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and Dachau Holocaust Survivor

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Belohnung (Bonus)
Beruf (Profession)
Bestialität (Beastliness)
Birkenau-Auschwitz (1)
Birkenau-Auschwitz (2)
Blockälteste (Barrack Chief)
Blocksperre (Close Barracks)
Brot (Bread)
Bunker (Bunker)

Entry, as of now, posted here.
The SS-men in the
Totenkopfeinheiten, the death's head units,
were, without exception, professional killers, who took
pride in their personal style of torturing and killing
the detainees.
I saw SS-men
suddenly drawing out their pistols and instantly pulling
the trigger and then go on as if nothing had happened,
without even casting a glance at the fallen
Häftling to see whether he died or was
still struggling in the dust.
Others, on the contrary, enjoyed
playing with their victims, deluding them, making them
believe that their fortune had smiled upon them and they
would be assigned to a place where work was not so hard;
they pulled the trigger only when their victims began to
express their gratitude, Some proffered instant
assassination: a bullet in the nape of the neck, a phenol
injection in the heart, or machine gun fire if he wanted
to kill several at a time. Others on the countrary,
rejoiced in prolonging to the utmost the agony of death.
They ordered a group of Kapo's to kill
Häftlings hitting them with the
cudgels, or pushing their victimd out the barracks,
throw, at the height of winter, buckets full of water
over their naked bodies and let them freeze to death in
the snow or set dogs on them to tear them up piece by
Indeed, the
SS-men Totenkopfeinheiten,
the death's head units were, without exception,
professional murderers. When taking action individually,
they had their own way of humiliating, torturing and
killing the detainees. Some were sadistically and savage,
others were ruthless and ferocious or disdainful and
villainous. But when they assembled together to kill, the
differences between them were blurred. To be more precise
features blended and the general characteristics of the
SS-men in Totenkopfeinheiten,
in the death's head units stood out at frightful
dimensions: die Barbarei,
The whole life in the
concentration camps, every episode taken separately,
every action of the SS taken separately or
in their entirety was full of most appalling instances of
barbarity. But, according to the survivor's testimonies,
the barbarity of the SS was mostly evident
when the Häftlings doomed to he gassed
were selected and transported. Here is a such-like scene
described in a document of the Nürenberg Tribunal:
"The seriously ill from the surgery, their wounds
dressed, and long rows of worn-out and broken down sick
people and a few about to recover were loaded into
lorries. They were all stark naked, and the sight of them
was hard to bear. The lorries stopped at the block
entrance and the miserable sick were simply thrown into
lorries or loaded by the medical attendants (I saw such
tragically transports quite often). Usually some 100 men
were crowded into a small lorry. They all knew what was
in store for them. Most of them were utterly listless,
while others, particularly the patients from the surgery
who had open bleeding wounds or terrifying scars were
striking at random like mad. Around the lorries, the
SS-men ran like wild pushing back the
screaming crowd who tried to jump off".
Nyiszli Miklos, a
Häftling from Oradea and Mengele's
forensic doctor, who had seen with his own eyes countless
of such transports to the crematory makes a shocking
description: "Those selected could no longer scream, they
no longer had the strength to get off the high platform
of the lorry. The SS-guardians were
shouting at them, calling them, but no one was moving.
The drive lost his temper, got back to the wheel end
started the engine. The front side of the platform was
rising little by little and then suddenly emptied its
content. The wretched dying, sick people fell on their
heads, faces, and knees or tumbled down from the platform
one over the other. Struggling on the ground, tortured by
smarts of pain, they uttered inarticulate cries. The
scene was terrible!
The Sonderkommando
members stripped the victims of their rag witch they
pilled up in the yard, and led the unfortunate to the
cremation room. Were they lined them in front of
Oberscharführer Mussfeld who turned
his back to the ovens. He was on duty so he would shoot
them in the nape of the neck. A rubber glove protected
the hand holding the pistol. The people fell down, one
after the other, making room for the following series. In
a few minutes Mussfeld had 'put them to bed',
umgelegt as he said in his jargon. In half
an hour all that was left of them were their
How irrelevant, how vague the
word Barbarei, barbarity when referring to
such crimes!

All punishments inflicted in
concentration camps were aimed at hastening the
Häftlings death. Life and labor
conditions were so hard to bear that from the moment you
stepped into a K.Z. your days were numbered. And yet,
many SS-men thought that in their camp
inmates don't "die fast enough", so much that if one
managed to go unpunished during the day, he would
certainly dream of some punishment at night.
The greatest terror was spelled
by the three "Bs": Bock, Baum and
Bunker. The hardest to bear was the
Bunker, of course. But Baum
took you closest to death. Hanging from Baum,
a tree, you actually felt the grip of death. The
punishment was called simply: Baum and it
meant that the punished hung from a tree, his her hands
tied up fast with a rope, the rope tied to a branch or
nail in the tree two meters above the ground. The whole
mass of the body hanging into the air weight ad upon the
shoulders. The rope tightened around his hands and cut
into the flesh. In the-fifteen minutes the shoulders were
out of joint. In another several minutes the arms were
swollen and paralyzed. The pains were unbearable. The
moans, screams, shrieks of the victims who cried with
pain touched no one. Quite the contrary, they rather set
the sadism and bestiality of the SS-men,
who taking a long draw at their cigarettes hit the
hanging bodies of victims with their machine gun rifles
until they began to swing increasing their pains. Then
slinging their weapons, the SS-men seized
the riding whips and stared to his the miserable people
hanging from the Baum, the tree, over the
cheeks, the trunk, and the genitals. The tortured bodies
were streaming perspiration and blood. The torture lasted
between half an hour and two hours, sometimes even
In case someone managed to come
through, it took him weeks on end to recover and be able
to move his arms again Many were injured for

