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and Dachau Holocaust Survivor

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(Night Shift)
und Nebel (Night and Fog)
einer! (Another One!)

entryposted here.

(The Riding Whip)

im Block (Quiet In the Barrack)
When we arrived at
Landsberg, coming from
Birkenau-Auschwitz, we thought that nothing could
ever frighten us any more. After our eyes had been burnt
by the flames and smoke of crematoria for whole months,
after we had helplessly witnessed for months on end how
our fellow-inmates and friends were trampled under foot,
tortured and killed, after we ourselves had passed
hundred of times naked by the feared Captain
SS Dr. Mengele during the long selections
for gas chambers, what else could frighten us at
And yet, when we were told that
the Kommando we were included in would be
in Nachtschicht, night shift, on the next
day, this curdled our blood in our veins.
In winter 1944 all the
4.ooo Häftlings of
Landsberg No.1, of Kaufering
No.3 and 4 were working in the Mohl forest, at
the building site of an underground factory.
The roll call, with its endless
beating protracted into the evening. It took several
hours to get to the forest, marching through the
knee-high snow on a biting frost. When we reached the
forest we were exhausted, shivering with cold, hunger and
exhaustion. But the trial was only at the beginning. We
worked in the open almost without light. The detainees
fell off the scaffolding into the snow where they froze
unnoticed by anyone. They were looked for only at dawn
when their absence was noticed at the return
Appell, and when a desperate rush started.
But instead of shedding a tear or thinking well about the
dead we all cursed them for we had to look for them in
the forest, while the wind hardly let us advance and snow
covered all traces.
To carry cement was the hardest
job. The halt was far off. Hundreds of people, in a line,
curbed under the burden of cement bags, which they
carried on their shoulders to the concrete mixer. We
halted only when we fell to the ground. The path was
slippery, our legs shaky but we collapsed not much
because of the slippery path but because we were
completely drained of energy. The cement speed over us
the snow moistens it and the wind hardened in on our
clothes in our hair, in our beards. On the way back we
pulled over the empty bags to protect us from the cold.
Towards daybreak we looked like some
On our way back we met the
column of Häftlings coming to work in
the morning. They stopped and stared at us as if they had
seen some ghosts.
"Come on, why have you stopped,
get going! It's the Nachtschocht, the night
shift, coming from the Mohl forest!" one of them

und Nebel
Tens of thousands deportees
found themselves in the Nazi concentration camps, unable
to tell how and why they had got there.
They had been rounded up, taken
up from their beds at night or arrested in the street, in
the factory, in their office or in hospitals during the
day, separated from their beloved and taken to the
Bunkers of Gestapo. Those who
survived the dreadful cross-examinations were loaded in
wagons without trial and sent -- from Belgium or Holland,
Poland or the USSR, Greece or Czechoslovakia -- straight
to Dachau or Buchenwald
to Mauthausen or Bergen-Belsen.
Their personal records drawn up by the
Gestapo were marked with two initials: N.N.
When the Gestapo officer was not very
hasty, he wrote down the full words: Nacht und
Nebel -- night and fog, or in a translation
closer to the meaning: night and darkness.
Beside the six million Jews who
entered the concentration camps although they had not
been tried and no sentence had been passed on them,
bearing only the Juderstern, the yellow
star on their chest, the largest category of detainees in
concentration camps was made up by those who had come
there on the basis of a personal record marked
N.N., Nacht und Nebel &emdash; night and
Nacht und
Nebel is actually the name of the ill-reputed
decree issued by Hitler on December 2, 1941 establishing
that in the occupied territories, actually throughout all
Europe "death penalty is recommended in principle"
against all civilian persons who commit actions against
the Reich or the occupation authorities"
The indicted persons would be tried at once only in case
the guilty were sentenced to death and the death sentence
could be executed very quickly". If not, the respective
person had to be transported to Germany.
Five days later, on December 12,
1941, Keitel, the chief of General Staff of German
Hingher Command explained in a circular the meaning of
the decree: "It is the well reasoned will of the
Führer to use against persons hostile
to the Reich other methods than those
resorted to so far".
The new measure, were aimed at
ensuring not only the transports to the concentration
camps, but also at frightening the population of entire
Europe. An "efficient and durable" fear could be achieved
according to the Führer: a) by death
penalty or b) by "measure to prevent any clarification as
to which was the fate of the arrested person". Therefore,
in order to grant "the Führer's
well-reasoned will", "relatives, friends and
acquaintances must not know what happened to the
detainee, who will have no contact with the outside
No outside organization will be provided data
regarding the detainees. The death of a detainee will not
be announced to his relatives, until further
Keitel also emphasized, in order
to avoid any misunderstanding, that detention in
concentration camps of persons whose records are
marked N.N., Nacht und Nebel, night and
fig, "will last as a rule till the end of the
The personal records are
marked N.N., Nacht und Nebel, night and fog
were meaning fog only in beginning of the war.
Afterwards, once entered through the gate of an
extermination camp -- the reason did not matter any
longer Dachau or Buchenwald,
Mauthausen or Bergen-Belsen.
Everybody -- state prisoners, tramps and gypsies, Jews,
war prisoners and homosexuals -- became
Häftlings. And for them there was only
one escape from the night and fog of concentration camps:
durch den Kamin, through the

From everything that "respect
towards man" used to mean throughout centuries, in
concentration camps remained nothing. Man was crushed,
trampled down with the same nonchalance a piece of glass
was smashed under foot. Even the elementary right of all
those sentenced to death, to keep their shirt when
executed was denied. In the Nazi concentration camps the
Häftlings were sent to death
nackt -- naked.
All gas chambers had a
vestry where the victims undressed. To tear the clothes
off corpses, which during gassing clang to one another,
would have been downright impossible. Therefore
each Häftling had to enter the gas
chamber nackt, naked. This was true not
only for Birkenau-Auschwitz, where
2.000 Häftlings entered the gas
chambers at a time, but also for the smaller camps. Here
is the confession of
Hauptsturmführer-SS Josef Kramer:
"Around nine I saw 15 women to the gas chamber. I told
them we were taking them to the disinfecting room. We
undressed them with the help of a few
SS-men and when they were naked we pushed
them into the gas chamber.
When we closed the door, they
started to shout
when I opened the door after
ventilation was turned on, they were lying dead on the
floor, covered with excrements
The clothes of those killed by
shooting had to be recuperated before they were pierced
by bullets. The Häftlings selected to
be shouted were taken to a forest where they had to dig a
ditch. Then they had to go some hundreds of meters away
where they were to make up a column of fives. The
Häftlings in the first row were
ordered to undress. Goaded with riding whips from behind,
they ran nackt, naked, towards the ditch
and stopped on the edge or even got into it. Several
rounds of machine-gun fire then the second row was
ordered to undress. The orders were repeated till several
hundred of small piles of clothes, tidily packed and
lined in rows of fives was all that remained in the
Genichschluss, shooting in the nape of the
neck was chosen and the detainees were shot individually,
the Häftling was taken to the place of
the execution naked, lest the clothes should be soiled
with blood.

