible pains.
Intendance Gritz
"One morning, under a sink in
the lavatory I found a chest covered with a white sheet.
When I opened it I saw the corpse of a man whose limbs
had been cut off. Once I was ordered to sort in the
garret of the Bunker the clothes of the
murdered. There were many items of clothes belonging to
many detainees."
The tortures which Sommer used
to device were nothing else but proofs of his
sadistically nature. He enjoyed strangling the detainees
with his own hands. He loved to herd all detainees in the
Bunker into the 1,20 m wide corridor and to order them to
jump till they fell flat to the floor, utterly exhausted.
Then he trampled them under foot till blood came gushing
out through their noses and ears and at least some of
them died. Once he crowded fifteen detainees into a cell
and gave them only a chamber pot witch he did not allow
to be emptied for ten days. The floor of the cell was
covered with excrements. He killed all the fifteen
In the room he had at his
disposal Sommer had a skull with a bulb inside.
Sometimes, in the evening, he brought in a victim from
the cells and serenely killed him in his own room. Then
he put the corpse under the bed he slept in. In the
morning the Letchenträgers were
ordered to take the corpse to the crematorium.
The SS-men killed
thousands, tens of thousands, hundred of thousand,
millions of Häftlings, but the
increasing scope of their crimes were still
unsatisfactory. Bored with individual and mass
assassination of millions of innocent people, they would
have liked to kill life itself. So they started to murder
all pregnant women detainees. In some of the camps where
there was an acute need for man power, abortion was
permitted, but infants were burnt in the ovens of the
heating devices. In the smaller camps, where abortion
could not be practices, the newborns were strangled,
stifled or drowned in the presence of their
Ravensbrück -- the largest camp for
women -- the SS-men finally found the
method to give them the feeling that they are able to
stop life itself, to kill it. The deportees who were
excepting confinement had their legs tied closely, then
they were thrown into a corner of the barrack and left
there to die in unspeakable pains.

One of the main prosecutors at
the Nürnberg trial, referring to the atrocities
perpetrated in the concentration camps said: "Germany had
been turned into a prison. The victims' cries were heard
throughout the world making the whole civilized world
Indeed, during the long fascist
night which seemed endless, cries of pain pierced the
thick walls of Bunkers where the
Gestapo tortured its victims, resounded
from the locked wagons carrying deportees towards the
concentrations camps, from the gas chambers where the
showers poured Zyklon B crystals over the
victims instead of water, from the vans which entered the
yards of crematoria.
The desperate cries of millions
of innocent people deported and imprisoned in
concentration camps. Their screams, whines, curses,
shrieks and moans blended into one single and ceaseless
cry of pain and despair, revolt and
At Dachau, there
were heard the screams and shrieks of the detainees put
into a wooden bath tube full of cold water, and floating
ice where they were kept till froze to death, that is
till their hearts ceased to beat.
At Buchenwald
there were heard the screams and shouts of the
Häftlings in barrack No. 46 &emdash;
tied with chains to chains &emdash; when the boxes tied
with rubber to their legs were opened by some
Kapos and the thousands of lice infested
with typhus swarmed over their bodies.
At Auschwitz there
were heard the terrible cries of the women detainees, who
after the sterilization injection were operated and their
ovaries removed, of men irradiated in order to be
castrated or of the pairs of twins forced to
Ravensbrück there resounded the cries
of detainees who were operated and fragments of their
bones removed for transplantation; they were brought in
directly from work, tied to the operating table and the
operation started without even their clogs being taken
off their feet.
At Dachau, Buchenwald,
Auschwitz, Ravensbrück
SS doctors made Experiente an
lebendigen Menschen, experiments on living
people, while the victims cried and screamed on the top
of their voices...
They made experiments to
ascertain the resistance of the human organism to low
pressure, cold, poison, bullets shot from various angles
in various parts of the body.
They made experiments with
typhus, sexual hormones, yellow fever, fever, cholera,
tuberculosis, and diphtheria.
They made experiments as regards
the sterilization of women, castration of men, the
copulations of twins.
They transplanted bones,
infected wounds with gangrene and tetanus bacilli, or
burnt the flesh with phosphorous.