The SS considered
death a profession like any other one, se in order to
practice it one to love it and be trained in it. The
first condition raised no difficulties with the
SS who had a propensity for killing. Their
love of murder had been nurtured since early childhood,
in Hitlerjugend1 and then in the
SS by voluntarily joined those who loved
and wanted to kill.
How to do it
they learnt on the run. The concentration camps were high
schools where Allgemeine-SS2 and
Waffen-SS3-men were invited to
learn the trade from their comrades in the
Totenkopfeinheiten, the expert
But when the mass exterminations
were started it was obvious that something went wrong:
the SS-men had to get used to death in mass
proportion. It was one thing to shoot or hang one, five
or ten men and another to empty whole trains of corpses,
to cover ditches in which among the thousands corpses
that had been buried there were some people alive,
struggling to get out.
According to General
SS von dem Bach-Zelewski's narrative, when
mass exterminations were started, even the reputed
Himmler, the chief and got of all SS,
attending in Minsk a model-execution of 100
prisoners that he himself had ordered "was about to faint
at the first discharge and began to shout because the
firing squad had failed to kill two women at the first
In a report sent to Berlin,
SS-Untersturmführer4 Dr.
Becker, the chief of the gas vans, informed that "various
Kommandos have their own members unload the
vans after gassing" emphasizing "the huge moral and
physical effects this work has on those people, who
complained of headaches after each unloading." However,
tough the SS-men, it gave them headaches to
see so much death, their hand began to tremble when
pulling the trigger so many times. Therefore in order to
keep up the executioner's spirits in all concentration
camps there was the custom of giving eine
Belohnung, a bonus, to all those who did the
killing perfectly with out batting an eyelid, setting,
thereby, a "good example."
In the museum of the former
concentration camp of Buchenwald one can
see a pierced human heart kept in a hermetically closed
glass vessel. It is the heart of an inmate that had been
shot. The legend lets you know the name of the
SS-man who pulled the trigger and who
received as Belohnung, bonus, a three days'
leave absence for his "sharp-shooting."
The doctor of the
SS troops in the Weimar-Buchenwald garrison
appealed in written to the commander of the camp to grant
einer Belohnung, a bonus to
Warmstädt and
SS-Untersharführer7 Stope
who on January 26, 1945 led the removing of corpses from
the transport from Auschwitz, in his opinion they
deserved a special ration in liquors, which was also
medically advisable.
In Dachau there
was a written order saying that for each hanged detainee,
the respective executioner should he three cigarettes. In
Buchenwald there was a
Kommando-99 exclusively made up of the
SS. charged with executions outside the
barbed wire fenced perimeter. The detainees were order to
get undressed and led six at a time into a room equipped
with eight shower outfits. But the showers were started
only to wash away the blood after the victims had been
shot. When the number of detainees to be executed was
greater, they were led to the room in larger groups and
raked with machine gunfire. The blood spots on the floor
were covered with clean sawdust and then a new group was
immediately brought in.
Not only that killers were
rewarded with alcoholic drinks in abundance, but also all
members of the Kommando-99 were awarded the
"Military Cross for Merit."
1 The
Hitler Youth Organization
The General
Fighting SS
Major Lieutenant
SS officer.
Lieutenant SS
Sub-Lieutenant SS

The SS tortured,
killed, not out of revenge, not in hot blood, not carried
away by the frenzy of fighting the enemy, but calmly,
systematically, carefully. They practiced killing as if
it were eine Beruf, a
When entering camp E to select
the Häftlings for crematoria
SS-Hauptsturmführer doctor Mengele was
always looking very smart, dressed up as if for ceremony:
freshly ironed uniform, impeccably polished boots, mew
riding whip. When performing the selections he was always
in high spirits, his face beaming with pleasure. Only
once was he seen frowning. He had given the order that 50
woman detainees be selected for working in Germany. When
reviewing the detachment he stopped and looked annoyed at
the third row.
"Who made the selections?" he
furiously asked his attendants.
Indeed -- the second detainee in
the third row a mere skeleton, a gust of wind would have
knocked her down. She was staring pointblank with big
sensitive eyes. It was probably her beautiful eyes that
had melted, for a second, the old
Obsersharführer's heart, reminding him
the eyes of his wife, or daughter, or sister.
Scmidt, Herr Huptsturmführer", came the
scared answer.
"For how long has he been in
"For three months,
"You brought him here in vain.
Send him back tomorrow to the front. He doesn't know
seinen Beruf, his job."

