The Author's
Testimony as a Survivor of the Holocaust in
-- Rare, Original, and Significant Documents
Preserved by the Author--
1. The post card written
by the author when he has 12 years old, addressed to his
uncle Carol (Chaim) Peretz from Bucharest, in which he
informs him about the death of his parents and of his
grandmother and asks for help to save himself and his
younger brother Sorel Rozen.
The stated postcard, posted
hereinbelow, has been returned to the Author by his uncle
upon the Author's return from Transnistria..
His uncle gave the postcard back
to him, when he returned from Transnistria.

Exterior of the postcard
Sargorod 1/6
Dear uncle,
With great pain I
have to write you that daddy, mummy and grandma
have died and Sorel and I have been reduced to
Please do your best
to bring Sorel and me to you.
Best regards to each
of the family.
Marcu and

Interior of the postcard
2. A copy of the Petition
sent by his uncle Carol (Chaim) Perez to the Marshal Ion
Antonescu, through the Jewish Central Headquarters of
Romania, in which he asks for the return of the two
orphans from Transnistria. To this Petition, his uncle
never received an answer.
To Mr. Marshal, the Chief of
the Romanian State:
Mr. Marshal,
The undersigned Chaim Peretz,
resident in Bucharest, 49, Calea Dorobantilor, et 2, I
dare respectfully to submit to your high good will the
lines as follows.
In the winter of 1941,
together with a part of the Jewish population of Dorohoi,
there has been also evacuated in Sargorod commune, the
Moghilev district, Transnistria, the family of Iancu
Rozen, my brother-in-law, composed of husband, wife,
mother and 2 children: Marcu, 11, and Sorel, 4
document was seen by this editor in December
2004 when he visited Marcu Rozen in Bucharest.
The document was in extremely frail condition,
the paper almost at its disintegration point. We
have used in here a special computer program for
enhancing the image.
These days I have received a card, a copy of which, I've
taken the liberty to enclose, from my nephew Marcu Rozen,
a child of 11 years old, by which he brings to my notice
the sad news that his father, mother and grandmother had
died and that he and his little brother have been reduced
to beggary, without any support.
The parents, the grand
parents of these children and also the children are all
born in the Old Kingdom, in the Dorohoi commune and the
grandfather of the children, on the mother's side, Meer
Peretz, my father, besides the fact that he was born in
the country, he also participated at the war of
1916-1918, according to the enclosed acts' copies and he
died later on owing to illness caught during and because
of the war.
The undersigned is also born
in the country from parents born in the country and I
took part in campaign from 1916-1918 with the grade of
Trainee Warrant Officer &endash; Short Service, having
the Military Infantry school from Botosani, being
decorated with the Commemorative War Cross, according to
the enclosed acts' copies.
In the name of these
unfortunate children, left without any support, I refer
respectfully, Mr. Marshall, to your high good will,
to your spirit of justice and your humanity, begging you
to approve and to dispose that these both motherless and
fatherless children
Marcu Rozen, 11-12 years old.
Sorel Rozen, 4-5 years
The children of Iancu Rozen,
native of Dorohoi, now evacuated in the Sargorod commune,
house No. 143, the Moghilev district, Transnistria,
should be sent to Bucharest and handed over to my care
and I oblige myself to support them having the
possibilities as shows the enclosed certificate of the
Jewish Community in Bucharest.
I beseech you, Mr. Marshal,
to save these unfortunate children left alone among
strangers and I assure you that we shall be grateful to
you all our lives.