The SS-men, the
Blockältestes, the Kapos
kept repeating to us: "If you don't like the life in the
camp or you are fed up with it
suit yourself and
get into the wire."
"To get into wire" meant to
throw yourself over the high tension conducting
barbed-wire fence which surrounded the camp.
Noch einer,
another one, someone shouted and then everybody in the
camp, all Häftlings from the thirty
Appellplatzs of the camp suddenly turned to
the barbed-wire fence and looked at the carbonized body
of a Häftling still struggling in the
jaws of death.
The end was always the same. It
was only the beginning that each time
A Häftling
long and thin like a board heads for the barbed-wire
fence coming from the opposite side of the platform. He
does not hurry. He stalks resolutely, gazing at the fence
with goggled eyes, unable to see anything else. He is not
afraid of death. He has taken his decision alone, without
having council with anyone and now he is
His fellow inmates know that any
attempt to stop him is doomed to failure. They step aside
to let him pass and follow him, anxiously. Any activity
on the platform ceases. The resolute step of the man
heading for death sound in our ears likes the strikes of
a huge clock. Soon one of us will cry out: Noch
einer! another one and any movement on the thirty
platforms will stop for a few moments.
Now, from the jumble of
exhausted, hungry people, laying on the
Appellplatz a Häftling
of middle height jumps to his feet, looking around with
frightened eyes. He breathes heavily, like a hunted
animal. He looks up for a moment, but all he can see is
the wreaths of black-violet smoke. Suddenly he breaks
into a run, and runs so determinably as if someone were
trying to stop him. He runs so quickly as if a whole pack
of wolves were following in his track to eat him
Actually it is his own lack of
determination that spurs him: he is afraid he might
change his mind. Who knows when has he decided that
electrocution is the only way out, the only solution to
put an end to his ordeal? Who knows how long has he been
picking up his nerve to accomplish the last deed of his
life? And now, before the roll call he finally made up
his mind. But he is still very much afraid of death. If
somebody stopped him he would give up immediately. But
the hundreds of detainees on the platform are overwhelmed
by their own thoughts and pains. They will look up only
when the first who sees his carbonized body, hanging on
the barbed wire will call out: Noch einer!
another one!
The frail detainee walking to an
for along the barbed-wire fence is not even 17. His whole
family was taken to the gas chamber on the very first
day. The idea to follow them has constantly revolved in
his mind since. But fear of death always made him put off
a final decision. Actually it was not death as such that
scared him so, but the unknown suffering one was supposed
to endure when passing away. Death was the only topic
that interested him. He loved to talk about death
particularly with the doctors, trying to find out how
cans a man dies instantly, without suffering too much.
These talks prompted him to choose electrocution. And
yet, he is afraid. "What if it is not so? How can I know?
How can a living man fins out what is like when
Day after day he walked along
the barbed-wire fence; in the beginning at a 6-7 meters'
distance from it. Now, only two meters separate him from
fence. At last he has made his decision. He turns towards
the fence, stares at it as if seeing it for the first
time. He makes a step forward and chills go down his
spine. He is not able to go further, his strength fails
him, but he is neither drawing back. He turns to the left
and continues his walk along the barbed wire which
attracts him terribly.
From the watchtower at the
corner of the fence, the SS-men pull the
trigger. The shot silences the clamor in the camp. The
young Häftling falls to the ground.
Some detainee, ignorant of what has actually happened
calls Noch einer!, another one! And
everybody turns to the barbed-wire fence. The young
detainee, some twenty centimeters from the fence,
stretches his hands to reach the fence. Blood gushes
forth from his mouth. His fellow inmates look dumbfounded
at the dying man, his dim eyes imploring help, but not to
be saved but to be pushed 30 centimeters to "get into the

The first stroke with the
Peitsche witch hurt me most and sometimes I
can still feel it burning my back did not actually hit
me, but my father. It was on June 9, 1941. Our transport
had arrived at Birkenau-Auschwitz around
11. There were eight of us, my parents, five brothers and
sisters and I. Towards dusk only four of us stayed alive:
my elder sister, Eve, who was 19, was sent to camp
B. My farther, my 16 years-old brother
Emilian and I, dressed in streaked clothes, were marching
in rows of fives in the column of the first day's
survivors towards camp E. when we entered
the camp an SS-man counted us: five...
ten.. 15... In order to count accurately the
SS-man hit mit der Peitsche,
with the riding whip the back of each fifth
detainee on the right flank. When we, the last row
passed, the SS-man counted 465! And hit my
father mit der Peitsche, with the riding
whip, over the back. Ever since, in the camps my ordeal
took me to, I saw hundreds of people collapsing, fainting
under the Peitsche strokes. I saw
SS-men on bicycle, biting
Häftlings mit der Peitsche, with the
riding whip, just for fun.
I saw detainees laid on the
trestle resisting to the thirtieth, fortieth or
sixty-eighth stroke mit der Peitsche; I saw
naked detainees, with arms tired behind hanging from a
tree and hit mit der Peitsche, with the
riding whip over their most sensible parts till blood
came gushing forth.
Peitsche, the riding whip was never missing from
the hand of the Ss-man; it was the symbol
of his power and even became one with his arm, its
On April 25, 1945, it was the
first time that the detainees of Landsberg
were not taken out to work. The commander of the camp
himself came in front of us and said: "the healthy ones,
who can walk, should from column on the platforms in an
hour. The others should stay in barracks". I hid among
the sick. The able ones left the camp.
On the next day, towards
evening, we were ordered to take out the carts from the
stone houses, load the sick into the carts and push them
several kilometers to the nearest halt that were in a
forest. We reached our destination around midnight. We
were told to get back to the camp quickly and fetch to
the forest the remaining sick. We were promised a double
portion of bread if we ran. We started to run and the
SS-men followed us suit. We looked
for the sick in all barracks. It was dark. We felt the
heaps of rags and sometimes we discovered human bodies.
If we heard groans it meant that the sick detainees was
still alive. We took him out carefully and carried him to
the cart. They were all suffering from typhus with a
fever over 400. We pushed the loaded carts to
the entrance of the camp. A SS-man rushed
towards us, while his comrades in a lorry shouted at him
to hurry as they could no longer wait for him. So, the
SS-man shouted at us:
"Get back! The operation is
postponed for tomorrow!" and turning around to make for
the lorry, he dropped his Peitsche. We all
gave a start. Something utterly unease al
Throughout the 12 years since
Hitler had taken power, the SS-men never
parted with the Peitsche, the riding whip.
They cherished it more than they're own hands. Every
SS-man, however, imbecile, felt he was an
almighty Übermensch, wen he raised the
riding whip to hit those whom he considered his slaves,
as Arian blood was not running through their
The SS-men held
the Peitsche, the riding whip tight, as if
all their might were concentrated in it.
And now, suddenly, in front of
several exhausted Häftlings an
SS-man dropped his
Our eyes sparkled with hope. We
have seen an SS-man dropping his
Peitsche. The end was drawing near. The
collapse was impending.
On the next day, April 27, 1945,
the Häftlings of
Landsberg were free.