The piano player, that's how the
other detainees called her. She had come to camp on a
ringing frost, in winter '44. She was twenty and had won
five awards at international contests. Her mother used to
tear stripes of the ragged clothes to wrap up and keep
her fingers warm. One evening toward spring, during the
Appell, when the SS-man
passed by her, she gave a start. The SS-man
noticed it. He stopped walking and dropped his cigarette.
"Pick it up!" he ordered.
When the girl kneeled down, and
reached the cigarette the SS-man stepped on
her hand. The girl started to scream and her desperate
mother dashed to the SS-man, who knocked
her down with one blow. The woman kneeled down and
seizing the executioner's boot tried to save her
daughter's hand. The SS-man pulled out the
pistol, put it tot he mother's nape of the neck and
pulled the trigger slowly, without any haste, while he
crushed under his heel the girl's fingers...
One day in Birkenau,
a Häftling in the camp
E has seen, through the barbed wire fence
his only brother who was still alive. (The rest of the
family had perished long before. In the ghetto, during
deportation or in other concentration camps).
He rushed to the fence, calling
his brother by name. On hearing him brother did the same
and they simultaneously arrived et the barbed wire fence,
unable to utter a word, unable even to breath with
excitement. And the next moment it would have been too
late to say something. The SS sentinels in
the watchtowers at each extremity of the fence pilled the
trigger of their machine-rifles. The bodies of the tow
brothers fell over the barbed wires conducting
high-tension current. When their fingers touched they no
longer could feel any warmth. Their bodies had already
been carbonized...
At Mauthausen, in
winter 1944 / 1945 a young Häftling
sick with dysentery was minutes late to
Appell. Such violation of discipline was
enough to trigger of die Bestialität,
the beastliness of any SS-man. So, when the
Häftling got back to the quarry where
his detachment was working, the
Kommandoführer ordered him to
follow him to the rivulet near by that had been bridged
over by a thick layer of ice for more than a
"Schnell, go
to the middle of the river and break the
ice!" the SS-mean
The young
Häftling worked to break the ice and
make a hole half a meter in diameter.
"Into the water!" the
Kommandoführer yelled and hit the
Häftling with a cudgel he always
carried along, in orders to reinforce his
The young man obeyed but as the
water was nit very deep, the upper part of his body
remained out. This enraged the
Kommandoführer who started hitting him over
the head to make him squat and disappear under the ice.
From time to time the unfortunate young man bobbed up
again to breath and the SS-man let him pant
for breath for a few seconds, then with a snow of blows
he again made him immerse under the water. The scene was
repeated several times and then the SS-man
ordered him to get out from water and stand at
Because of the biting frost
detainee's clothes soon turned into a cover of ice. Even
the water dripping on his face turned into
A quarter of an hour later, the
Kommandoführer, anxious to reach a
warm place confronted the detainee with the choice:
either to work till evening in his clothes of ice, or to
make for the watchtower to be shot. After a brief moment
of hesitation, which lasted no more than a start, the
Häftling headed for the
After the liberation, on of the
tens of thousands of SS executioners,
Gustav Sorge, nicknamed Iron Gustav, who for eight years
had served in various concentration camps gradually
climbed the hierarchic ladder (from block chief he became
a camp chief) was told during trial by the
"During the preliminary inquiry
you declared that all SS-men in the camp
were, to a smaller or greater extent
Bestien, beasts.
Sorge: "Yes,
it is true, das waren alle Bestien, they
were all beasts."
"What did ihre Bestialität, their
beastliness show in?
Sorge: " It
showed in the torturing of the detainees, in hitting them
with sharp objects, in the punishments they applied to
them such as hurrying the detainees alive or hounding
dogs at them, etc.
Sorge stopped short his listing.
He could have gone on for hours and days on end not
finish, to mention all aspects of the beastliness of the
SS-men; everything they thought, they said
or did was beastly.

The blood-curdling fame of the
Konzentrationslager Auschwitz has spread
the world throughout. Actually it was not a single camp,
but a whole complex including 39 camps in the vicinity of
Auschwitz, but the extermination complex lay some 2-3 km
away, at Auschwitz II or Birkenau,
as it was officially called. The camp of
Birkenau proper stretched over less than
2-sq. km., but it included four crematoria with light gas
chambers and 46 ovens.
Spoon after the settling up of
the first Nazi concentration camps, Hitler issued an
ordinance warning against the turning of the
concentration camps into "boarding houses" or
Faithful to their
Führer, Himmler and the whole gang of
SS-men in Totenkopfeinheiten,
the death's head units, saw to the setting up of
the camps as true factories of death, as they had
actually been conceived, and not boarding houses or
sanatoria. Führer's plan was most
perfectly put into practice at Birkenau,
where death was inflicted at conveyor belt
And in order to settle any
doubts as the high level of the "death
technology" at Birkenau-Auschwitz,
one of the chiefs of the camp, Karl Fritsch
welcomed the newcomers with the following words: "You are
not in a sanatorium, but in a German concentration camp
where from there is only one way out: trough the chimney.
If this doesn't suit you, you can immediately throw
yourselves over the barbed wire fences where through high
tension current is running; if in this transport there
are Jews, they don't have the right to live more than two
weeks, the priests a month while the others -- three
The detainees in the other
concentration camps throughout the Reich were struck with
terror when hearing of what happened at
Germaine Tillon, who was
deported to Ravensbrüch in 1943 writes
in her book: "the Czech detainees who had just returned
from Auschwitz lived in the same block with us and they
told us in a low voice the terrible thing they had seen
there, the systematic destruction of Jews by gassing, the
burnt corpses, the hillocks of human a shies; with them
there also were some Jewish women who were waiting to
leave for Auschwitz and who knew by now what fate they
had in store."
"According to Hitler's wish --
Höss confessed -- Auschwitz became the greatest
extermination complex of all times."
During the fascist night,
hundreds of thousands of deportees arrived at the
platform of Birkenau-Auschwtz from all
Europe. On January 27, 1945, when the Soviet liberating
troops entered the camp they found only 2.819
Häftlings alive.
But one does not know and never
will the ashes of how many human beings were scattered
the world throughout by the winds that swept over the
crematoria of
Could there possibly be a more
terrible indictment bill of Nazism than the fact that to
establish the precise number of the victims in the
K.Z.'s which had spread all over Hitler's
Germany and a whole area under his, influence, has never
been or will be possible.