The beginning of experiments
an lebendigen Menschen was rather timid. On
May 15, 1941, doctor Raschher, one of their first
promoters appealed to Reichsführer SS
Himmler explaining that as there was a "lack of
human material" because "these experiments are extremely
dangerous and nobody willing undergoes them", he dares to
ask for only two or three men. "These experiments, during
which the respective persons... may, of course, die --
Rascher further explained -- are going to be performed
with my collaboration." Himmler's approval arrived after
seven days: "... the detainees will be put at your
disposal with pleasure..."
This was the beginning. Later
on, Himmler approved only the type of experiments while
the detainees were put at the doctors' disposal by the
camp commanders by hundreds or thousands.
Die Experimente an
lebendigen Menschen, the experiments on living
people, had became so customers in every camp that not
only the SS doctors, but every
Sturmann or Rottenführer
who got bored initiated an experiment on his own account,
attended by Häftlings of various ages
and nationalities. How long can men resist standing on
one foot of hanging by an arm before fainting? How many
kilometers can a man run carrying a 30 or 40 kg. Stone in
his hands before falling flat to the ground? How many
riding whip strokes or kicks can he endure?
The laughter of the
SS-men who attended the experiments making
bets was drowned by the shrikes of pain of the detainees
in the isolated barracks surrounded with barbed-wire
fences, whose flesh was burnt to the bone by liquid
phosphorus, whose bodies were invaded by lice infested
with typhus or whose various organs were
The screams and cries of the
victims terrorized the whole camp, a fact that scared or,
in any case disturbed the SS doctors; such
a reaction could turn into an "uncontrolled collective
action." It was not accidental that doctor Rascher wrote
to his "highly esteemed Reichsführer"
asking him to allow him that the experiments ha had made
in Dachau regarding the freezing of living
people should be continued in Auschwitz,
arguing that "from all centers for similar
experiences Auschwitz is more convenient
that Dachau in all respects."
Firstly, because it is colder at
Auschwitz and due to its size the cries of
the agonizing can be muffled and even absorbed by the
larger surfaces. Rascher himself emphasized in his letter
that "people undergoing experiments brüllen,
scream when they freeze."

The doctors and professors of
the Third Reich made Experimente an lebendige
Menschen, experiments on living people and their
hands did not shake, their conscience did not prick. They
indulged themselves into thinking that the detainees in
the concentration camps were not human beings, but
subhuman, some sort of animals devoid of any
Doctor Kurt Heissmeyer declared
at his trial: "It was obvious to me that to make
experiments on human beings with the cultures of bacilli
we had at our disposal could not have been justified
because of some probable consequences. I was of the
opinion that I could account for a such-like activity in
the concentration camp, because, according to my
national-socialist views at that time, I considered the
camp detainees as second rate people. I knew that the
detainees and children in the concentration camp were at
the disposal of the SS, therefore I did not
have to ask them if they were willing to be subjected to
those medical tests. In case the experiments had a
negative result I was not to suffer any penal
consequences. Besides, the experiments were carried out
in a concentration camp, because such experiments on
human beings used somehow instead of animals, were not
supposed to be made public."
During cross-examination
Heissmeyer also declared: "As a doctor, I naturally knew
that in fact I was not allowed to do that, and that I
could hardly have done it somewhere else, except in a
concentration camp. Because the experiments implicitly
jeopardized the life of the respective people, I made my
experiments in a concentration camp in order to prevent
the possible consequences from begin known. At that time
I shared the opinion that the detainees from
concentration camps had no value as human
Sharing such viewpoints, no
wonder that the Nazi doctors and professors tortured and
murdered the detainees in cold blood, with unconceivable
On November 27, 1944 a group of
children between five and 12 were sent from
Birkenau to doctor Heissmayer who was
"preoccupied" with combating tuberculosis. On their
arrival at the Neuengamme concentration
camp the children were in good health, lovely, normal,
clever children, according to the witnesses at the trial.
Small incisions were made on their armpits and chests
trial. Small incisions were made on their armpits and
chests and tuberculosis bacilli were introduced. Before
the war ended, all twenty children were hanged in order
to remove all traces of the experiments.