From the day we entered the
gates of the camp E of
Birkenau-Auschwitz and till we left it, the
food had always been the same, without exception, It was
called Dörrgemüse, some sort of
hotchpotch made of dehydrated vegetables.
We spoke quite often of the
meals we used to have at home. Each of us loved to
describe in detail the courses prepared on various
holidays, at parties or weddings. We listened to one
another attentively, but the taste of those meals we no
longer remembered.
At Kaufering and
Landsberg once a week we were given
Perlkartoffeln, pearl-potatoes.
When we arrived at
Kaufering 4 and got
Perlkartoffeln, pearl-potatoes for the first time
we couldn't believed our eyes. We put the potatoes to our
lips with trembling hands, for fear that once we bite
then we should find out a fake. But no, we were wrong.
They were potatoes all right.
At Kaufering and
Landsberg, as in fact in all the
other concentration camps of Bavaria, potatoes were
thrown into the pot just as they were taken out from the
earth. After they were boiled we went to the kitchen and
the potatoes were put in our caps, as we had no mess tin.
They still had traces of mud, or little stone or straw on
them, but we ate them so greedily, they gave us such joy
that no one called them boiled potatoes but in all
concentration camps they were called
Perlkertoffeln, pearl-potatoes.
In the camp potatoes became hard
currency. The unit of measure was the egg-size potatoes
witch was equivalent with three nut-size
I was in Kaufering
4 when my brother Emilian, the only member of my family I
was not separated from, got sick. His strength failed
him. It was then that I borrowed several potatoes from
friends we had shared our suffering during summer in the
shadow of the Birkenau crematoria. Little
by little Emilian recovered. When we were given
Perlkartoffeln, pearl-potatoes, we ate one
portion and paid our debts from the second.
One day in winter 1944 when I
got back from work I found that all those who had
remained in the camp, including my brother, had been
taken to another camp. I continued to pay the debt by
myself. To give back the borrowed potatoes was a sacred
duty, just as to steal a potato from a sick or dying man
was the sing of uttermost degradation.
At Kaufering and
Landsberg we were initially given
Perlkartoffeln, pearl-potatoes once a week.
They once every two weeks and later on only once every
three weeks. Towards the end of the winter we were no
longer given pearl-potatoes at all.
Those who had borrowed potatoes
had to pay their debts in bread. And as the bread portion
had been reduced to less than 100 g., to pay back for
each Pearlkartoffeln, pearl-potato, meant
to giver away a piece of your life.

The Nazi Reich bragged the
accuracy and meticulousness of the SS most
obvious when mass assassinations were plotted. In such
circumstances no mistake, no delay were admitted. The
mass assassinations had to be planed, organized and
carried through in detail, without omissions or
disturbances. Mit Präzision, with
Greiser was still engaged in exterminating the 100.000
Jews of the eastern province under his authority when he
thought about the liquidation of Polled suffering of
pneumonia. He turned directly to Himmler:
"Reichsführer! The action you approved
regarding the special treatment [that is
extermination, o.n.] to be applied to about 100.000
Jews in our province will be completed in the following
two or three months. Please allow me, after I have
concluded the action against the Jews to deliver the
province from another danger, by means of the extant
Sonderkommando which is familiar with this
job... in the province there are 230.000 of people of
Polish nationality suffering from pneumonia... Please
give your consent in principle as soon as possible, to
enable us to make the necessary prepayments starting
right now, during the operation against the Jews, with a
view to the subsequent carrying through of the action
against the Poles..."
When murder was not committed
mit Präzision, with accuracy,
according to the established rates and conditions, the
higher for a were informed at once to the last detail. At
the beginning, when mass extermination had just started
and was primitive &emdash; an SS
officer, and moreover a doctor
Untersturmführer-SS Dr. Becker,
meticulous and perseverant and proud of his zeal in
serving the "propre progress" of mass extermination,
submitted reports to the higher echelons: "Poisoning with
gas is not always done properly. Sometimes, in order to
finish it quickly, the drivers press down the
acceleration pedal to the utmost; for the reason, the
executed are stifled instead of being put to quiet sleep,
as the instructions stipulate. In consequence of my
indication, due to the proper pressing of the pedal,
death is inflicted quicker and the detainees fall asleep
quickly. There are no longer contorted faces and
excrements, as before.
When a state prisoner was
executed his relations received a "bill" listing
mit Präzision, with utmost precision
all expenses they were due to cover: the postage of the
sentence of death penalty; maintenance during arrest. The
costs of carrying the sentence into effect (the
executioner received 30 DM for each execution), postage
of the "bill".
Präzision, with SS accuracy,
were drawn up the lists of spoils taken throughout
Europe. Let me quote from one of the "Lists of clothes
and other worn item sent from the camps of
Auschwitz and Lublin" to the
Reich: worn clothes for men -- 97.000 sets; silk
underwear for women -- 89.000 sets; feather for pillows
-- 130 wagons; female hair: 1 wagon; footwear for
children -- 22.000 pairs; drawers -- 38.000; petticoats
-- 60.000; towels -- 100.000; brassieres -- 25.000
undershirts, header chiefs, handkerchiefs, skirts, mats,
scarf's, pants, overcoats, pajamas, pullovers -- sum
total: 825 wagons.
Präzision, whit accuracy were established
the categories of all those who were to be executed or
deported. A circular to a district of Poland
communicating Himmler's dispositions as regards those who
had attempted against the authorities read that they had
to be executed together with all their male relatives
&emdash; and in order to exclude any misunderstanding it
further specified: Male relatives include the father,
sons (over 16), brothers-in-law, cousins and
There was only one field in
which the SS accuracy and meticulousness
was not manifest: In recording those exterminated. Never
has been or will be possible to establish the exact
number of those killed in the Nazi concentration