Some of the survivors of the
concentration camps, haunted by nightmares will not talk
and will not hear what had happened there,
then. They give a start, become anxious and panic
whenever they the words Mauthausen, Dachau,
Bergen-Belsen or Kaufering or
particularly when hear the words
As far as I am concerned, since
the very first day of liberation which caught me at
Landsberg in Bavaria, I felt the urge, the
wish to return to Birkenau-Auschwitz and to
sees as a free man the place were my youth was humiliated
and trampled underfoot, were my parents, two brothers and
a sister were killed, where my friends since childhood
were exterminated, where hundreds of thousands of
innocent people were killed.
I wanted to see with my own eyes
that the gas chambers were demolished, and the ovens of
crematoria had been turned into museum, that the
watchtowers in the corners of each camp were deserted,
that the platforms which witnessed the selections for gas
chambers were covered with gases, that the barbed wire
which once conducted high tension current is rusted and
hangs uselessly off the concrete pillars.
I felt the urge and the need to
stay a few moments on the "death platform" where I had
parted for good with my mother and my brothers and sister
and then walk slowly by myself towards camp E. To strop
in front of the "Disinfection Post" where
they took away everything that reminded us our homes and
we received the streaked Häftling's
clothes and then stay a while on the threshold of camp E,
where Then, on June 9, 1945, even our names
were annulled and replaced by mere figures: "1.465". Then
go and stretch out on the Appellplatz in
front of barrack No. 21 look up in the sky and make sure
there are no more black-bluish wreaths of smoke rising
from the crematoria, make sure that everything is silent,
nobody shouts and swears any more, nobody cries or whines
or curses any more...
Thirteen years after my
liberation, in summer 1957, that strange wish came
The whole camp had been turned
into a huge museum. The barber-wire fence supported by
high concrete pillars was still there, but in no longer
conducted high-tension current. Even the plates figuring
a death's head any two crossed bone reading: "Achtung!
Lebensgefahr!" Attention! Danger of death! Were left
untouched. The blocks were also intact only that in them
there were no more Häftlings, but
museum exhibits. And crematorium No. 1 which the
SS-men no longer had time to demolish was
all there.
Theses began to grow on the
Appellplatzs, on the alleys which saw
numbers of people -- parents and children, brothers and
sisters, fiancées and holding their hands filled
with foreboding of death and still desperately fighting
them, heading for the gas chambers. Walking the camp I
was seized with a feeling of anxiety that I could not
explain. I calmed down only when reaching the place where
once there was the political section of the
SS. The only building that no longer
existed, as in the stead a gallows was built to carry out
the sentence of death passed at the trial of the former
commander of the Birkenau-Auschwitz camp:
Standartenführer-SS Rudolf Höss.
The sight of the gallows and the notification near by
informing of the carrying out of the death sentence
reassured me.
I went then to the ruins of
crematoria No 2 and 3 and I lingered there for a while,
telling myself that I would never know in witch of the
crematoria was killed my mother, in which of them two of
my brothers and a sister had been burnt to
Walking with heavy steps and
downcast eyes around the ruins, in the unusually high
grass I saw several patches of barren earth, a striking
contrast to the huge carpet of grass. I kneeled down and
when I felt the earth a shudder crept over me, but I did
not draw back my hand. My fingers kept stroking the dust:
some ashes and thin splinters of human bones.
Ever since I keep asking myself
and I ask you, too, my reader: If the earth, this huge
globe, with its unfathomable depths, did not find, has
not find sufficient powers and resources to heal its
wounds, to cover with life-giving grass the Place where
fascism had committed its crimes, how could my wounds
heal never to bleed again?