Professor SS Karl
Gebhardt made experiments concerning the healing of
wounds produced by gas in consequence of shots. In order
to create "conditions similar to those on the frontline",
the Häftlings serving as guinea pigs
were shot at from various angles and wounded in various
parts of their body. Professor Gerbhardt's team also
studied the healing of artificially broken bones. Healthy
detainees were invited into the consulting room and
placed on the operating table where the bones of their
legs or arms were broken by means of a hammer. They
usually preferred very young women.
Many detainees were operated
upon and their bones removed in order to be transplanted
to those wounded on the front. After the operation the
detainees were killed.
Concentration camps offered to
the cursed doctors of the SS unique
conditions, which they could never have had in normal
life. For instance, the anatomy-pathological study of a
pair of twins, the analysis of their normal, abnormal or
diseased organs was to be made simultaneously, that is
both twins were to die in the same second. This could be
achieved practically only at Birkenau where
Hauptsturmfuhrer-SS Dr. Josef Mengele
himself killed in the same moment the twins subjected to
his criminal experiments. His former forensic doctor at
Birkenau crematoria, Dr. Nyiszli Miklos
recalls in his book: "What happens here is unique in the
history of world medicine: twins die at the same moment
and the autopsy can be made without delay. In the
conditions of normal life it were a miracle if twins died
in the same place and at the same time! And that because
circumstances often make them part and live at great
distances from each other; besides, they never die at the
same time. It may happen that one dies at the age of ten
while the other the other at fifty. Therefore, in normal
conditions, there is no possibility to make comparative
autopsies in parallel. In the concentration camp of
Auschwitz there are hundreds and hundreds
of twins, and their extermination offers hundreds and
hundreds of possibilities for research. That is the
reason why Dr. Mengele selects the twins and dwarfs ever
silence their arrival."
Indeed, the twins even those
under 14 were selected by Mengele and separated from the
column are heading for the crematoria and gas chambers.
Their death was delayed. They were going to be killed and
burnt only after they had been subjected to the
degrading, torturing, absurd "experiments" made by Dr.
In this testimony born at the
Nürnberg trial, Dr. Nyiszli Miklos &emdash; the
survivor who, from all Häftlings of
Birkenau had greatest access to the
"forbidden" places &emdash; showed: "In barrack No. 21 of
the camp hospital F there by, in separate boxes the most
miserable victims of the experimental lab. Youngsters
full of life, aged twenty-twenty-three coming from Poland
and France made up the group of the castrated, who were
enduring excruciating pains. They had been sterilized
with X-rays. Several days after irradiation their bodies
showed terrible burns, which gradually expanded and
deepened. The wounds did not react to any medicine, the
pains could not be alleviated by any
Quite relevant are the
testimonies born at the trials after
Baumkötter, did you know what the experiments with
phlegms consisted in?
... An incision was made in the detainees' thigh and it
was filled with old rags and dirty straws. This produced
the expected result, septicemia, which caused the death
of many people.
Prosecutor: What
about experiments with potassium cyanide were such
experiments made?
Yes. This happened in late 1944 or early 1945 when
Standartenführer SS Nolling, the
sanitary inspector of concentration camps arrived at the
camp. Even before that a detainee had been selected for a
special test. I saw the sanitary inspector to the
crematorium and on the was Nolling took a 1
cm3 phial out of his cigarette case; the phial
was introduced into the detainee's mouth who had to crush
it between his teeth. After a couple of minutes the
detainee was dead.
Prosecutor: How
long did it take till he died?
Baumkötter: I
ascertained that he had died in 15 seconds.
As regards the experiments with
sexual hormones, the following dialogue took place at
Mr. Dubost: "Which
were the consequences of these experiments?"
Balachowsky: These
experiments were always deadly.
Mr. Dubost: Always
deadly? Each experiment must therefore be ASSIMILATED TO
... Balachowsky: In block
No. 50 I saw photos of some phosphoric burns that had
been inflicted in block No 46. You needn't be a
specialist to realize the sufferings of those people
whose flesh had been burnt to the bone. After three
months, when the experiments were put an end to, the
survivors were killed.

Oliver Lustig's Biographical Sketch

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