In the concentration camps the
next most detested people, after the
SS-men, were die Prominenten.
Some of them were hated even more than were hated the
former. According to the dictionary Prominenten
means distinguished persons. Indeed, the
detainees belonging to that category
distinguished themselves through brutality,
sadism and bestiality, through the lack of any human
The upper layer, the most cruel
one, lacking any scruples whatever, was formed by the
"army" of those wearing the much coveted armband with the
inscription Kapo, Blockälteste,
Lagerälteste or Vertreter. To
these feared brutes added all those doing a job inside
the camp: couriers and copyists, corpses posters and
barrack servants, workshop artisans, the physicians, and
medical orderlies of the Reviers, depot,
kitchen and laundry workers.
They were recruiting for their
greatest part from among the detainees with a green
badge, that is from among professional thieves and
murderers. The abstention of a position in the inner
administration of the camp meant a chance of survival,
and the "greens" did not care if they survived at the
expense of the others. In order to keep their positions
of omnipotent masters they proved as zealous as possible
and utterly pitiless toward the detainees, surpassing the
SS-men in terms of cruelty and
In the dispute for such a
position nothing matters any more. The contenders used
every means, no matter how reprehensible, to obtain or
keep such a position. The right to maltreat other people,
even to kill them without being made responsible for it
simply made the armband wearers go mad.
The portrait made in The
Death Factory to Danish, one of the
Lagerälteste at
Birkenau, is a typical one: "In the
concentration camp his dream came true. He had become a
great sell. Master over thousands of people. He gave
orders and they carried them through. He was saluted the
way the SS-men were saluted: when the
detainees mat him they took their caps off. He was a
freaked man and the power he had acquired so easily and
so quickly made him feel really strong. It was the
happiest time of his life. He was healthy and robust, and
had more food and liquors than he actually needed. He
asked to be made adequate clothes, inventing an uniform
that should suit his prominent position. He wore black
suiting military jacket, riding breeches and brightly
polished high boots, which accounts for his nickname of
"Dark Mary".
The secret of his so-called
organizational skills lay in his unmatched brutality and
lack of king-heartedness. The life of one man meant
nothing to him. He took the initiative of telling the
SS officers that the camp was too crowded
and that some of the detainees had to be sent to the gas
chambers. He admitted loudly that in his opinion there
were only two categories of detainees: healthy ones and
dead ones. He never missed any selection made by the
SS men with a view to sending to death
weakened or sick detainees. He himself assassinated
thousands of detainees".
The female armband wearers were
even more terrible. "The female detainees wearing a green
badge (criminal offenders) formed a distinct category.
They surpassed by far their male counterparts in term of
callousness, brutality and wickedness. Most of them were
prostitutes sentenced to many years of imprisonment. Many
of them looked hideous. The fact that those beasts
treated the female detainees as they pleased to was an
implicit fact and could not be prevented. During
the visit Reichführer SS Himmler made to Auschwitz
in 1942 he considered them as very suitable to be used as
chiefs of the female Jewish detainees. Those who
died -- any they were not too many -- died as a result of
epidemics. They had no heart at all. Can still see the
slaughter of Buddy. I do not think that men could
match in terms of bestiality the "green" female chiefs
who butchered with axes, tore apart, strangled, in one
word massacred the female Jewish deportees from France.
It was horrible (Rudolf Höss)".
Concerned as they were with
crushing the detainees' morale, the SS-men knew that
nothing could have a more destroying effect upon them the
brutalities and tortures perpetrated by other detainees,
Rudolf Höss sowed in his deposition: "No wickedness,
no detestable behavior from the part of the guardians
hurts them [the Häftlings --
O.L.] and shatters their mental condition as the
tough behavior of their own inmates does. The very fact
that the detainees are compelled to witness helplessly
the torturing of some of their comrades-in-suffering by a
chief detainee, recruited from among them, has a
shattering effect upon their morale. And poor he who
tries to help or rescue a tortured inmate!"
It is Höss again who
correctly grasped the mobile gouverning the behaviour of
those belonging to the category of
Prominenten: "They want to show themselves
in a favorable light when compared with the
SS guardians and overseers who behave in
the same way, they want to prove how zelous they are. In
this way they hope to obtain advantages and ease their
detention term. And they are doig this at the expense of
the other detainees. The posibility of such an attitude
is offered by the SS guardian or oversear
who turns and indifferent eye to such thing because
either he is too easy-going to prevent them or he favours
them himself out of an wicked propensity; at times he
provokes such situations as the instigation of some
detainees against other detainees fills him with a sort
of devilish joy. However, there are mean, brutal, wicked
creatures, with criminal tendencies, among the chief
detainees as well who torture their inmates out of mere
sadism, both physically and mentally, until they
Indeed these were exceptions,
too. In many camps political detainees meneged to
infiltrate the Prominenten and used their
positions to help the suffering, check abuses and
excesses and quite often, to organize resistance. But
leaving aside such exceptions, die
Prominenten have remained in the memory of the
survivors as brutes who degraded themselves up to
self-exclusion from the humane race.