At Birkenau-Auschwitz,
the Blockältestes, the
barrack chiefs, had power of life and death over us. As
in camp E of Birkenau nobody worked but
waited for days, weeks and months on end to be selected
either for the crematorium or some labor camp in Germany,
twenty-four out of twenty-four hours we were at the beck
and call of the barrack chief.
There were about one thousand
Häftlings in a barrack. The chief of
the barrack, the Blockältestes, was
helped by tow Vertreters, the deputy
barrack chiefs.
In summer 1944 the
Blockältestes, of the thirty barracks
in camp E were replaced four times. In the beginning they
were all gypsies. Then they were replaced with deportees
from Hungary and then the latter with Polish
Häftlings. The last ones were
recruited from among the German common law
They were sadistically with no
exception. One of them, however, distinguished himself
through unequalled beastliness: the chief of barracks No
21, whom the over one thousand teen-agers who were
detained in that block nicknamed "the Lamp Post". He was
almost two meters high, had brushy eyebrows and wrinkled
cheeks, high cheek bones and long and heavy hands. He had
his own method. When he slapped someone's face he somehow
put his hand under his jaw and lifted a little the poor
miserable throwing him out of balance and knocking him to
the ground. Hardly there was a
Häftling whom he did not knock to the
ground at first blow.
I always saw him carrying a long
curbed cudgel he used to hit the detainees with, breaking
their bones or their heads or even causing their death.
The two Vertreters had equally long and
heavy cudgels, which were also curbed. Only the
SS-men had the right to carry riding whips.
The Blockältestes used to strike with
At Landsberg, the
barracks were dug into the earth, just like some graves.
Fifty Häftlings lived in one barrack.
The barrack chiefs there had no right to thrash us, as
our labor force was needed. But they hastened our death
by constantly stealing from miserably small food
My barrack chief was a doctor
called Winkler. In spring 1945 bread that had been
allotted to 3 men in autumn was the daily ration of food
for 16. Wintkeler used to cut a big slice for himself
from the middle of each loaf and gave the two halves to
be shared among sixteen people. He also stole from what
little margarine we were given.
At night, back from out work of
slaves utterly exhausted, we received our food at the
barrack entrance. Most of us usually finished to eat
their ration by the time they got to their "dibs", where
they fell like logs on the rags covering the straws and
instantly fell a sleep. When silence fell over the
barrack Blockältestes Winkler, a
doctor, began to swallow down. He had an enormous,
disproportionate head and large jaws and he champed so
loud by that I had the impression that a whole heard of
cattle was ruminating. Those who could not sleep were
tossing indignantly about not so much because he stole
our food, he robbed us of our life but because the
SS-men managed to attain little by little
their purpose: to degrade us and hasten our decay from
the condition of human beings.
Winkler and almost all
Blockältestes and Kapos and
Lagerältestes were people who had sunk
to the lowest level of human degradation and we feared we
dreaded we were following in their footsteps.

In camp E of
Birkenau-Auschwitz we faced death every
day. Death was lurking everywhere and assailed us under
most various guises: diseases or touring, hunger or
thirst, exhaustion or despair.
But quite soon we got used to
diseases and beatings, to starvation and lack of water
and to despair. It rested with us not to give in and the
wish to survive was stronger that all this, at least
that's how we felt in the beginning.
Fear of death seized us only
when the Blockälteste shouted: "From
column for selection!" Starting that moment our life no
longer belonged to us no longer depended on our will to
survive, but on chance, or Mengele's whims. We even felt
the cold grip of death but we managed to bear it only
because that dreadful state lasted very little.
Hauptsturmführer-SS needs less than
five minutes tore view the 150-200 rows of fives that
made up the front of our barrack and to point to those
who had to be taken to crematoria. Even when we passed
naked one by one in front of him, the selection lasted no
more than 15-20 minutes. When Mengele left the platform,
we, those who escaped the crematoria, fell to the ground
to draw life from the earth into our bodies that had been
dragged of the last drop of power.
Fear of death overpowered us
completely when we heard the shout: "Blocksperre!"
"Close barracks!"
This usually happened at dusk
when two Läufers darted from the
sentinel post at the camp entrance to the other end of
the camp running, along the central alley and shouting at
the top of their voices:
"Blocksperreee!" Close barracks!
Panic-stricken inmates from all
platforms rushed to the barracks jostling and trampling
on one another and the doors closed.
In mid August 1944
Blocksperre! Was ordered in camp E for the
first time after my arrival there and during that night
all gypsies in the camp were taken to the crematoria and
burnt to ashes.
The next morning the even
barracks on the right side of the alley, which had been
occupied by gypsies until then, with their big doors wide
open looked like some empty, violated graves.
Even since, I had heard the
two Läufers shouting:
Blocksperre! Close barracks! Ever more
often and after each night when
Blocksperre! Close barracks! Was shouted
daybreak always found one two barracks deserted and
empties. Nobody from the barracks singled out for
extermination ever stayed alive. During the following
days the barracks were packed with the last survivors of
the ghettoes in Poland...
Once in the barrack with the
barracks doors closed the panic-stricken
Häftlings lost all control and burst out
crying, screaming, and yelling hysterically. The whole
camp was clamoring. And then suddenly -- silence. The
inmates of almost thirty barracks stood stone still. They
didn't move, didn't blink, didn't even breathe, they
would have even silenced their heartbeats if they could.
Only our ears were strained to the utmost.
The vans advent ad noisily but
slowly, stringing our nerves. Were would they stop this
time? In front of which barrack?
They passed past barracks 6...
8... 10... Blood rose to our faces. Another two barracks
and then our barrack, barrack No. 16.
They stopped. They must have
stopped in front of barrack No. 12 or 14. We can no
longer hear it. Another moment and...
"Mother!... Mother where are
you? Help!... No... I don't want to die!..."
It is barrack No. 15. This means
they are liquidating the odd barracks on the other side
of the alley.
An hour long as an endless night
follows. An hour during which the Häftlings
of barrack No. 15 are packed in vans and taken to
There is silence again. The last
van went away, yet we do not dare to move. Fear of death
does not leave us. What if the liquidation went an? Which
barrack would follow?
Toward daybreak we realize that
this time we escaped. We have a sigh of relief and resume
our daily routine till that evening when
Läufers would again run along the
alley, shouting on the top their voices:
Bloksperre! Close barracks!

