Opening Shots
On July 20,
2006, Jonathan Tilove (who is a reporter for Newhouse
Newspapers that labels itself as "...not just another
news service") wrote an article entitled
Survivor's Reputation Wanders Turbulent Terrain of the
and dubbed as "Kafkaesque Dilemma" (Exhibit-Tilove,
hereto) where an attempt is being made to discredit our
critical studies on Solly Ganor, Eric Saul, and the late
Hiram "Harry" Bingham and, at the same time, to
discredit, if possible, this editor.
Nothing, but
absolutely nothing, is being challenged by Mr. Tilove in
his stated article with respect to any of the evidence or
argument supplied by us in our various critical
that we have posted. Instead, without any proof provided,
Mr. Tilove bases his entire article on the premise that
all our mentioned critical studies are meritless, lacking
any substance of truth or reason, and thus that they are
malevolent and poison the uncensored Internet. No proof
of any sort is given as to why one should subscribe to
Mr. Tilove's premise, so the reader needs to accept that
premise solely because Mr. Tilove said so! The Google
search engine is somehow being blamed for the high
ranking page that our studies are currently enjoying.
Solly Ganor (who
apparently supplied to Mr. Tilove all the private email
correspondence with us) is also being interviewed for
Mr. Tilove's article, but Mr. Ganor --as in the
past-- would stay away from touching any of the critical
evidence and argument presented by us that question (from
so many angles) the veracity of Mr. Ganor's various
claims and representations with respect to his purported
Holocaust experience. As Mr. Tilove, Mr. Ganor
stayed away from any substantive issues raised by us and
instead shifted his comments to issues concerning the
Internet, portraying himself as a victim of it. Mr. Ganor
never mentioned that we have asked him repeatedly (almost
begging him) to give his answer and reply --in any way
that he had desired-- to our voluminous critical
Using the old
adage, if you cannot shoot the message, shoot then the
messenger, Mr. Ganor attempted to do just that in a quite
frantic way, but his "bullets" did not have any effect on
us, as he would recognize later. Mr. Tilove,
following into the footsteps of Mr. Ganor, provided in
his article his doze of shootings at this messenger as
this surely could divert the readers' attention from the
real issues of deceit that Mr. Ganor (who with the
help of his coach, Eric Saul) was able to perfect
his deceit to a state of art.
Shooting at the
messenger is harmless to us in here as this editor is
immune to that kind of verbal assault that quite frankly
is being expected from those that are incapable of facing
or refuting the evidence and argument presented. In fact,
when a respondent to a critical study of ours is
compelled to attack the messenger instead of responding
to the issue(s) involved, that, in itself, is an
unmistakable mark for us that our critical study in
question is on solid grounds. If attacking the messenger
is the only thing that a respondent can provide or
interested in, then we know that we did our homework
Our website is
about presenting the story of the Holocaust and its
current representation of its tragic legacy. Nothing else
can ever be entertained in here as a subject of
discussion. There is no way in heaven that we can post in
here anything else outside the realm of this stated
When our
Holocaust work is publicly attacked from legitimate
quarters, such as the one coming from Mr. Tilove,
then, of course, we have no choice but to respond, as
silence for us is not an option.