Irrespective of their rank, the
SS-men were carefully selected, well paid
professional killers. They stood out by the scope and
savageness of the crimes perpetrated by those who guarded
the concentration camps. Among them, on the lower step of
bestiality, were the SS physicians who made
experiments on human being. The long train of "accursed
doctors" was opened by Hauptsturmführere
SS Sigmund Rascher.
A Hitlerite to the backbone,
ambitious and devoid of any scruples, in 1939, at the age
of 30, he denounced his own father to the
Gestapo. Two years lather he married Mimi
Diels with whom he had been living for a long time. His
wife, who was 15 years older than him, had a great
advantage: she was the protégéé of
all-powerful Reichsführer SS Heinrich
Rascher was
the one to make the first step towards organized
experiments upon human being. On May 15, 1941 he formally
addressed Himmler to this effect, asking for approval to
experiment on human being, while mentioning that during
the experiments the victims -- "the object of
experiment," as Rascher "scientifically"
put it -- "might die". After a week his request was
"gladly" approved.
Choosing for headquarters
Dachau, Rascher set to work. He began by
testing human endurance at high altitude using lower
pressure chambers to this purpose. A former detainee, who
managed to escape, and who happened to be a doctor
himself, described suchlike experiments: "... as one of
Rascher assistants I had myself the
opportunity to see through the observation window of the
chamber how the detainees inside were kept in vacuum
until their lungs exploded. During some experiments the
pressure was so high that people went mad. In their
attempt to remove pressure they pulled out their hair,
and excoriated the skin of their heads and faces. They
would strike their heads against the walls of the
chamber, struggling against the walls and howling in an
attempt at easing the pressure hurtling their
Then Rascher
passed to freezing experiments. He scrupulously informed
his protector, Reichsführer SS
Himmler, about the results of the experiments: "...
generally, death occurs when the temperature goes down to
25,70 -- 24,20". In one of his
letters he pathetically exclaimed; "Thanks God, frost is
back again at Dachau!" He usually froze his victims in
cold water, but he also experimented "dry freezing",
forcing his naked victims to stand under the most
terrible frosts for 10-14 hours.
In order to text the blood
clotting effect of "Polygal" he order that detainees be
shot in various parts of their bodies only to leisurely
tampon the wounds with "Polygal."
Doctor Rascher not
only did not care about the people he killed but he even
took pride in his experiments. One day he arrogantly
addressed his colleague Rein: "You say you are a
physiologist but you only stick to experiments in guinea
pigs and mice. I am positively the only one doctor who
really know human physiology because I make experiments
on people, not on mice".
His fanatical wife Mini Diels,
who helped his "ascent", also contributed to his
downfall. Despite her relatively advanced age, she
contributed to the growth of the "pure race" of masters
by one child every year to the admiration and esteem of
the hinged SS quarters. At the third child
it was discovered that Mrs. Racher's
pregnancy had been simulated and the baby had been
kidnapped. The possibility that the hundred per cent
Aryan blood might be contaminated with some kind of
impurity made even Himmler get furious. The
Rasches were arrested and put to
When Germany's downfall was
imminent the Reichsführer SS himself,
Rascher's former protector, ordered that
the couple, who knew too much and could have talked,
should not fall alive into the hands of the enemy.
Mrs. Rascher was hung at
Ravensbrück. Mr. Rascher,
an SS doctor, was killed at
Dachau in late September 1944 with a pistol
shot by a guardian while stretching out his hands for the
disk of food through the half-open door of the

The ideas, plans and actions of
the Nazis were terribly savage. They materialized in
endless crimes. The most savage among them all the Nazi
theory on racialism. It fed and amplified all the other
criminal ideas, plans and actions.
Die Rassismus,
Nazi racialism, preached the primordial of pure
blood, Northern or Aryan blood; the superiority of the
German race, a race of masters, the only one capable of
bringing übermenschen, supermen, to
the word; the mission of that race to impose their will
and laws and laws upon Untermenschen,
sub-men, the degenerates belonging to crossed,
inferior races.
Once told that they were
prototypes of a superior race meant to dominate Europe,
the Nazis, enlisted in hundreds of divisions, began to
trample underfoot, destroy and kill everything that was
pure, lofty and great but belonged to allegedly inferior
peoples. They destroyed and killed everything they met in
their way howling:
"If the whole world
goes to ruins
To the hell with it, we don't care;
We'll go on marching,
Cause today we've got Germany
And tomorrow we'll have the whole world".
Rassismus, the racialism promoted by the Nazis,
pursued that every German &emdash; feeling the "pure
blood of a superior race" running through his veins,
aware of the fact that he was an
Ubermensch, a superman &emdash; should
command with &emdash; out hesitation, kill in cold blood,
without any scruples whatsoever. "we want", Hitler
declared, "to select a layer of new, asters, who should
not knew what pity is, a layer aware of the fact that,
due to their belonging to a superior race, they have the
right to master, a layer that should know how to install
and unhesitatingly maintain their domination upon broad
masses of people".
The "pick" of that superior
layer of new masters was formed by the
SS-men. One man on the submachine gun, the
other in the riding whip, they felt indeed like
übermenschen, like superman, and,
true, they were not moved, as Himmler requested, "neither
by the waves of blood nor by the mountains of corpses".
The theory of Nazi racialism could not do without
professional killers, because in addition to protecting
and growing by every means the superior race, of the
German übermenschen, it also meant the
pitiless mass extermination of those considered to be of
an inferior race. Hitler had unequivocally stated: "After
centuries of lamentations in defense of the poor and the
humble, the time has come to defend the strong against
inferior people. One of the main tasks of German State
activity will always be prevention by all possible means
of the growth of the Slav race. Natural instructs command
all living creatures not only to conquer their enemies,
but also to destroy them. In the past, one of the
victor's prerogatives was to destroy whole tribes and
Himmler formulated all this in
more direct and concise way, so as to be clearly
understood by every SS-man: "I'll put it
straight: the tense of years to come will not deal with
what kind of foreign policy Germany should promote or
not; they will mean fight for the extermination of the
inferior races throughout the world".
Indeed, to Himmler it was enough
if, out of the whole theory of racialism, the common
SS-man understood the idea that he belonged
to a superior race and he was supposed to ruthlessly kill
all those belonging to inferior races.
Addressing the SS
generals, Heinrich Himmler tried to be more convincing
and impress his audience with his "oratorical skill":
"How are the Russians getting on? How are the Czechs
getting on? I don't care a bit about it. I don't care
whether the other peoples are getting on well or are just
starving; what matters is that we should have slaves for
our corps. What if, while digging an anti-tank ditch, ten
thousand Russian women collapse in exhaustion? The only
thing that matters to me is that the ditch be ready to
the benefit of Germany".
On propagating racialism the
leaders in Berlin lay the main stress on the inoculation
of the Germans with contempt for peoples declared to
belong to inferior races, on their extermination as a
prerequisite for the assertion of the superior race, of
the German Ubermenschen!
On October 2, 1940 a meeting
took place at Hitler's headquarters. The discussions were
written down by Bormann himself. The document read:
"There should be no Polish masters; there where they are
found they should be destroyed no matter how cruel such a
thing may seem [...]". "All Polish intellectuals
should be destroyed. This many seem cruel but the law of
life rescuers so [...]." "... Priests will be
paid by us and in exchange they will have to preach what
we ask them to. If a priest is found to act differently
we will be pitiless. The mission of the priest is take
care that the Poles keep calm, to make them dullard
stupid. This is positively to our interest
Erich Koch, the
Reich's commissioner for Ukraine, stated in
a public speech held in Kiev: "we are a people of
masters, which means that the most insignificant German
worker is racially and biologically a thousand more
valuable than the population here".
Der Rassismus,
Nazi racialism, showed its must ruthless side
towards the Jews. The Slav peoples had to be seriously
thinned. He Jews, however, had to be destroyed to the
last man. If the Slavs were subject to persecutions and
starvation in an arbitrary abusive way, the Jews were
being exterminated in an organized way, methodically
adopted and made public, and a concrete program
envisaging the extermination of some 11.000.000, that is
of all Jews living in Europe. During an earlier stage the
Nazis set to themselves that only a part of the Slav
peoples be destroyed. Himmler referred to that "part" in
a speech as amounting to some 30.000.000
Nowhere in the Reich
did der Rassismus, Nazi racialism,
feel more at home than in the concentration camps. There,
in the neighborhood of barbed wire fences, of a gas
chambers and crematoria, the SS-men really
had the feeling of being Ubermenschen,
while those millions of Häftlings just
Untermenschen, just sub-men, who could any
time be humiliated, beaten, tortured, hung, gassed or
simply crushed underfoot like worms.
Also grounded on racialism were
the monstrous experiments carried out on living people in
the concentration camps. Brought to account for his
crimes in front of the tribunal, Dr. Kurt Hessmeyer
declared that he did not make any difference "between the
animals for experiments and Jewish children. At the time
I shared the opinion that the detainees in the
concentration camps were worthless as human
During the trial held in
Nürenberg, Bach Zelewsky was asked:
"Was Himmler's speech, in which
he requested the extermination of 30.000.000 Slavs, a
reflection of his personal beliefs, or was it an
expression of the national-socialist
Bach Zelewsky answered: "How I
am convinced that it was a logical consequence of our
conception. When for years on end, for tens of years on
end you say that the Slavs are an inferior race, that
Jews are not even men., it is natural that such an
explosion eventually occurs".