The first and most frequent
Strafen, punishment, in all concentration
camps was thrashing 25, 50, 75 or even one hundred whip,
riding whip or cudgel strokes over the seat of the
detainee. The detainee was ordered to lie flat on the
Bock, trestle. The punishment was
administered by various Kapos, Lagerältestes
or SS-men.
In each camp the punishment was
inflicted according to various ordinances, issued by the
Central Economic-Administrative Office of the
SS. It was carried out on the Bock,
the trestle, a wooden support made for the
purpose, resembling a table to which the detainee was
fastened whit some tie-bands, his head hanging down, the
leg bent and upwards. Der Bock, the trestle
was known in all concentration camps as the most ordinary
instrument of punishment, just the cudgel and the riding
In Ravensbrück,
the largest camp for women, the customary
punishment was "25 cudgel strokes". Sometimes 50 or 75
strokes were ordered, but they were usually given in two
or three rounds. But not as a general rule. Few people
could endure fifty cudgel strokes at a time, without
break. Most of the punished died. And when 75 strokes
were ordered death was always the final
For inflicting the punishment on
Bock, trestle, a whole ritual was staged.
As Eugen Kogan also showed in his book, in most instances
the whole effective of the camp were summoned to assemble
on the gathering place to attend the punishment.
Der Bock, the trestle was brought in
carried by four men as if it were a throne, then placed
on a large pile of stones which the punished detainee or
detainees had to climb. They bawled out through the loud
speaker the name of the punished
Häftling, his offence and "extent" of
the punishment. There were many hundreds of
Häftlings, who did not utter even a
moan while struck with the cudgel on the trestle, but
there were also inmates whose cries and screams resounded
for beyond the gathering place. When their shrieks
disturbed the camp leaders, the latter had a brass band
play marches to drown their cries. In Buchenwald
the Sturmführer Rödl went
so far as to have an opera singer sing operatic arias
near the Bock, trestle, during
The ritual of this punishment
considered the easiest to bear was observed in
Birkenau as well. According to O. Kraus and
E. Kulka's narrative there the punishment was inflicted
during roll call in front of all detainees. The inmates
who were to be punished stood in a line in front of the
trestle, waiting for their turn to come. Some detainees
were left the last to increase their punishment. The whiz
of the bull's puzzle or of the leather-coated steel wire
broke the dead silence that had fallen over the thousand
of shaved-headed, hollow-checked detainees. The hard
strokes fell with relentless regularity over the
helplessly tied detainee and cut deep into his flesh.
Soon bloodstained bits of his ragged clothes began to fly
into the air... The detainee had to count each stroke
aloud. Those who were no longer able brink of madness
received one or two extra strokes. After the punishment
was carried out the detainee was released and had to
report to the camp commander: "Herr
Lagerführer, Häftling 73.043
fünfundzwanzig Schlagiebe danken erhalten."
Wieslav Kielar also recalls the
carrying out of such a punishment: "I measly lay on the
Bock, the trestle. I strained my button
while Bruno held my head between his knees and pulled
down my trousers. Palitzsch was getting ready to
--- "Count", Bruno
--- "Eins" a short
and hard stroke. Smarting pain along the stripe left by
the brute's cudgel.
--- "Zweeei". An
excruciating pain. I tried to break lose but Bruno, an
old expert, held me tight.
--- "Dreeei"! Oh,
God. I can't stand it any more. It's breaking, burning. I
can feel it swelling. And once again: "Viiier"
and again "Fünf". And again...
And again... up to ten, up to twenty-five, till
fainting... and then on up to fifty, and sometimes, till

