Shooting at Random,
Left and Right,
in the Hope that Something Will be

Finished perhaps
with all the ammunition that he had in store for the
Solly Ganor case, Mr. Tilove uses this occasion to
take a shot or two at our two other critical studies
--that of Eric Saul and of the late
Bingham IV.
respect to Mr. Saul, he is being introduced by Mr. Tilove
with these words as being "an established Holocaust
curator and researcher." Surely, Mr. Tilove must be aware
that there are out there, for instance, many
"established" medical doctors accused and convicted of
malpractice. So the so-called "established" of something
is quite meaningless within the present context of Mr.
Saul. To portray Mr. Saul as a "researcher" is equally
meaningless as Mr. Saul holds no Ph.D. from any
accredited school nor is he part of the academia or a
research institute anywhere. This, respectfully, is
hardly the mark of a researcher and "a good and careful
reporter" perhaps would have noticed this.
respect to the late Bingham IV, Mr. Tilove
Brattman, the consuming controversy of recent years
was an effort to honor the late American diplomat
Hiram Bingham IV for his role in helping Jews escape
Vichy France. Brattman considers Bingham unworthy, and
launched a campaign to deny him a U.S. postage stamp
and recognition at Yad Vashem, the official Holocaust
memorial in Israel."
We have not a
clue of "the consuming controversy of recent years" with
respect to Bingham IV that Mr. Tilove was referring
to, as we posted our study on Bingham IV some three
years ago and that was all. Yad Vashem concurred with our
study and rejected last year Eric Saul's petition to
award Bingham IV with the Righteous title. The U. S.
Postal Service, on the other hand, awarded
Bingham IV, in May of this year, with a
commemorative stamp as a "distinguished diplomat" which
he clearly was as noted in our study on him where we have
(at the end of our Bingham IV
the late Hiram "Harry" Bingham IV was a good man
during evil times and may his goodness be an
inspiration and an example for others to follow in
trying times."
What the late
Bingham IV clearly was not --as supported by the Yad
Vashem findings-- was that he was not a rescuer of Jews
nor a Holocaust hero. Eric Saul's claims to the contrary
failed at the scrutiny of Yad Vashem as the real
researchers from there concurred with our viewpoint and
not his.
Are we done with
this response to Tilove's nonsensical article? Almost.
One more click...