In all death camps, at
Birkenau-Auschwitz included, near the
crematoria and the Bunkers or within
several hundred meters from them were the
Reviers, the sick rooms. Doctor from among
the Häftlings provided medical
The decision to go to the
Revier was a matter of life and death.
First, because if you asked for a medical examination as
a result of a tired heart, damaged lungs or kidney
blockage but without any exterior wound you might be
considered a malinger by the Lagerälteste,
and instead of medical assistance you might be
beaten and trampled underfoot on the spot, right in front
of the Revier, Second, because in most of
the cases stepping into the Reviers was
tantamount to sure death.
At least once in a week &emdash;
one never knew the exact day beforehand &emdash; the sick
were examined by the SS doctor of the camp.
Those considered seriously sick or incurable would be
administered an injection of phenol right in the heart.
If they were just a few. But if they were many, they were
sent to the gas chambers of the respective camp or to the
nearest camp that had such a facility.
And yet, emaciated
Häftlings tortured by illness do
report to the Revier to get al least one
day's rest and have their unbearable pains
The aspect of the
Reviers differed from one camp to another. The
Reviers at Mauthausen were
barracks without floor, windows and toilets. They looked
like deserted stable. At Kaufering
and Landsberg the
Revier had not even beds. Instead, the
Reviers at Birkenau had even apparatus for
complicated surgical performances. Captain
SS Dr. Josef Mengele, the famous
Lagerarzt of
Birkenau-Auschwitz. Inspected the Revier
himself. If he discovered the slightest
negligence he would call the Häftling
doctors hard names in front of the sick. He would make
believe he was highly indignant even at an insufficiently
esthetic suture.
"Are you bunglers or doctor?
What's this? A Revier or just a butcher's
shop? In the German Reich, Sirs, everything
is done accurately, thoroughly and faultlessly. It has
been decided that there should be a Revier
here then a Revier it should be,
even if it's a concentration camp
On hearing him the sick strove
to rise their heads and see him. A gleam of hope showed
by in their tired sunken eyes.
While leaving the
Revier, Mengele would order that one third,
one half or three quarters of the sick should be,
liquidated starting that very day as, in his opinion,
there were too many sick detainees in there.
In all Reviers,
from all concentration camps, the saddest sight was the
one offered by the sick struggling to look cured when the
commission changed with the selection of the seriously
sick and incurables for the gas chambers showed
The news reached the
Revier a few hours or just a few minutes
before the inspection. The female detainees rubbed their
cheeks and lips with brick power, procured beforehand,
just to look full of life. Those of them who were too
weakened to do it implored their neighbors to slap them
in order to remove death paleness from their faces.
The Häftlings wounded in their legs
and hands would ask their comrades to come and arrange
quickly the ragged blanket so that the wounds should not
be seen. Those with a kidney stone made superhuman
efforts not to howl of pain, and when the commission
passed by they managed even to put on a feeble
The SS doctors
impassible surveyed the sick. A slightly perceptible sign
was tantamount to a death penalty. Sometimes, after the
review was over, they would simply change their minds:
"There is a danger of contamination. Terminate them
The consequences of such a
"second thought" occurred after a survey of the
Reviers at Birkenau-Auschwitz
are most touchingly tribunal of Nürnberg:
"The seriously sick detainees
from the surgical section, their wounds still dressed,
and whole lines of weakened, terribly emaciated sick,
some of them almost curved, were loaded in lorries. They
were all naked, and the scene was appalling: lorries
stationed outside the Revier and the
miserable victims were simply thrown into the lorries or
pushed up by orderlies. Sometimes some one hundred people
into just one small lorry [...] They all knew
what would come next. All around the lorries the
SS-men pushed back the shouting crowd
trying to jump down from the lorries [...]. One
detainee had killed his own brother in order to spare him
this awful drive".