Everything had lost its value in
the concentration camps.
Nothing was respected any
longer. With one single exception: "das
Brot", bread.
"Das Brot",
bread was till a holy, sacred thing.
The first weeks and months at
Birkenau-Auschwitz we stood petrified with
terror every time we were ordered: "antreten zum
Appell" -- from column for roll call -- A 4-5
hours' ordeal started then and daily claimed its victims.
Later we got used to the curses and beating and the daily
At first, the command "undressed
for selection" paralyzed us. After selection, one third
of us did not return to the barracks. They went to the
crematorium. By the end of 1944, selections were so
frequent that we no longer trembled when confronted to
Yet, the heathen, wicked fever
and the wild impatience that overwhelmed us every
evening, after the roll call, when we received the
command to from column for the distribution of bread, had
preserved the same intensity till the end. Our lips would
tremble first, and then a nervous fever would gradually
seize our bodies.
"Ein Brot",
a loaf of bread, was first distributed among 4, then 5,
and 6 and, in the spring of 1945, among 16
No pocket knife with anyone. The
4, 5 or 15 Häftlings that had received
one loaf formed a group. The most balanced member of the
group was designated to divide the loaf into 4, 5, 6 or
15 portions, closely watched by the voracious,
inquisitive and suspicious eyes the others. Not a single
word was spoken. No one was allowed to hurry him up. No
mistaken was accepted, not a single crumb. When the
portions were ready, one blindfold member of the group
designated, one by one, those who were to receive each
portion: Andrei... Walter... Jean...
Some used to stuff their mount
with their portion and finish it in a few mouthfuls. Some
others turned their portion into small pieces took them
one to their mouth, with utmost care, not to waste one
single crumb. The swallowing of the portion was thus
prolonged to its maximum and hunger, somehow, appeased.
Most of the prisoners started their bargains. Half of a
bread portion was offered for a whole portion of
Dörrgemüse1 the next
day; a quarter of a bread portion -- for half a portion
of Dörrgemüse or for a rag from a
shirt required for dressing a bleeding
Das Brot,
bread, was the only true value in the camp. Everything
could be obtained for bread.
My brother Emilian and myself
never used to eat up our both portions at once. Every
night we preserved one portion for the next morning. At
night, we used to keep it close to our breast, so that no
one could steal it from us.
... One night, one hour after
bread had been distributed, of the platform we ran into
our cousin, Edmund Biener. He had been assigned to
barrack No. 20. As he was the shortest one in the
barrack, he had no other choice but to be selected for
the gas chambers. And there was no possibility to escape
from Birkenau. Yet, that high, he had the
chance of his life. In the barrack next door, 300
Häftlings, wearing new striped
clothes, were excepting their departure for Germany. A
young man, not very tall, but strongly built and robust
came to Edmund Biener. He told him: "If I can a portion
of bread from you, I agree to change clothes with you.
You may thus go to Germany instead of my self. I am
strong and can be selected again another time for
Mad with excitement, Edmund
Biener asked to wait for 10 minutes. He told us in one
breath about the offer he had been made and then burst
out into sobbing. He had no courage to ask us for the
portion that of bread he knew we were always saving over
night. Emilian took it out from under his shirt and we
all ran to barrack No. 20. That night, our cousin left
the crematoria of Birkenau.
Not long after that night,
Mengele decided to bring some variation to the monotony
of selections. Instead of asking the
Häftlings to march naked past him, as
he had used to before, he ordered that two poles should
be erected at a few meter's distance from each other, on
the platform behind the camp. A board connecting the two
poles was fixed in nails, at a mans height from the
In his very presence --
SS Captain Dr. Mengele and of his train,
all the Häftlings in the camp had to
step naked beneath the board. Those who did not touch it
with their heads were taken directly to the gas
That particular young
Häftling was strongly built and
robust, yet not very tall, and, however, hard he tried,
walking on tiptoes he could not touch the board... he
paid the portion of Brot, bread, at the
cost of his life. At the cost of a portion of Brot,
bread, my cousin Edmund Biener saved his own
life. And is still alive. Today he lives in Israel in the
city of Betah Tikva.
1 Some
sort of "vegetable" stew made of some dry plants that was
the only food that was being served at Birkenau --day in,
day out.

