Holocaust Survivors and Remembrance Project: "Forget You Not"™

The Eric Saul Case of Deceit and
his "Visas for Life: The Righteous Diplomats" Project
--An Issue of Credibility and Accountability--

[Part 5 of 7]

V. Damages Created by Eric Saul's Bogus Holocaust Project


Each and every single public place that has hosted Mr. Saul's Holocaust "show" is a victim.

Each and every organization donating money to Mr. Saul's bogus Visas for Life project is a victim.

Each and every individual that has been associated with or donated money to Mr. Saul's project, and did not derive any benefit from it, is a victim. (We do not know at this stage of our investigation whether Mr. Bingham is a victim of Mr. Saul's scam or a willing participant to it but within 30 days, we should be able to have a clear understanding of this important distinction. This is because within that period of time, Mr. Bingham would have an opportunity to make known his stand not through his words, if any, but through his actions and deeds.)

Each and every newspaper, Internet website, and other media outlets from the United States, Israel, or from other parts of the world that publicized Eric Saul and his bogus Holocaust project is a victim. (We, ourselves have been victimized by the Bingham-Saul "show" as noted at the beginning of our presentation.)

All the damages inflicted by Mr. Saul's insidious project were of the most profound and lasting nature, as it struck at the core of each and every victim's most important asset: the victim's reputation and credibility.

From all the victims that Mr. Saul was able to prey on, Yad Vashem stands out, by far, as the most damaged. No person from the entire tumultuous history of the Jewish State has done more harm and damage to Yad Vashem than Mr. Saul did with his "Visas for Life" project. As you perhaps have noticed from Mr. Saul's reply to us (Exhibit 11 , hereto, ¶13), he was bragging to us how Yad Vashem had embraced his "Visas for "Life" project by stating:

(13) "Yad Vashem has duplicated the Visas for Life exhibit and is touring this exhibit throughout the world."

And his bragging was not without teeth as Yad Vashem has even created in their website a place for displaying Mr. Saul's Visas for Life exhibition (see, http://www.yad-vashem.org.il/exhibitions/temporary_exhibitions/visas/home_visas.html or http://www.yadvashem.org.il/exhibitions/temporary_exhibitions/visas/home_visas.html)

Let there be no mistake as to where we stand with respect to this enormously tragic occurrence:


Every day, every hour, every minute, every second that Yad Vashem is promoting and/or is associated with Eric Saul's "Visas for Life" is an affront to the memory of the Holocaust and its victims, and an affront to the survivors of the Holocaust.

Respectfully, a fundamental question needs to be asked as to whether Yad Vashem can continue, in its current set up and with its current leadership, to remain as the official guardian of the Holocaust "grounds."

You see, for many people around the world, Jews and non-Jews alike, Yad Vashem is not merely a Holocaust museum, or merely a gigantic repository of Holocaust documents --although certainly in both respects it is second to none.

For many, Yad Vashem is first and foremost the keeper and guardian of the world's conscience frozen in time, of a time, when the human conscience has reached one of its lowest points of its tumultuous existence. We are a part of those people, that view Holocaust as sacred grounds and Yad Vashem as the official keeper of those grounds.

The catastrophic blow that Yad Vashem has suffered as a result of its association with Eric Saul and his Visas for Life project may parallel in a way to the catastrophic blow that NASA has incurred with its Columbia mission. Yad Vashem would be well advised to follow NASA's resolve to correct its lapses and move on. Yad Vashem's security lapses are so enormous that it is truly frightening and beyond comprehension.

As in the case of NASA that has halted its entire operation until it can find first and foremost the root cause that led to the catastrophic result in the Columbia mission, Yad Vashem would be well advised to follow NASA's tenacity to come clean from its past errors and move on as a more responsible and far stronger and equipped agency.

For all practical purposes, the Yad Vashem's "Righteous Among the Nations" program must be indefinitely placed on hold as it is utterly absurd to continue with a program that needs serious fixing. As in NASA's case, Yad Vashem must appoint an outside panel that could be called the Red Alert Investigative Department (abbreviated with the acronym RAID) whose foremost task would be to recommend to the Chairman of the Yad Vashem Directorate as well, as needed, to Knesset (the Israel's Parliament) of structural and operational changes that Yad Vashem needs to implement in order to be able to keep up with the new wave of impostors. Protecting itself from intruders of Mr. Saul's type and caliber or even of more sinister ones, is essential, for Yad Vashem's own survival, if is to remain the undisputed guardian and ultimate keeper of the most sacred of all sacred grounds that the Holocaust surely must represent. It may very well be possible that RAID would even evolve into a permanent watchdog for Yad Vashem whose task would be of issuing warnings and alarms of various types for securing at maximum the sacred grounds of Yad Vashem from each and every possible direction.

There is little doubt in our mind that Yad Vashem needs to go through a thorough and most comprehensive self-examination as it will be a tragedy of immeasurable proportion if it cannot be awakened from its current complacent state. The sanctity of Yad Vashem is now at stake and that sanctity must be protected at any cost.

Assessing the damages in an accident is only one side of the coin. The other side is, of course, assessing the accountability and that, is the subject of our next section. 