The Nazi concentration camps,
although thousands in number, had all been built
according to the same pattern. The barracks were all
alike, surrounded by the same barbed wire fence
conducting high voltage current. SS-men
watching from watch towers, the same extermination system
everywhere, The death rate, however, differed from one
camp to another. Contempt for man, bestiality, crime were
prevalent and ever-present in each camp. Nowhere were
they more violent than in the Reviers, the
sick room, where one might have expected to find at least
a trace of humane behavior, of compassion, of pity. But
those were notions unknown to the SS-men,
notions that were completely ruled out from the camp, the
Reviers included. Given below are a few
accounts about the best known camps.
The Reviers at
Birkenau according to the description given
in the volume The Death Factory:
"The sick room, called
Revier in all concentration camps, was
initially located in barrack No. 7, camp B I
Going to the
Revier was not an easy thing. For this one
had to have high temperature. But going to the sick room
meant almost sure death.
There had been tens of thousands
of detainees who passed through the gates of
Birkenau. Most of those who passed through
barrack No. 7 ended in the crematorium.
Barrack No. 7 was a brick
barrack, without floor, with small windows that never
opened, which accounted for the unbearable stink inside.
Next to the walls and in the middle of the barrack there
were built "beds" full of lice. The pallets were soaked
with excrements. On the pallets there were so many sick
that it was only with much difficulty that they could
turn from one side into the other. The neighbor might
have a catching disease, but nobody cared about
The sick lay next to dying or
dead detainees. Lying in this hole next to all kind of
human wrecks did nothing but enhance suffering before
dying. Only one who has gone through all this can
understand the tragedy of the situation.
There was no medical assistance.
Nor were there medicines, lavatories, water, soap or
"There was no floor1.
No window. No water. No toilet. They looked like deserted
stables. This is how the barracks of the hospital at
Mauthausen, inaugurated on April 14, 1943,
looked like.
For the physiological
necessities of the sick there were three tubs in each
barrack that spread an undesirable foul smell. The sick
would drag himself to the tub and then sit on it in a
precarious equilibrium. One moment of dizziness or
weakness and he might fall inside the tub, which actually
happened to some of the sick detainees.
The beds, arranged in three
tiers, were 80 cm wide and 180 cm long. The mattresses
were paper-made, filled with straw Both the mattresses
and the blankets had not been changed since the
inauguration of the Revier.
When the Revier
was very crowded, then were six persons who sleep in each
bed; three of them slept with their head a one end of the
bed, while the other three the other way round. The lack
of space led to strong quarrels. Many a time the props of
the beds gave way under the weight, reduced as it was of
the occupants. If the uppermost bed fell then the beds
beneath it went down, too, and a dozen of bodies rolled
down on the ground accompanied by the hoarse laughter of
the other.
For the sick it was difficult to
walk from the barrack to the latrine only in one's shirt
and drawers. Towards the end of the war many of the sick
in the Revier did not have even as much as
that. It was particularly the case of the newcomers who,
after the medical examination, were sent to the
Revier naked or with a blanket on their
backs at the most. Some of the sick were so weakened that
they collapsed and died on the short way from the barrack
to the latrine".
The most terrible thing for a
sick detainees at Mauthausen was to be sent
to barrack No. 7, also called Isolierblock,
isolated barrack, a barrack for sick detainees from the
special commandos. The sick Häftlings
in barrack No. 7 were not allowed, nor did they have the
possibility, to communicate with detainees from the
neighboring barracks. They were taken to the lavatory
after the lights were out, like plague-stricken
In this way, unlike in other
cases, in barrack No. 7 there were people suffering from
the most various and unexpected diseases. On the other
hand, nothing of what happened there was ever known
Here is a description of that
barrack belonging to Professor Gilbert Dreyfus: "What
first struck you when you entered barrack No. 7 was the
smell. A dense, indefinite smell that had penetrated the
separating walls, the clothes, the human skin and even
the air, which made you feel a scratching in your throat.
The smell was not the same everywhere; zones of discrete
fetidness alternated with zones of maximal fetidness,
where various kinds of emanations
A kingdom of portends and filth,
the barrack had been meant for the accommodation of two
hundred sick, but it usually quartered four to five
hundred sick on pallets arranged in the tiers. Four or
five hundred hairless heads lying crosswise. Arms and
legs crossed in all directions. Four of five hundred
samples from the main European nations. A bustling
throng. Some were grouped according to the disease they
suffered from. The row of phlegm's and gangrenes spread a
putrid smell. The corner of scale-stricken detainees
smelt musty. In the corner of the dysenteric you
literally choked. The phthisis corner already smelt of
decaying flesh. Most of the other patients lay in a
hodge-podge of bodies: those with edema, swollen, from
head to toe like balloons, and the immense mass of
emaciated detainees knocked on by overwork who formed the
generic category of those suffering from allgemeine
"It was the empire of pus",
Cecile Goldet, who worked as a nurse in the surgical
section of the Revier of
Ravensbrück, remembers. "We were three
nurses supposed to attend one hundred and fifty female
sick. There were two women lying on one pallet. They
moaned. The sight was horrible [...]. All wounds
suppurated, the dress did not hold, the pus leaked
everywhere [...] on blankets, on the neighboring
On Tuesday and Fridays, when the
dressings were changed, the sight turned nightmarish.
Dressings were changed in front of the doctor, on the
table in the surgical room. There were very few women who
could walk all way to the surgical room. So two nurses
had to carry, actually drag a patient to the table. To me
it was an ordeal each time. All those bodies of moaning,
emaciated women with suppurating wounds you were afraid
to touch for fear it might hurt, at times suffering from
such a violent diarrhea that you had to carry a basin in
one hand while supporting them with the other! Then there
were those dressing changed in a hurry, by calling a
number, without any preliminary examination, to creatures
who were going to die after one hot! There were times
when I struggled to carry, between the many too close
rows of beds, patients who were so weakened that they
could not even moan any longer. Sometimes, the female
patients I carried were naked. We did not have enough
body linen, and their gowns were so dirty that we had to
take them off".
A shoaling image of the
Revier of Bergen-Belsen is
offered by the volume Doctors of The
Impossible: "The sight seems to belong to a
different age. The Doctor2,
accompanied by predrilled, passes by the beds. One can
hear desperate calls and implorations; emaciated arms
stretch out from the dark to draw his attention, hands
with cramped fingers cling to his clothes trying to show
him the boxes full of blood and expectoration's. He
enters a dark partition to blindly palpate a body, but he
is drawn back by some other patient; a leg is hanging
from an upper bee, the doctor stoops to pass beneath it,
slips on dedications, climbs up a bunk to examine a
patient "at the top", then gets down to look at a
motionless body: is he still alive or is he dead? Then he
turns to a youth who chokes, makes an injection one foot
on the edge of a bed, the other one on the edge of
another bed; and again those shouts and implorations in
all languages: "Docteur! Doktor! Medico!"
Recovery was impossible because
hygienic conditions in the camp were deliberately
scandalous. The sick spent 5-6 months in the
Revier dressed in the same miserable
clothes, without the possibility to take a shower as
access to lavatories in other barracks was forbidden; the
pallets soaked through by the dejection's of the dying
were never replaced; the thin ragged blankets that passed
from one patients to another were stained with dried
expectoration's; the floor of the barracks was black with
filth; the detainees were kept for hours on end in a room
as air-tight as a grave, where foul smells and viruses
mingled in spite of the doctors' efforts.
Recovery was impossible because
medicines, besides being of a common type, were very
scarce. It was practically impossible to cure dysentery
with just a few grams of anthray, or consumption with an
injection of calcium once in a week...
Recovery was impossible because
the food rations of the "non-workers" were less than half
of what was considered to be a "vital