The most dreaded building of
each concentration camp was the Bunker. Of
courses, it could not compare with the gas cambers, the
crematoria. But gas chambers and crematoria were only in
central camps, which had each tens and hundreds of
adjoining camps. There was no camp without a
Bunker, though.
The Bunker
appeared long before the concentration camps during
the shameless rule of Röhm's "assault
battalions". There was no S.
Sturmabteilung1 detachment not have
its own Bunker, its unofficial prison where
to maltreat freely, unseen by others, its
In his deposition made in front
of the Nürnberg Tribunal Rudolf Diels, the former
chief of the Gestapo stated that
"Everywhere the S. A groups had built on their on secret
places for beating, the so-called Bunkers,
were the brown revolutionaries gave vent to rage towards
their defenseless adversaries." And then he described a
such-like Bunker: "the victims I found
there were almost starved to death. In order to extort a
confession from them, they were looked into tight
wardrobes. Cross-examination began and ended with
beating; moreover, at several hour's intervals about ten
tough men rushed on the victims with rods, rubber cudgels
and whips. Broken teeth and bones stood proof to
torturing. When I got in, the living skeletons with
suppurating wounds lay on a heap or rotten straw. There
was not anyone not to bear from top toe the blue-black,
Yellowish or green signs of inhumane beatings. Many had
swollen eyes and clogged blood under their
All this happened as early as
In concentration camp The
Bunkers were improved and their functions
multiplied. They served for cross-examinations, torturing
and executions by shooting in the nape of the neck or
When summoned for
cross-examination the detainees entered the
Bunker stark naked. It is impossible to
list all crimes committed in the Bunker.
Most of those confined there did not come
Back in the barrack an
occasional survivor, left to live for another short
while, was so terrified that he couldn't utter a single
SS Joseph Niedermayer, former chief of the
Bunker of Mauthausen declared
at his trial: "In the cells of the Bunker I
beaded the detainees with the cudgel, with my hands and
my first."
Arrest in the
Bunker was dreadful. The cells were dark
and humid and the food almost inexistent. One would not
sleep because there was no room to lay even on the bare
cement; quite often the corridors resounded with
shooting, as executions took place one after the other;
the wolf-dogs were barking all the time. As shown in
Eugen Kogan's book "Network of Death",
Bunkers ranged from the "dog's kennel" in
Dacau in which the detainee could stay only crouched on
one side and where he had to bark for the food which was
thrown to him as if he were dog, to the completely dark
cells in which the German intellectuals were imprisoned
as a result of the scientific contradictions between
their own views and those of the "heroes of the National
Socialist spirit" and where they became almost blind,
from the cells of Sachsenhausen which were
so small that the detainee could only stand erect being
spat through a latticed window cut at face level, unable
to wipe off his face because he could not raise his hands
and to many other such monstrous places.
The Bunker in
Dachau had 60 cells without
The Auschwitz
museum exhibits some cells that had been meant for
arrest. They are one sq. m. Large and of a man's height,
having a lateral opening to allow for ventilation but
built in away as not let the light in. There is also a
door, some half a meter high, the detainees entered
through crawling on all fours. Four people were supposed
to be confined in such a cell. They were standing erect,
had no room to move. If one of them fainted there was no
place for him to fall down.
In the evening detainee's
accused of "insufficient diligence" were confined into
such-like cells. In the morning they were set free and
sent to work. Krankenmann, chief of block XI, the
punishment block, the "death block" ordered the
Häftlings to line along a stone wall
and slapped them over their faces so hard that their
heads or jaws broke to the walls.
Ravensbrück, some 60-70 women
detainees were crowded into a punishment room, under the
pretext that they were mentally alienated. They were
dressed only in their chemises. There was not even room
to sit down. In the middle of the room there was a bucket
for relieving nature. The one and only window had no
windowpanes but grates. The women detainees left the room
only when they died.
This is how Dutch survivor Non
Verstegen describes the Bunker of the
concentration camp Vught: "After the first group of 49
women were confined into a small individual cell (2,37 x
4,02 x 2,35m) I was taken there too. Then, when the
second group of women arrived many of were crowded into
out room... We were 74... the room was so packed that we
could not move. Ventilation was very bad. It was only
after several hours that we managed to open the window,
which had got stuck. By then several women had already
fainted and their number increased during the night.
Things got worse because the room was completely during
the night. Things got worse because the room was
completely dark, and we were tortured by parking thirst
so that in a moment of madness one of the detainees bit
some of us. We took of our dresses and licked the water
that had condensed and was trickling down from the
ceiling. Later on we realized that lamming on the walls
and drinking condensed water burnt our ha cks and lips.
The new brickwork emanated nitric acid. At half past
seven when the door was finally opened, 34 bodies were
thronged in the middle of the room, while the other 40
were learning on the walls ort against each other. Later
they found out that ten woman had died."
At Buchenwald,
Lagarälteste Richter had devices the
so-called black Bunker. A wing of block
No.3, neighboring the assembly place had been completely
blacked out and closed; it was never heated... There the
frequent trashing were always administered to everybody
at a time. The food rations were reduced to almost
nothing. The survivors came of the black
Bunker looking like cadaverous skeletons.
One of them, researcher in Bible Otto Leichnigg wrote
down his recollections of the Bunker: "In
the evening of 23rd February, the whole assembly of
detainees -- 34 men in all -- was laid on the Blok,
trestle, and each was administered between ten
and 25 cudgel strokes. In the evening of February 24,
Blokälteste handed me a note reading:
"Report in front of panel No. 2". The trestle had been
prepared again. We were administered another 25 strokes.
Then we were taken to the block Bunker.
Each slit had been covered with paper. As the
Bunker was never heated, the walls were
humid and floor was covered with puddles. I crawled to
those places groping in the dark to sit into one of those
puddles and relieved the burning pain in my seat. One
night three of us sneaked out to look for some food,
because we were hungry all the time. They were caught and
brought back and then all of us were again put to the
trestle. We could wash ourselves only once every two or
three day, we shaved once within a fortnight and we did
it in a great haste. The room was utterly empty; there
were only two buckets for relieving nature in one of the
corners. In order to get to them we had to feel our way
in the dark? The excrements made the air unbreathable. We
slept directly on hard floor squeezed into one another.
Out boots, covered with the detainee's cap severed as
pillow, the coat substituted the blanket. We were tightly
squeezed into one another, forming long lines, lest we
should freeze. Nobody could change its position. After
two or three hours we were frozen. Then we marched in
circle trying to warm up a little. If one of us fainted,
he was laid in a corner. If he had lain there for two
days he was taken out; most of them perished. Days and
whole weeks passed in that way. The dead and dying were
thrown out. The duration of the punishment was not
established. I lived 50 days and nights in the black
Torturing methods varied from
camp, according to the beastliness and fancy of the
Bunkerführer2, but the
Bunker existed in each and every Nazi

Oliver Lustig's Biographical Sketch

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