Holocaust Survivors and Remembrance Project
... preserving the past to protect the future ...

A n   I n v e s t i g a t i v e   S t u d y
Stumbling over the sickening trail of Eric Saul ...

...to remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all...  
  E l i e   W i e s e l   

Solly Ganor
The Solly Ganor Case of Credibility and Deceit:
Solly Ganor, the Lithuanian Holocaust Survivor,
Seeking Fame and Glory out of the Ashes of the Holocaust
With a Little Help From His American Found Friend and Coach, Eric Saul

K. K. Brattman
Managing Editor

Dated: March 11, 2004

  • I.  Opening Statement
  • II. Who Is Solly Ganor? 
  • III. Open Questions on Solly Ganor
  • IV. Questioning Mr. Ganor's Grandiose Praises
    Purportedly his "Light One Candle" Book Had Received  

  • V.  On Solly Ganor's Plug
    on Eric Saul's "Visas for Life" Exhibit in Jerusalem  
  • VI.  Concluding Remarks

P a r t   I I  o f   V I

Stutthof - Sztutowo Concentration Camp (Poland)
Stutthof - Sztutowo Concentration Camp (Poland)

Stutthof is 34 km from Danzig and was the first concentration camp created by the Nazis outside Germany (Sept. 2, 1939). It is also the last camp liberated by the Allies (May 10, 1945). The first prisoners arrived in the camp on Sept. 2, 1939 with 250 Polish citizens and prisoners of war. Two weeks later, on Sept. 15, 1939, there were some 6,000 prisoners in the camp (P.O.W, scientists, etc). Few survived as most of them were executed by the SS.

There is next to a certainty that the little Solly Ganor never ever set foot into this camp from Poland much less to have been transferred from there to the Kaufering camps, part of the notorious Dachau Concentration Camp Complex in Germany. The youngsters always, with minor exceptions for medical experimentation, were the prime targets to be killed as being useless to the Nazis. There was no reason, much less documentation, for any meaningful transport of prisoners from Stutthof to Dachau. In fact, because several factories were being built at Stutthof, the Jewish prisoners of Stutthof were in high demand and would have made no sense whatsoever to have them transferred to other camps!

With this being said, there is however evidence that in 1944, when the tide of war against Germany changed, a few meaningful transports of Stutthof prisoners took place. As whether the little Solly (with his dad) were among those prisoners that, at best, is an open question that only Mr. Ganor could know for sure.

Photo Exhibit Source: www.jewishgen.org/ForgottenCamps/Camps/StutthofEng.html 


Is Solly Ganor a man of grand illusions or is he the man that he claims to be?

Encapsulated, Solly Ganor purports to be a person
1) who is a Jew born in Lithuania that along with his father survived the Kaunas Ghetto and subsequently surviving the Stutthoff
(correct spelling "Stutthof" in German or "Sztutowo" in Polish) and Dachau Concentration Camps (as posted on the back cover jacket of his autobiographical book "Light One Candle"),
2) who, after the war, left his surviving father to immigrate alone to Israel in 1948, and who, according to him "fought in four of Israel's wars" (as he bragged in the February 22, 2004, email sent to a member of our staff)
3) who in 1939, as a little boy, met Consul Chiune "Sempo" Sugihara that became, as he put it "a lighthouse of inspiration for me during my time in the dark pit of the Holocaust."
4) who is a retired "industrialist," a rich man traveling around the world in promoting the teachings of the Holocaust and, who was able single-handedly to create "hundreds of pro Israel and pro Jewish groups even in the German army" [sic!] because of his book and his various lectures held in Germany, and
5) who is also, and we quote, "a director of the Dachau Survivor's Asscotiation and a member of the directorate of the Foundation of Yad Vashem." In his latter stated capacity, Mr. Ganor informed us, with respect to the Bingham IV case (which we have studied
elsewhere), that the situation is that:

    "So far, at Yad Vashem, we don't have sufficient evidence to declare him a righteous diplomat"
  • (which in "translation" means that, to this very day, after some 6 or 7 years since this case was presented before Yad Vashem, no evidentiary proof of a convincing sort was able to be found to lead a rational person to conclude that the late Bingham IV saved even one single Jewish life from the Holocaust, much less thousands notwithstanding the fact that Bingham IV continues, with the apparent blessings of Mr. Ganor, to be part of Eric Saul's Visas for Life exhibits that parades, with great zeal, diplomats purported to have saved not one but hundred of thousands of Jewish lives!)

    Also to distance himself from the Bingham case, Mr. Ganor noted in another email addressed to us of February 22, 2004, that
"concerning the Bingham family I hardly know them."

  • Well, we would not be too surprised to learn if Mr. Ganor is not in fact on the payroll of the Bingham family! You see, in that angry email received from William Bingham of August 9, 2003 under the title "Are You Nuts" and referenced in our PS at the end of our Bingham IV study that demanded the immediate removal of our study and threatening us with an imminent lawsuit if we do not comply, he also had bragged about his family closeness to Mr. Ganor:

                "I know Soli well (Light One Candle). He sits at Yad Vashem." [sic!]

    Mr. Ganor is in fact the Bingham's family best hope for influencing Yad Vashem in rendering their sought outcome*** and, we hope that they would succeed as this would be able to prove our point beyond all reasonable doubts of how morally bankrupt is the current leadership of Yad Vashem.


***NOTE: The final outcome of the Bingham IV case was rendered by Yad Vashem on March 7, 2005. To see that determination-letter, please click in here.



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