im Block!
Ruhe! Ruhe,
verfluchte Hunde! Quiet! Quiet you accursed dogs!
It was the most heard yell at Birkenau and
in all the other concentration camps.
The SS-men,
all-might masters, posing as indifferent and contemptuous
Ubermensch, were however afraid of a
revolt, of an open confrontation with the millions of
Häftlings in the camps. They were
frightened by any movement, by any noise. They would have
preferred that everything be dead, stone still. That no
breath be heard in the camps. The only movement be their
steps. The only noise: the horsewhips rhythmically
striking the tops of the boots or the heads of the
The Lager -- and
Blockältestes also yelled
continuously. Ruhe! Ruhe, verfluchte Hunde!
Quiet! Quiet you accursed dogs!
Especially during the night, in
the barracks, there had to be complete silence. And, that
was what it was impossible to achieve.
In barrack number 21, as in fact
in all the barracks at Birkenau, on four of
the supporting beams was written in large letters,
Ruhe im Block! Silence in the
During the day, in rain, in
wind, in heat, we were standing outside, in the
Appellplatz. We were not allowed to enter
the barrack but in the evening. When the signal for
lights out was given, we rushed to the door, pushing each
other, treading on each other's feet, shouting to one
another: "Keep a place for me!"
The Blockälteste,
with the two Vertreters, were
waiting for us in the barrack. Beating us with their bent
cudgels, they were shouting continuously: Ruhe im
Block! Ruhe, verfluchte Hunde! Silence in the
barrack! Quiet you accursed dogs! Without giving a
thought to the blows we were receiving, all those more
than 1.000 youth, between 14 and 20 years of age, in
barrack number 21, called Kinderblock, the
children's barrack, struggled to be the first to enter,
to get a place near one of the walls. Those who succeeded
lied down quickly side by side, on the cement floor.
Placing their heads next to the board wall, they would
stretch their legs towards the opposite one. By lying
down on one's side, there of us would crowd in one meter.
The barrack having 40 meters in length, 120 could find a
place in the first row. But they could not afford to keep
their legs straight. Up to the passage that divided the
barrack into two there would have been place for their
rows. Or, in order that all may lie down, we had to form
five rows on each side of the passage. Therefore, those
in the first row had to coil them selves. And they coiled
themselves. Their things served as pillows for those in
the second row and it went on like this up to the fifth
row. The Häftlings who could not find
a place in any of the rows lied down equally crowded in
the passage.
Each square centimeter of cement
was occupied. There was no space left even for a needle.
Even for the sabots there was no place. We were leaping
with them on. Only those in the first row would take them
off. They used the sabots as pillows. In any case, wood
was less hard than cement.
It was taking hours until we
would all settle down in a way or another. Even the
Blockältestes and his Vertreters,
would get tired of so much yelling and beating.
They would yell once more Ruhe im Block, verfluchte
Hunde! Silence in the barrack, you accursed dogs!
And would retire to their rooms at the end of the
barrack. If you stood up and looked around (the bulb was
on throughout the night), you got the strange feeling
that the barrack was parquet with human bodies. The
striped clothes covering the uniformly coiled bodies
strengthened that impression.
In our barrack number 22,
Die Ruhe, the silence, was lasting for a
short time. A Häftling would extract
with difficulty his feet from under the body of his
neighbor and would desperately stand up. The pails for
relieving the nature were by the door. How would one
reach there? Slowly, carefully, he would place his foot
between two bodies. After the second or the third step he
would feel a blow at the knee. Someone was trying to
activate his leg. The Häftling, losing
his balance, would fall over the bodies lying in front of
himer 22, Die Ruhe, the silence, was lasting for a short
time. A Häftling would extract with difficulty his
feet from under the body of his neighbor and would
desperately stand up. The pails for relieving the nature
were by the door. How would one reach there? Slowly,
carefully, he would place his foot between two
bodies. After the second or the
third step he would feel a blow at the knee. Someone was
trying to activate his leg. The Häftling, losing his
balance, would fall over the bodies lying in front of
himtart to deal terrible blows, at random, as if against
a herd of cattle, yelling continuously: Ruhe! Ruhe
im Block, verfluchte Hunde! Quiet! Silence in the
barrack, you accursed dogs!
Silence was restored with
difficulty. Exhausted, the
Blockältestes and the two
Vertreters, would with draw with the
cudgels under arms. The lull would last 30-40 minutes.
Then a shrill cry would be heard
a sole that would
stop suddenly, as it had started
deep sighs
desperate cries: "Mother! Mother, don't leave me!
am afraid, help
help! No, not yet! A day, only
Mother! Mother, were are you?
" the
children Häftling in barrack number 21
were dreaming. But their dreams were too noisy and the
SS-men were afraid of noise, especially at
night, when they wanted everything to be dead, stone
still, and only the steps of the guards and the
horsewhips rhythmically striking the top of the boots are
Blockältestes and the two
Vertreters knew that and when the shouts of
mother! Or help! Were too loud awakened them, they would
rush again into the barrack, mad with fury. That time no
one would escape from his or her bent cudgels. The most
unprecedented hubbub of screams of paint and yells would
be heard until dawn. Ruhe! Ruhe im Block,
verfluchte Hunde! Quiet! Silence in the barrack,
you accursed dogs!

Oliver Lustig's Biographical Sketch

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